Bangtan Sonyeondan

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"Ms. Park, are you paying attention?"

I jumped at Mr. Min's voice only feet from my desk. I picked my head up from its spot on my arms and met his piercing gaze. "Ah yes, I am. Sorry," I apologized with a small bow of my head. He sighed, pointing to one of the many pianos across from the room.

"Then go play the piece we were just reviewing."

My eyes flew to the piano as I swallowed the lump in my throat. I slowly got up from my seat, making my way over to the piano.

Stupid blondie and her deceiving tricks. I had been thinking non-stop about the ring since I got home last night. It was absolutely horrid that I couldn't think of anything to do.

I shook my head and took a seat at the piano, ignoring the many glares I was receiving when Mr. Min sat next to me. Very close for any comfort or focus.

He pointed to a measure at the top of the page marked measure 52. "Play this for me."

I scanned the notes and registered the keys in my head before placing my fingers in their correct spots. I glanced at Mr. Min who did nothing but nod before beginning to play halfway through the song. The melody was quite captivating, as were the lyrics I was reading as well. It didn't seem like a work from a music book, it more acted like a written composure by someone's own hands. Maybe the someone sitting right next to me.

He seemed immersed in listening, so I quietly started to sing along to the lyrics. There was a moment of shock on his features but it quickly was covered by an emotion I couldn't quite read. I gradually got louder until it felt like it was only me and him, all the other students seemingly disappeared from the magical moment.

The lyrics, if Mr. Min wrote them, seemed to be powerful and have a large impact on his life. Sometimes repeating the line, "I need you girl."

Did he have a woman he was waiting for?

When I finished, I stopped playing abruptly and stood up, retreating out of the classroom. I locked myself in a bathroom stall and sat on the ground, holding my head between my hands. My whole body was aching with an immense pain I couldn't quite describe.

During the last few measures of the song, I made eye contact with Mr. Min who had no intention to look away. Something had sparked in his eyes, a red sparkle that immediately sprouted a pain from my lower stomach to my head.

The stinging feeling swept through my fingers and legs as I began to sob into my sleeves. Emotion after emotion collided against the walls of my body. Anger, sadness, joy, I could feel it all. All

When I came to terms with my feelings, I wiped my eyes and stood up, unlocking the stall door and coming face to face in the mirror. Sighing, I lifted my hair into a bun on top of my head, almost screaming at the pink strand that fell. I sifted my fingers through the strand in horror. Surely I wasn't changing this fast?

I dropped my hair and quickly washed my hands before limping back to the room, all pain not yet gone.

As soon as I entered, I immediately realized the silence. Mr. Min was staring into space out of the window while the other students were working on their Music Theory books.

I took my seat, holding onto my head as I stared at the wood table beneath me. Did he feel something too? Is that why he was so quiet, even when I felt his eyes on me?

                                                     ነቿሀቿክ የሁዪቿ ነዐሁረነ

What were you supposed to wear to dance practice?

I thought the same question over and over again as I searched through my small but plentiful wardrobe. Leggings and a sweatshirt should be fine, right?

I put on said clothes and quickly checked myself to make sure everything was good before making my way out the door and to Hoseok's dance studio.

He had texted me this morning before my classes if I was still good for tonight. I hadn't necessarily forgotten about just wasn't the first thing on my mind at the moment.

I eventually came to the large building planted between a tattoo shop and a small jewelry store titled, Bangtan Sonyeondan. Interesting name.

I opened the doors and took in my surroundings. It was a cozily furnished building with white walls and ceilings. Then the floors were made of smooth wood. Small plants were scattered amongst the lobby and in the middle sat a white desk with a tall woman sitting behind it. 

As soon as I entered, she flashed me a bright smile and motioned for me to come forward. I followed her order and stepped up to the desk, my fingers fumbling with each other in all my nervousness.

"What can I do for you, Miss?"

"Uh I'm here for-"

"Me! She's here for me!" someone giddily announced as we both snapped our heads in the direction of one of the halls. Hoseok skipped out, clothed in a white t-shirt, black baseball cap, and baggy purple sweatpants. He gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the same hall he emerged from, entering a large white room with a wall mirror and more wood floors. A small speaker and couch sat in the corner of the room and some of the walls were dotted with little pictures or decorations here and there. In the middle of the wall opposite of the mirror, painted in all black was a symbol that reminded me of a butterfly. Beneath it read the same words that were on the sign in front. Bangtan Sonyeondan.

When I turned my attention back to Hoseok, he was already stretching and getting something set up on his phone. 

"Please don't tell me you're about to go hardcore on me because I have no experience whatsoever," I pouted, setting my bag down near the couch. He laughed before grinning in my direction. 

"Nope. That's more week 3."

My lips parted in surprise as he pulled me forward and motioned for me to follow his stretches. 

The variety of steps actually worked in warming up my body. "Okay well, what do you think you can do?"

I shrugged as he bit his lip in thought. "Is there a type of genre you want to learn?"

"You pick. Maybe the one you were doing? I don't really know anything. I don't want to make the wrong choice."

"I think we can work something out. I also think you would be really good at contemporary. One of my-" he paused as he set his phone down before shaking his head. "good friends is really good at that type of dance."

I nodded in understanding as he turned on the music. "I'll go slow, just try to follow me."

                                                                 ጎፕነ ቻልጕቿ

Hoseok sat sweating on the ground, panting for dear life. I crouched next to him, feeling his forehead. "Are you alright?"

He shook his head, reaching for his water bottle. "I-I did not prepare for you to learn both dances in an hour."

I smiled nervously, patting his cheeks and brow with a clean towel from his bag. "I guess I'm a natural?"

He breathily chuckled as he took a gulp of water. "I'd say more than a natural. Are you sure you've never danced before?"

I shook my head, standing up and offering him my hand. 

"Well, I can't wait to see how Jimin reacts," he mumbled, confusing me. Were we thinking about the same Jimin?


Very delayed chapter! Happy reading :)

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