Alien Geek

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I felt stuck. My timer was almost going at the speed of light and now I had only 3 months to get everything done. And I still had 3 more souls to find.

It had officially been a week since I last hung out with Hoseok at the cafe and found out Mila had already gotten to some of the souls. And 3 weeks that I've been stuck here.

I groaned softly, rubbing my eyes as I sat, curled on my bed. 

What am I going to do?

A gentle knock sounded on the door, and already obvious who it was.

"Come in."

Yoora peeked inside, shutting the door behind her and sitting on my bed. 

"Hey, can we talk?"

I nodded, shifting against the wall so she would have more room on the tiny bed. 

"Mila seems to really hate you. Can you tell me why you two don't get along?"

My nose scrunched at the mention of Mila. I didn't like her. That was obvious. Ever since she continued to be better than me at everything and rub it in my face, I hated her.

"We've met before, out of school. She was never the nicest to me and it appears she still doesn't like me."

Yoora nodded understandingly before gazing around my room and stopping on the book I had set on my desk.

"What's this?"

My head snapped in her direction, no words coming from my lips as she grabbed the book and sat back down with it. 

"I uh- I was just interested in it."

She read the cover before looking up at me oddly. "Aliens?"

I nodded softly, mentally facepalming for setting the book out in the open like that. From beneath my blanket, my fingers fidgeted with the red ring sitting on my finger. If she saw it, she'd know I stole it from Mila.

She continued flipping through the book until she stopped on the bookmarked page. 

"Seven pure souls? Rina why is this page bookmarked?"

I shrugged, my hands getting clammy under her intense stare. 

Think. Think of something!

"I was wondering if aliens are really real and all, what they needed the seven souls for."

She nodded hesitantly. 

"Well it's gotta be people with unique qualities and it says right here, they're most likely to know each other and be related in some way."

My body tackled hers to get to the book and find where she was pointing. Sure enough, at the bottom of the page in tiny letters was the little note.

That would've been helpful.

"I didn't see that... wait so they have to have unique qualities? Doesn't everybody?"

She shook her head quickly. "No no. Most people just follow one another so they don't look weird being the odd one out. It probably means something like a bright appearance...or an odd personality? Stuff like that."

I thought for a second, biting my lip in thought. 

Well, Hoseok is very cheery. Mr. Min...I've never met anyone like him before. Mr. Jeon and Namjoon are different in their own ways. I had yet to meet anybody who acted like them either.

"That actually makes a lot of sense."

Yoora smiled, closing the book and setting it back in its original spot.

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