Unopened files

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I dashed around to look at the computer screen. An untitled file was opened with my planet's language in three, short sentences. 

"What the hell?" I mumbled, grabbing a pen and jotting down the words on a nearby notepad.

"Do you know what it says?"

I flinched, stuffing the notepad in my bag before slamming the computer shut.

"What? Of course not. I'm not that smart. I mean- sure there are a bunch of things I can do but, reading a language I've never seen before? Pssht no way. I'll just um...I gotta use the bathroom. Be right back!" I grabbed my bag and sprinted out of the room, making my way to the bathroom where I locked the door behind me and laid my bag on the counter.

'Aish way to look innocent alright.'

I mentally scolded myself for being so weird about it before grabbing the pad out of my bag and holding it in the light.

Translating was simple. It read:

Your time is running out.

They're losing all their hope.

The store is about to close.

"What in the 100 billion galaxies?"

I relaxed my back on the nearest wall, the gears in my head shifting with every tick of the timer on my wrist.

The first two sentences were easy to decode. My time to get the souls is running out. And the second one must mean my planet's people were losing hope. But that didn't explain the third sentence.

"The store is about to close? What store?" I felt frustrated and panicked at the same time. Ever since I got to Earth, everything had been about riddles and finding the way yourself. Nothing had been easy for me.

And Mila? Who knew where she was? I hadn't seen her in a good week now.

A knock sounded at the door, pulling me from my thoughts. I stuffed my things back in my bag and washed my hands, making it sound like I was at least in there for a good reason. I fixed my hair before opening the door, startled to see Taehyung standing there.

He looked down the hall before pushing me back into the family bathroom and shutting the door behind him.

"Taehyung? What are you doing?"

"I should ask you what you're doing. Is something going on?" His brows were furrowed as he ran a hand through his soft brunette hair.

I put my bag back on the counter, shaking my head. "Nothing's wrong."

"So you're going to keep lying to us instead? That's what you decide to do?"


"Rina you can't possibly think we're that stupid. You can't just keep secrets from us, lie all the time, and sneak around without one of us at least asking you some questions." My mouth fell open and closed like a goldfish. "You made me fall for you dammit and now you're lying to me?"

My jaw fell slack as he crossed his arms, leaning his back against the door, and glared at me. It felt as if his icy stare pierced daggers through my soul.

'He also looks extremely hot.'

"So, we're not going to leave this bathroom until you give me an explanation for the Mila thing, the weird messages you've been getting, and why you're acting so weird."

"Can I not be weird? Is that illegal Taehyung?"

"Of course, you can be weird but there is a fine line between someone naturally being weird and someone acting like they're hiding something. Want to guess which one I'm getting from you?"

I sighed, walking forward until I stood inches in front of him. 

"Baby...I'm not lying," I pouted, wrapping my arms around his neck. His own arms immediately circled my waist. I could feel the necklace hot on my neck as I internally smirked. "You know I love you," I mumbled in his ear, feeling his skin heat up. I leaned back, running my fingers through his hair while tracing his jawline. His glare hadn't left but it was clear his features were softening.

"I-I love you too," he muttered, his eyes closing, feeling my hands run down his sides and up to his cheeks.

"Hmm you know I would never lie to you, right?"

He offered a simple nod, a whine leaving his lips as I pressed a kiss to his hot neck. I had no clue what I was doing, nor any idea of what this was doing to him but it was getting me out of an interrogation and he was falling for it.

"Then why are you accusing me of such horrible things? Hm?"

He opened his mouth to say something, shortly getting shushed by my lips. His fingers threaded through my hair, pulling me against him.

"I love you Taehyung-ah."

He gasped, pulling away, seemingly forgetting why he was here in the first place.

"I love you too."

"Good," I smiled, pressing one remaining kiss on his lips before grabbing my bag and motioning for him to follow me out of the bathroom. It was clear I had him wrapped around my finger. And now that I knew what that file was saying, I could start asking around about a popular store or something along those lines.

We made it back to the office where I straightened my dress and pulled Taehyung inside. 

"Ah hi, we're back. I had to use the bathroom and Taehyung wanted to talk. We're all good now, right?"

I turned to Taehyung who still seemed to be a little confused. He nodded, a soft smile spreading over his lips as Jin encircled his waist, pressing his own lips against the younger.

"About what?" Jin asked, pulling back but not letting the boy from his arms.

"Nothing important!"

"Really?" He turned to Taehyung who just nodded again, leaning for his hyung's plush lips again.

'Good recovery. Now, to figure this message out.'

                                                           ዕቿርዐዕቿ ፕዘጎነ

Thanks for your comments in the last chapter. I was debating whether I should delete this book or not 😅

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