Perpetual Heart of Gold

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I slid onto the floor, my fingers coming in contact with the small ruby pendant that had suddenly appeared around my neck shortly after the kiss. I knew it had something to do with the souls and inwardly, I panicked. This was my mission, right? In a way, I was already succeeding. 

But then why was I scared?! I felt guilty for what I had done. 

I should've just stayed locked in my room like my original plan. 

A knock sounded on the door, making me flinch in surprise. 

"Rina, are you okay? Jin's home and asked if you wanted to help him with dinner?" I heard Taehyung's soft voice from the other side, making my insides break more. 

What had I done?

"Yeah! I'll be right out."

He mumbled an okay before I could hear his footsteps leave from the door. I had run in here almost right after the kiss and now I felt bad. He probably thought he pushed a line or something.

I slowly stood up, ruffling my hair a little before washing my hands and patting my cheeks with water.

Alright. Act as if nothing happened.

I opened the door to find an empty, dark room. I felt bad that I hadn't actually given Taehyung any cuddles but, knowing I had his soul, he couldn't be separated from me for long.

"God that feels so wrong," I muttered, my fingers moving up to grasp the pendant that was resting on my throat. It matched the ring I used to find the souls, leading me to believe once I got one, it went in here. I couldn't be too sure though. It's not like I knew anything about this. 

I mean I barely got any information before coming down here anyway.

Rolling my eyes slightly, I came into the kitchen to find Jin unloading some groceries onto the counter. We had talked a lot before but never really spent time alone. The boys were always with us.

"Hi Jin," I greeted, offering the biggest smile I could muster. He looked up from his newly washed hands and smiled. 

"Hi, Rina. Glad you stopped by! What should we make?"

"Oh, you didn't have a plan already?"

"Well I did but I wondered what you wanted."

I internally swooned. This boy was precious.

"Let's just make whatever you were planning. How does that sound?" He quietly sighed in relief, probably worried he didn't have the ingredients to make a whole other dish. I smiled at his thoughtfulness before he started giving directions of what to do.

"Wah hyung you outdid yourself. This beef tastes delicious!" Jungkook moaned happily. 

The others murmured their agreement while Jin snorted. "I didn't make the beef. Rina made that."

"Aish you're a chef now too! What can't you do?" Jimin sighed, taking another bite of the beef.

I smiled shyly, a red tint covering my cheeks as I shook my head. As I brought my chopsticks up for another bite, I noticed Taehyung's eyes on me. I looked his way and immediately he shot his head back down to his plate. He had been eerily quiet the whole amount of dinner.

As if reading my mind, Namjoon suddenly spoke up. He had returned home about an hour ago.

"Taehyung, love, are you okay? You're barely touching your food."

That detail had passed my observations. I looked over again and sure enough, he had barely eaten anything.

"I'm just not hungry hyung." He glanced up at me again before going back to eating.

I decided I'd have to have a talk with him after this. 

The rest of dinner went by smoothly, with small conversations being kept up but nothing too major. Once it was done, the boys began arguing over cleaning duties. Since Jin and I had made dinner and I was technically a guest, we didn't have to participate. When they all looked at Taehyung for dishes, I took it as my chance.

"Actually, Taehyung can we talk outside for a moment?"

The table fell silent as Taehyung audibly gulped before nodding softly. The others shrugged before carrying on their game of rock paper scissors.

I stepped out onto the back balcony, smiling at the warm breeze. Thankfully, the curtains from inside were drawn since it was dark out and anyone could see through. That would give Taehyung and me some privacy.

I listened as Taehyung stepped outside as well, shutting the door behind him. I turned around, leaning my back on the railing. He stood with his arms crossed awkwardly over his chest, looking everywhere but at me.


He made eye contact, a hurt look in his eyes. The emotion surprised me. Had I done something?

"Come here."

He hesitated before coming closer, stopping directly in front of me. I softly cupped one of his cheeks as my other hand rested on his waist. His jaw slacked, surprise written on his features as I planted small kisses along his jaw. He whimpered, pulling me against him as he nosed my neck.

"Why are you upset?" I asked softly, leaving a kiss on his earlobe. "Was it because of the kiss?"

He shook his head. "Use your words Taehyungie. I refuse to believe you're this submissive when in bed."

This seemed to snap him out of his daze as his eyes darkened. He pulled back, a low hum leaving his throat. "I guess you'd just need to find out huh?"

"Not so fast. Answer me."

He grumbled something under his breath before backing up. "You don't run off right after someone confesses something like that. Don't you know how that makes them feel?"

My expression softened, seeing him vulnerable.

"I'm sorry Taehyung. I was scared. This is all new to me, remember?"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he gently nodded. The moonlight reflected off his glass-like skin, making my eyes sparkle in awe. He was so angelic.

"I'm sorry I made you feel that way," I apologized again, pushing myself off the rail and into his arms. I gave him a tight hug before pecking his nose. His cute little nose with his cute little mole. His cheeks went pink as he smiled before kissing me deeply, his arms circling around my waist to hold me upright.

My fingers traced his cheek as he did, all worries about my mission down the drain. The only thing that mattered now was Taehyung and what wonders his lips were making me feel. 

Baby steps Rina. It's getting there.

                                                                 ጎፕነ ቻልጕቿ

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