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I sat lost in my thoughts, staring out the dreary window. The sky was dotted with dark clouds and my mind was swarming with thoughts, as usual. The time on my wrist said I had a little less than 2 weeks to get this show on the road and it was scaring me more than I liked to admit. The goal here on Earth was to get the souls and go home. The obstacle? Well, there were many. There was Mila, the anonymous threats, Mrs. Shin from Jeju, this timer, and my own heart.

The rapping of someone's knuckles on my desk pulled me from my bleary thoughts. I glanced up, my eyes widening as Yoongi and I made eye contact. His hair looked soft and fluffy with a slight part to the side. His almost dark hair grew long to his nape and his chocolate orbs held an unknown emotion. Concern, worry, anxiousness? I couldn't tell.

"Rina?" I shook my head, suddenly looking around me at the empty classroom. "Class ended 2 minutes ago."

"O-oh...I'm sorry."

"Did you finish the sheet?"

My eyes cast down to the blank music theory sheet on my desk. I had been so worried and focused on the plan for the next few weeks, that I had totally forgotten to do the work.

"No. I'm sorry, really." I packed up my bag as he sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

"This is odd. You didn't finish your work in 30 seconds? Something's wrong."

I only chuckled as I stood up, glancing out at the dark sky. 


He hummed, taking the sheet from my desk, probably to throw away.

"Do you want to go get lunch?"

He turned, surprised at the request before masking it with a plain expression. "Sounds fine. Let me collect my things and then we can go."

I nodded, making my way over to the wall of windows, subconsciously rubbing my wrist where the timer sat. The warm hand that was placed on my shoulder brought me immediate comfort.

'All I need is you, Yoongi.'

I turned to him, offering a small smile before heading to the door. 

"I'd hold your hand but we're going to have to wait till we're off campus, sorry buddy," I teased, watching as he rolled his eyes as if he was annoyed, but the ghost of a smile on his lips told me otherwise.

Just as promised, once we got off campus, I grabbed his hand, interlacing our fingers before turning to him.

"Where are you parked?"


"We'll put our bags in it and then we can go eat."

He nodded, leading me to the teacher's lot where he unlocked a luxurious, matt black Mercedes. He opened the back door, waiting for me to put my bag in before he did as well, and locked it, stuffing the keys in his pocket. He was dressed comfortably today, in black jeans and a black sweater. It was quite breezy out.

He brushed past me, walking back to where we originally were standing. I pouted, running to his side and grabbing his hand again. He sighed, turning to look at me before holding our intertwined hands up.

"You're a really touchy person, aren't you."

"And I know you love it."

His cheeks turned a soft shade of pink before he somewhat scowled, turning to face forward and stride down the busy street.

"I'm just kidding! Here, if it's more comfortable for you," I mumbled, taking my hand out before holding them to my sides, glancing around for a place to eat. As we continued walking, I felt the tips of his fingers brush mine before he gently grabbed my hand. I glanced down before watching the side of his face. He seemed focused on finding food but his cheeks were still slightly pink. 

I grinned, squeezing his hand before pointing to a bbq place right across the street from us.


"I'll pay!"


"What?" I stopped walking when we reached the intersection to cross. 

"I said no. You're not paying for anything."

"But I invited you to lunch. Why would I do that and then make you pay?"

"You're not making me pay," he simply shrugged, pulling me along when the walking sign turned on.

"Yoongi I'm not going to let you pay."

"Fine, where's your wallet?"

I dug it out of my deep jacket pocket before handing it to him. He grabbed it and stuffed it in his pocket.


"Now you don't have a choice," he grinned, a cute gummy smile appearing.


"Table for 2 please," he told the hostess. She smiled at our bonded hands before grabbing 2 menus and leading us to a secluded table in the corner of the restaurant.

"I hate you," I muttered, crossing my arms once I had sat down. He laughed, another genuine smile appearing on his lips.

"Thanks," he grinned, picking up the menu and scanning over it.

I sighed but smiled anyway. Maybe I just had to let him open up to me. It couldn't be that hard, could it?


It's still interesting I hope? 

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