Mr. Min is a rock

548 38 4

"We'd love to have you enroll here in our university."

"Please! Please be in my class."

"Would you like to be a professor?"

I was immediately overwhelmed as soon as the news got around I got a 100 on the test. Apparently, the packet was supposed to be a test for your confidence and commitment instead of knowledge. I had people stopping me all over the school asking for help on different things. 

This was a huge problem and possibly a blockade in my plan. The more attention I get, the more likely they are to find out I'm not human. And I couldn't possibly let that happen. So from now on I just needed to act like I know nothing.

However, there is a problem with getting a 100 on a test and saying it was a lucky guess. Sighing, I planted my head in my hands as I sat on my usual bench. I glanced at my wrist as I nibbled on my finger. 364 days: 2 hours: 13 minutes: 2 seconds.

It was time to devise a plan. I cleared my mind so it was a blank slate and started thinking. 

Obviously, the seven souls are here in Korea. Otherwise, why would I have appeared here of all places on earth? They are definitely going to be spread out across Seoul but at least it's narrowed down to one city. Most likely....the chances of them all being in Seoul are roughly 87.00067778922315%.

I need to find a way to get some of these "dollars and cents" so that I can pay for the book. At least the shop is near the college. I also need a place to stay, noting that sleeping in the park every night would not work. 

Suddenly my stomach rumbled, startling me. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked up to the sky. It had noticeably darkened from when I first sat down. What time is it? 

I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten but the food here definitely wasn't the same as the food on my planet. I had seen someone walking by with...what did he call it? A dog on a stick? Whatever a dog is I feel bad for it.

I quickly blocked out all the distractions and went back to my thinking.

In order to get these so-called dollars, I needed a job. At least I'm assuming. And I knew exactly the place I wanted to work at. As soon as I saw the building I was drawn to it. And I'm sure it has something to do with the souls.

The only problems left were finding the souls and how I would know if I found them or not. For all I know I could've met all seven of them already and had no idea.

I stood up from the bench and made my way to the front desk inside the main building. They had been quick to offer me a full-paid scholarship, dorm and textbooks included so I had taken it. 

"I'm here for my dorm?" I had no clue what a dorm was but they said it was important that I was on campus often.

"Ah yes, Ms. Park. Here, room 546. Min here will take you there." A young girl walked out of a room somewhere behind the desk, folders in hand and chatting excitedly with an old woman. 

"Min!" the woman called. The girl turned and flashed a smile to us both before stepping up to the desk. 

"Yes, Ms. Lee?" 

"Will you take this student to her dorm, please? It's room 546 A building."

The girl glanced at me before nodding to Ms. Lee and taking my hand. 

"C'mon let's go!"

She quickly dragged me across the campus to a large building marked "A". 

"This is the A building where all the female dorms are. I think your roommate is Kim Yoora. She's very nice."

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