What is Love?

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I wasn't sure what Taehyung was planning to do. Hopefully nothing too intimate. I would never live that down.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, adjusting the large t-shirt before tying my hair back and entering back into the bedroom. I was surprised to see Taehyung laying in his bed, hair ruffled and fluffy as he moved the blanket and motioned for me to lay down in the space beside him. 

I slowly slid under the covers, trying to curl myself into a ball so I wouldn't touch him.

"Rina, will you relax? I'm not going to do anything you won't be okay with. Being in love with someone isn't where you're terrified to shut your eyes or even remotely touch them."

I let my limbs relax, my heart jumping at the feeling of Taehyung's arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me against his warm body. 

"Want to watch a movie?" he asked quietly, softly rubbing his nose against my jawline. It made my stomach fill with butterflies.

"Sure," I managed to whisper, turning to watch him grab the remote and search through the large tv for something to watch.

Once he picked something, he put the remote down and settled back into his spot, motioning for me to get closer.

"Are you sure?" I asked, still feeling on edge.

He rolled his eyes, scooping me up in his arms and placing me on his lap where my arms immediately moved to rest around his torso.

"Comfy?" he asked with a hint of a smirk on his lips. I slowly rested my cheek against his chest.


He grinned, shifting slightly. "Good."

I would like to say I started paying attention to the movie after that but it seemed to be an impossible feat. Instead, I thought listening to his quiet heartbeat and feeling the feather-light touch of his fingers running up and down my sides was much better.

My eyelids continued to get heavier and heavier but I didn't want to fall asleep. Not when what I was feeling, this wonderful moment in my horrible life, was happening right this moment.

"You can sleep...I'll do this whenever you want," Taehyung whispered, pressing a soft kiss to my temple. I let out a quiet sigh, tightening my hold on him before letting my eyes shut and my consciousness drift away.

Is this what love is?


The next morning felt like everything that happened was a blur. Taehyung was nowhere to be found and the house was silent. 

I slowly got out of bed, taking my hair out and running my fingers through it before shuffling towards the door and peeking out into the hall.

"Jungkook? Hoseok?"

I fully exited the room, making my way to the kitchen. There was a small note on the kitchen counter, signed by multiple names.

Hi Rina,

Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon, Jin and I had work. Sorry, we couldn't be there to wake you up but you looked peaceful sleeping! After yesterday's events, we wanted you to get as much rest as possible. Yoongi however doesn't have any classes to teach today so if you need anyone, check his room! Don't miss us too much :b

-Hoseok and the other 5 >:)

I felt a little panicky after reading the note twice. I was left here, alone, with Yoongi? The only one out of the 7 who literally hated my guts after the whole Mila thing?

I sighed, only just noticing the plate of food on the counter, sitting next to the note and covered with plastic wrap.

In case you're hungry!

"They're so sweet." I smiled, taking the plate to the dining room and sitting down before beginning to eat the delicious food.

I took the time in silence to try and figure out what I knew. Mila could have been a possible culprit for literally everything that has happened to me so far, but she also wouldn't send an email threatening to expose me. Not when she's literally an alien too.

I was startled out of my deep thoughts when I heard the padding of footsteps. This suddenly seemed very familiar to me. 

I ducked my head, pretending to be deeply entranced by my phone as Yoongi walked in. I expected him to continue walking to the kitchen but he stopped in front of the table where I was sitting.


I refused to look up, keeping my eyes glued to my dark screen as I ate.

For a moment, the silence was so suffocatingly quiet, I thought he left but was shortly proved wrong when his fingers caught my jaw and he pulled my gaze to face him.

"Don't ignore me."

"Well, I didn't think you'd ever want to talk to me," I snapped a little too quickly, pulling away from his hand.

He sighed, gazing around the room before back to me. He pulled out the end table seat beside me, sitting down carefully as I continued to eat.

"I'm sorry for what I said."

"Why are you sorry? It was true, wasn't it? We're not friends. It was stupid of me to think so. End of story."

His jaw clenched in what looked like annoyance as I sat staring at him. Truly, inside I felt panicky knowing I might be throwing a little too much attitude but I wouldn't lie, that hurt me.

"But it's not."

"It's not what?" 

"True. It's not true."

I set down my chopsticks, chewing my food slowly.

"I was annoyed and frustrated because you suddenly showed up in my class and seemed to be a prodigy in everything you did when you had never done music before. Then you show up at Junkook's office and suddenly know everything there too. Not to mention the others seemed to like you right away. I didn't want anything to change between the 7 of us. It took so long to get to this point where we all trust each other and then you came along."

My lips pursed as he sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"And I was afraid it would change because I suddenly took a liking to you too."

My jaw dropped in slight disbelief. "What?"

"You have such a sweet personality it reminds me of Taehyung. And god I love Taehyung with all my heart. You're hard to dislike and I hated that I couldn't find anything wrong with you. Not to mention you were getting closer to all the others too. I felt like I had to find a way to keep you out and I know that sounds selfish but I feel really shitty about it."

I smiled softly, taking his hand in mine. He looked up from his lap, an odd look in his eyes.

"It's okay. I have things to be sorry for too. You're right, I was acting all high and mighty because in reality I know I'm nothing close to that. I guess we both were wrong in some aspect, right?"

He nodded, chuckling softly. 


He smiled a genuine bright gummy smile. "Sounds good."

                                                     ነቿሀቿክ የሁዪቿ ነዐሁረነ

Three updates? Woah 🫢

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