Uncertified Substitute

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The alarm near my head started ringing madly, reminding me shortly of my last day on my planet before I actually got up to shut it off. I stared tiredly at the wall in front of me. Maybe staying late with Mr. Jeon last night wasn't the best idea.

Still, I couldn't help the warmth that sprouted in my heart when I thought about yesterday.

I sighed, getting up and making my bed before sifting through my small closet and picking out a normal t-shirt and jeans that Yoora had given to me. Though I told her I was fine, she continued to give me clothes she didn't want.

I glanced at the envelope on my counter, grinning widely before changing and making my way to the envelope. I gently opened the flap before peeking at the wadd of cash and quickly counting in my head. My eyes widened at the sudden number flashing through my head. 

I can't take all of this! I'm asking him to lower my pay.

I quickly stuffed the envelope in my bag, positive I was going to go get that book after my classes and buy some necessary items. I couldn't keep counting on Yoora to get me through life.

I quickly grabbed an orange before exiting building A and smiling at the sunny sky. Though still incredibly cold, the sun made my morning just a little better.

I made my way to Mr. Min's classroom, passing the usual group of perfume and smoke chemicals before sitting down in my seat. I began to take out my things before I noticed no one was in the room. Confused, I got up and made my way down to Mr. Min's desk, checking for a bag of some sort. 

Nothing. My brows furrowed in confusion as I leaned on his desk, glancing out the window. Am I in the right classroom?

Obviously, I was. I clearly passed the group of oddballs outside the door.


I jumped, almost falling off my perch on the table as I quickly greeted the astounding man in front of me. He seemed...familiar.

"Are you one of Yoongi's students?"

I tilted my head before it hit me. "Oh, Mr. Min! Yes, I am..." I mumbled, noting he had walked in while I was sitting on his desk. "I-is he here today?"

The man smiled brightly, making his eyes turn to slits. "He's feeling sick so I have to cover for him."

"Are you another professor here?" 

He shook his head before dropping a bag at the base of the desk. "No way. I'm actually a police officer. I just happen to have-" he paused trying to find a way to word it. "Ties with him. He's a good friend of mine and I was actually with him this morning. He asked me to take care of his classes for the day."

"And they approved it?"

"Who's they?" he asked, sitting gently in the chair, his whispy grey hair falling nicely over his smooth forehead. 

"The school I mean," I quickly averted my gaze to the stack of papers on the desk, trying to hide the creeping blush on my cheeks. 

"Oh yeah, I do it for him often. He told me about you I think. Rina, right?"

I nodded as he hummed, a smile bright on his face. "Well, I'm Jimin! But you can call me Mr. Park."

My eyes widened in realization. First, I had no idea multiple people could have the same last name which is why I had a panic attack when he said, Park. And Second, he was the short man with the redheaded waiter at the small cafe.

I bit my lip, trying to figure out if I should ask him about it or just stay silent. "Um, I actually had a question. I-if you don't want to answer it, it's fine I realize it might be personal."

He nodded at me to continue. "T-the man at the cafe, redheaded and a waiter-" I paused to see his reaction. He was clearly deep in thought but once it registered his eyes began to widen, making him look impossibly cute. "What's his name?"

Originally I was going to ask if he had ties to that man too but I settled on the latter.

"I remember you..." he mumbled, backtracking to some memory inside his head. "You were the girl by the window!"

I pursed my lips, looking away at the window in embarrassment. So he did recognize me. Mr. Park chuckled before calling me. "No need to be shy. You looked so pretty on the window sill."

Well, now my cheeks were flaring as I looked down at my feet, fumbling with my fingers. Was this normal to have random people be this open about stuff?

"I-" I had no words. What was I supposed to say to that? 

Noticing my humility he chuckled, leaning forward on the desk. "His name is Taehyung."

Small world huh? Where had I heard that name?

"Ah and is he-"

"Yes, he's my boyfriend." 

I let out a sigh, somehow relieved I had gotten the answer to my original question. "You guys looked so cute." I wanted that. Badly.

He hummed, delighted at the compliment. "Thank you."

A bell suddenly rang, reminding me of where I was at the moment. I returned to my seat and softly sat down to stare out the window, unaware of the eyes that stayed glued to me the whole class.


The familiar little bell rang, notifying the bookshop of my presence. However, nobody was at the desk, confusing me. I slowly crept to the supernatural section, stopping in my tracks when I heard a familiar voice. 

"Are you sure you don't have anything better than this? Like maybe one about life sources or old myths?"

My breath hitched, realizing what the conversation must have been about. "I'm sorry Miss. The only book we have on that is on hold for another reader."

"Can't you take the hold off?"

"Technically yes, if she doesn't come back within a week we take the hold off but I'm sure she'll be back before then. She seemed very interested in what the book had to offer." 

I stilled myself behind a bookshelf, watching in horror as a very familiar girl stormed out of the shop, a determined but annoyed look on her face. The man sighed before returning to the desk. I came out of my hiding spot, surprising him into dropping his glasses. 

"I'm sorry I'm back so late. It took me- awhile to get here," I smiled apologetically as he picked up his glasses, polishing them off. 

"I suppose you heard everything then?"

"Yes and I'm very thankful you continued to hold it for me. You have no idea how badly I need this book."

He smiled, a set of dimples appearing reminding me very much of his nephew.

"So, here it is." He took out the hard-covered book, placing it softly on the counter. I quickly sifted through the envelope, taking out the right amount and handing it over. He went through the strange process of scanning with a red light and popping open a drawer filled with dollars and coins before he placed the book in a bag and ripped a piece of paper, placing it inside. 

"Come back soon," he smiled, waving as I exited a store, an excited smile on my lips as the thought of the girl evaporated into nothing but a cool mist in the back of my head.

                                                      ነቿሀቿክ የሁዪቿ ነዐሁረነ   

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