Midnight Limelight

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I moaned softly, tasting the delicious cheesy pasta on my tongue. "Hobi this is so good," I sighed dreamily. He laughed, smiling widely at me.

"So you like Italian food?"

I nodded eagerly.

"Noted. To tell the wedding planners of course."

I choked on my food, pounding at my chest as I raised a napkin to my mouth. He laughed before rushing to my side and ensuring my water was near. 

"I'm sorry that was a joke. I didn't think you'd react like that," he apologized shyly, a red tint on his cheek.

"No no," I shook my head, smiling softly. "It's cute. You're much different than Yoongi per se. You two are total opposites. Tell me, how did something like that happen?"

He sat back down, continuing to eat his own pasta. "Well, he actually is a big softie. When he lets out his random bursts of energy, it's like he's a kid again. That's all of our favorite side of him. When he is like that, he'll drag one of us to cuddle with or whine until one of us gives him attention."

'My goodness, this Yoongi sounds so cute.'

"That sounds adorable."

"Until you're his human pillow."

"Awww you love him."

He stared off at the mountains, a cute, adoring smile on his lips. "I do."

"Sigh. Why can't I be loved like that," I pouted, puffing up my cheeks before huffing in frustration. Hobi stood up, pulling me to the other side of the roof where there was a fire going and couches set around it for if a party was being held.

"But you are."

"What do you mean?"

"I heard Taehyung kissed you. It took so long for him to warm up to all of us. He only gave me my first kiss from him almost 4 months into dating."

Hoseok sat down, pulling me onto his lap so my cheek rested on his chest. He pulled a fuzzy grey blanket over us and wrapped his arms around my torso.

"That's a surprise."

"Yep. Although after he kissed you, he came running right to me, panicking because he thought he did something bad."

"Yeah...that's my fault. I was kind of freaking out," I mumbled, my fingers reaching for the pendant around my neck.

"He's just never warmed up to anybody that fast. I was surprised when he almost immediately took a liking to you."

I hummed, shifting so my nose nuzzled at the crook of his neck. "What about you?"

"Me? I'm surprised it took me so long to kiss you," he grinned, pecking my forehead. 

"I thought you were just naturally a touchy person. Not that-"

"I loved you?"

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. He chuckled softly from beneath me. 

"Don't tell the others, but I think you're our missing piece. Both Tae Tae and I think so."

I shut my eyes tightly, exhaling loudly. I hated this feeling of guilt. Did I love them? Or was I just instinctively playing along?


He hummed again. 

"If I revealed to you I was a secret murderer, would you still have these same feelings for me?"

"Everybody deserves a second chance at the truth."

"What if I was a thief? Surviving off of others' misfortunes?"

"You'd actually be surviving off their fortunes. You wouldn't rob a poor household. And again, you deserve a second chance."

I nodded. 

'Maybe he would give me a second chance if he ever found out.'

"Thank you for tonight Hobi."

"Of course Rina. You know I love you?"

"Are you sure you do?" I asked, sitting straight and staring into his gentle brown eyes. His fingers felt along my pink strands. "I do."

I leaned forward, resting my forehead against his own. "Well then, I love you too."


I was inwardly panicking. It was probably 1 in the morning or sometime near then. Hoseok had dropped me off at my dorm at almost midnight. Time had flown by sitting by the fire. As soon as he left though, I decided to take a walk around campus. It was a breezy night and I just felt like I had to clear my mind. 

On one hand, I was questioning my true feelings and on the other hand, my brain was just telling me to ignore and move on to the next person. I wasn't sure what to do.

Without realizing it, I had walked off campus and down the not-so-busy streets of Seoul. 

Now, I hadn't realized how far I ventured until I realized the only street lights were a good distance from each other, no signs were lit up and the alleyways were pitch-black. I had definitely made a wrong turn somewhere back.

That wasn't my problem. Normally I could turn right back around and head home. But only a few seconds ago I noticed the other, very quiet set of footsteps behind me. I didn't dare turn around but instead took out my phone to pretend to check my hair. Indeed, a man was behind me. I zoomed in a little and saw he had rough, tan skin, dark hair with blonde at the tips, and a large black hoodie. It was terrifying to me how normal and sinister he looked at the same time.

I opened google maps, still walking, and tried to pinpoint in my head where I could be. When I finally made a decision, I marked the police station but realized I had to turn around to get there.

At the next intersection, I checked both ways before normally crossing the street and turning around, making my way back. The man seemed to notice my change of direction, crossing right behind me and continuing his lurking.

Deciding to look back and possibly get a better view to tell the police, I stopped walking and turned, only to see no one.

My heart picked up speed as I checked both sides of the street before turning around and speeding up.

Again I heard the footsteps and again I turned around. No one.

Feeling anxiety grip my chest, I turned and started sprinting down the sidewalk, running at the quickest pace I could.

As I expected, the footsteps also began to get faster until I was sure he was right on my heel. In short enough distance to grab my hair and tug me backward. I began to feel more exhausted, my feet hurt from pounding the ground until I saw the station.

Relief flooded my insides but not for long. The man grabbed my shoulder and yanked me backward, pushing my body onto the ground. A whimper left my throat at the impact my elbows made on the ground. I lifted my chin, kicking the man in his shins before getting back up and running across the street. He quickly chased after me, almost grabbing my hand before I dodged into the police station and into the first officer's arms.

"P-please...help...please," I gasped, tears welling in my eyes as I buried my face in the officer's chest.


I looked up into the surprised officer's eyes before hearing my name. "Rina?"

I turned, my features softening at a specific grey-haired officer, dressed in comfy clothes with a bag hanging off one shoulder. 



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