Conflicted Feelings

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Taehyung P.O.V

I felt so betrayed. Every fiber of my body trusted that girl with my life. I let her in so easily. Just to have it again backfire on me.

I held my head in my hands, soft sobs shaking my body. Jimin crouched in front of me and took my hands away from my eyes. He gave me a reassuring smile. 

"Taehyungie, everything will be okay. We'll figure this out."

I stared deeply at him, feeling my tear-stained cheeks only get more wet with my cries. "Did you even love her? How are you so okay with this? She was a fucking alien!" Yoongi snapped.

"Did you love her? You turned on her quicker than I could even have a thought!" Hoseok stood up quickly, an almost growl in his tone. Yoongi stood up as well.

"Hoseok what is going through that thick head of yours?! The girl took our souls! We could die!"

"She loved us too Yoongi! I know she did," he faltered. "I know she did. She loved all of us. She just made the wrong decision."

Everyone was silent.

"Her planet is in danger. She was just doing her job."

I dried my eyes with my sleeves, shaking my head as we all sat in silence. Suddenly Jungkook stood up abruptly, his eyes still glistening.

"Do you guys hear that?"

"Hear what?"

We all went quiet again, listening for whatever Jungkook had heard. Sure enough, after a few seconds, I heard frantic shuffling and muffled voices from outside the door. Then there was a brief thump on the wall before it was silent.

"What was that?" Jin asked, getting up to go to the door. 

"Wait, Jin. Let me," Namjoon argued, pulling him back and opening the door. We watched as he took a few steps out into the hallway and bend to grab something from the ground. He picked up the small, sparkling item and turned to us, a concerned look on his face.

"Was this Rina's?"

I stood up, wiped my nose, and headed over to him. He shut the door and handed it to me. I took the small barret in my hand and examined it. Fear overcame my body as I shoved it back into his hands.

"It is."

"Well, where is she?" Jimin stood up, a worried look on his face as well. 

"Why should we care?" Yoongi impatiently asked.

"Are you dumb or do you just not care?!" I snapped suddenly, surprising myself and the others. "She's an alien Min Yoongi! She looks like one too! Where's she gonna go?" My heart was confusing me now. She hurt and betrayed us. Why did I still feel something for her?

"Well," Yoongi paused. "I don't know."

"Oh my god. Didn't she mention someone following her to sell her? Something like that?" Jin looked like he was beginning to panic as he whipped out his phone to call her.

"Why are you guys all over her?! She just lied about her entire existance to us and took our lives." Yoongi looked conflicted. I couldn't tell what was going on but Jimin seemed to.

"My feelings for her were real. Were yours?" We all watched as he searched our faces. Jungkook sighed deeply. Yoongi hesitated.

"I should've known," Namjoon scoffed. "You were the last to accept her and the first to shun her."

"Did you not see how Taehyung snapped at the girl? And suddenly he's all Knight and Shining Armor?!"

"I know. I was so caught up in the moment I wasn't thinking about what I was saying. I hurt her and I feel like shit. But if she's in danger and we can do something about it, then we should." I tried to reason with him. I grabbed his wrists before I nuzzled his neck. He sighed quietly as I felt a small wetness on my shoulder.


I looked up, he had tears dripping down his cheeks. "I did love her. I really did," he sniffled. My heart seemed to break more as I tightened my hold around his waist. "B-but she hurt us Taehyungie. S-she took everything from us."

"But she alsot took everything from herself. I know she did the unthinkable and lied about everything. But she didn't lie about her feelings. And I'm an idiot for that." I paused. "God I called her a feeling fucker. I need to fix things. Please Yoongi."

He nodded, pressing his lips against my forehead. "I may not forgive her. But we can help her."

I smiled, pecking his wet lips as Jin suddenly announced he had her phone. We turned, crowding around him.

"She's moving. Really freaking fast. But its almost like she's...going back to the party?"

"Oh shit. What if they use her as some sort of showcase?" Jungkook jumped up and slung his coat over his shoulder before grabbing the rental car keys. "I'm going. Who else?"

We all wanted to go so we all followed him out. On the way Jin took the keys from Jungkook, claiming he knew where to go. We all piled in the car and buckled before Jin roared out of the parking garage.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook quietly asked me. I kept my gaze locked on what was outside the window until he gripped my chin and directed me to look at him. "Talk to me," he whispered, brushing a strand of hair from my eyes. My cheeks reddened, seeing how lovingly he looked at me. I would always be whipped for him.

"I said so many horrible things to her and probably scared her. I just- I'm so messed up from my last relationship, I thought the same thing was happening again. I freaked out."

"We all did Taehyung. The girl we loved was an alien and admitted to lying about herself to all of us. But wasn't it her personality we fell for? It's not like her being an alien changes anything."

"It does change how we saw her," Hobi quietly commented from Jungkook's side. He seemed to have been the most affected. I would understand. He felt a strong connection with her.

"But not how we felt about her. Which is why I'm confused at myself for turning on her as fast as I did. I was so scared I would die or some shit that I immediately hated her. But I don't. I really don't. I was trying to convince myself that was I felt wasn't real but it was. Every single bit of it." Jungkook rarely ever explained his feelings. Most of the time it was a guessing game. Which is why we were all so surprised he told us what was going on in his head.

"I understand," I mumbled, wrapping my arms around him and pressing a kiss to his temple. "I understand."


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