Ruby Red String

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Why can't I find anything? 

Groaning in frustration I threw the book across my bed. Tears sprung to my eyes as I felt my lips quiver. Why did everything have to happen to me? As far as I'm concerned, I was fantastic in all my classes and never spoke out of line. So why exactly did I have to handle all this stress?

I took a deep breath, gently tugging on my hair to focus. What did Jungkook say? 

Aliens used a special device when on earth in order to point out the life sources.

Well if that's true I'm in deep shit. Where was I supposed to find a "special device"? And I still wanted to know why my timer was counting down so quickly! In just two days, the time had gone down an equivalent to 4 days.

I reluctantly reached back to the book, whipping the thick spine open to a random page, letting out a small yelp when a folded-up paper slipped from inside. "There's no way this is going to be like the films," I grumbled, grabbing the small slip and opening it up. "Well."

I was pleasantly surprised. The paper seemed like it was from a journal of some sort, the text, and handwriting written in my planet's language. Speaking the tongue fluently, I easily decoded the messages.

 Speaking the tongue fluently, I easily decoded the messages

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AN: Translation at the end of chapter.

"What string?" I sat back, my body succumbing to the siren song of my pillows. My mind began to twist, gears fixing and turning in different directions. "Why do I seem foreign to my own race?" I pouted, flopping back into a pose much like a starfish. A creature I have learned is very pretty but strange.

"Follow the ruby red string..." I mumbled, jumping when Yoora burst my door open. 

"Hey, Rina! There's a new girl on campus, apparently, she aced the entrance exam. I'm going to invite her over for a while later tonight. Are you good with that?"

My body froze, cold as the ice found on the tip of Mount Everest. She couldn't have aced her entrance exam. Some of those questions were beyond human comprehension. 

"Rina?" Yoora waved her hand in front of my face. 

"Oh. Y-yeah she totally can," I mustered a smile as she clapped excitedly, running out of the room. 

A feeling of dread circled through my veins, causing me to trip over my own feet and stumble into the corner of my desk, the sharp edge piercing my hip. I yelped in pain before dropping to my knees and gripping the most likely bruised area. 

Despite the pain, my mind still seemed to wander back to the girl. Who was she and how did she ace that exam?


I found myself sitting outside by the time Yoora's friend was supposed to come over. The bad feeling swirling inside of my stomach was telling me to exit the premises. And take the book with me. 

I lifted my sore muscles from the bench, blowing my hair from my face, giggling when a puff of smoke erupted from my mouth. 

I began to walk to the familiar cafe, reading the note over and over again. Why couldn't I seem to figure it out? 

I stopped walking when the familiar pumpkin spice aroma floated through the air. However, it wasn't the smell that made me stop. It was the sound of music. A bright and jumpy kind that made you want to drop everything and dance your heart out. 

Curiosity got the best of me. I stuffed the book into my bag, folding my arms against my body for warmth as I followed the bouncy melody. My eyes crinkled in wonder when I stumbled upon a crowd, all with a large space in the middle. I slid my way through the crowd, somehow ending up in the inner front line of the circle. Cameras all pointed at the man in the middle, bouncing around with peculiar energy. His feet seemed to hover over the ground, never staying in one place until the song was over. His body flowed with a type of fluidity that made people wonder if the splits were really that hard.

When the song ended, I broke out of my trance, watching as the sweating man bowed and fanned himself with the cap now removed from his head. My lips parted slightly as my gaze met his. Immediately he beamed a bright smile, his eyes crinkling in the process.

"Thank you," he graciously accepted the money in his hat that many people rushed to give him, a few being numbers from different females that he disregarded without a second thought. 

When he was done making his rounds, I realized I was the only one left in the crowd, still staring in wonder. 

"Hello?" he quirked an eyebrow at me. A habit I noticed many attractive men have here.

"Ah I'm sorry for staring," I apologized, bowing quickly as my cheeks turned red. He let out a breathy laugh as he wiped his brow with his sleeve. 

"It's alright. Don't be embarrassed. Did you like the choreography?"

"Chore- Oh yes! I don't know how you do it," I shook my head in disbelief. A smile graced his lips as he pointed down the street.

"I own a dance studio just down the road. I'm Hoseok by the way!" he held out his hand for me to take. 

I gently shook it, smiling at his contagious grin. "I'm Rina. I'd love to learn how to dance."

"You should come to my studio. I'll give you private lessons if you'd like?" he offered, collecting his speaker. 

"Really? You don't have to," I quickly shook my head, raising my hands to stop him but he handed me a card with his number on the back. 

"How about Tuesday and Thursday afternoons? 4 o'clock?" [Ifykyk]

I thought for a second. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have work but later in the evenings. "Sure, sounds good. Thank you Hoseok," I smiled again as he waved and left in the direction of his studio.

I turned back to the cafe, a small bounce in my step. Maybe this would be fun?

                                                             ነልሀቿ ጠቿ

Alright, here it is. I have a few things to say. The first is, there will be the usual update tomorrow but no updates Thursday and Friday. I will be busy but might get to them on the weekend. 

[Here's the translation of the note]

We've found the special device rumored amongst our kind.

A small ring, a priceless ruby engraved in its fine lining.

Though its magic is so magnificent, it's confined to staying on earth. We've hidden it but we fear it won't be long. One of our kind will know where it's hidden. In the darkest archives of the most complex maze. Don't be fooled, be wise, follow the ruby red string.

Our time is limited here.

Our planet is a target of war.

The life sources of current times have been obtained.

Their souls are the key. Find them, and you hold power.

Lose them, and you drown in deep waters.

Hope this made sense now that you know the translation!

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