Surprise Surprise

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I felt exhausted as I unlocked my front door. That weekend had been very eventful and quite eye-opening for me.

I tiredly placed my bag on the table, removed my coat, and crept to my bedroom.

I flopped on my bed, shrieking when I landed on a person's legs.

"JIMIN?! What the heck?! Why are you in my bedroom?"

He jolted from his little nap. "Well," he yawned, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. It was clear he had been asleep for a while noting his ruffled grey hair. "I was waiting for you to come back 'cause I wanna take you on a little date but you came back later than I thought." The cute pout set on his lips melted my heart as butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"You wanted to take me on a date?"

"Well yeah," he mumbled shyly, fumbling with the blanket. 

"So why were you asleep?" 

"I had a late night at work..."

"And you still wanted to take me out?" 

He huffed in frustration, looking like a cute little dumpling. It was making my heart do flips. "Yeah but if you were too tired I was just gonna ask for a movie or something..." he trailed off toward the end, almost making me swoon.

"You're too cute. Let me change and then how about we stay here instead? We can make dinner and have a little movie night."

He seemed to like the idea, getting up to go start preparations in the kitchen while I grabbed a t-shirt and leggings to change into. When I was done, I tied my hair up, noticing something odd on the small bit of skin where my hair meets my nape. 

"Is that..." I paused, eyes widening as I ran my fingers over the smooth skin. The smooth patch of green skin. "Holy shit."

"Everything okay?" I could hear Jimin's voice walking into the bedroom.

"Yeah yeah! I'm just- finishing getting changed!" I dropped my hair so my neck was covered. 

'So she was...holy crap. She was an alien!'

I left the bathroom, calming my racing heart as I joined Jimin in the kitchen. "Who let you in?"

"The door was unlocked when I got here and no one answered to I went to investigate but didn't find anyone."

"God one day Yoora's going to get- oh wait. She already did get this place robbed."

He sighed, shaking his head as he washed the veggies found in our fridge. "I still don't understand why you wouldn't let me tell the police about that or at least let me investigate."

"I don't want the cops involved in my life. It was not a big deal."

"I'm a cop, Rina."

"A cute one," I giggled, trying to steer the conversation away from the topic. I pecked his cheek, surprising him as a pink blush spread over his cheekbones. He cleared his throat, beginning to chop the onions while I seasoned the meat.

When we were finished making dinner, we made our plates and snuggled up onto the bed before I turned the tv on and we decided on Finding Nemo.

Once I finished my dinner, I put the plate on the table beside my bed next to Jimin's finished plate.

I turned to him, waiting until he looked from the movie to me.

"Yes?" he whispered. 

"C-can I have cuddles?"

His lips grew into a cute smile before he held out his arms as an invitation for me. I hugged him tightly, snuggling up into the soft sweater he was wearing. 

"You smell good," I mentioned, nuzzling my nose in his neck. He smelled like coffee and vanilla.

"I do?"

I nodded, unconsciously tangling my legs with his. I could care less about the movie. Right now all my focus was on Jimin.


"Hmm?" I lifted my head so that my lips were centimeters from his own plush red lips.

"H-how was Jeju?"

He seemed so shy it was adorable. "It was good," I hummed, my fingers tracing his jaw. I still had 2 souls I had to get. And the last one wasn't going to be very easy.

"How was your weekend with Hobi? He said he wanted to spend time with you."

"We went on a date..."

"Aw, nothing else?" I pretended to pout, just to get him shy and red.


I noticed now I was leaning over him, my palm resting against his cheek as he gazed up at me. I swiped my thumb over his bottom lip. "Can I?"

He hesitantly nodded, eyes still wide. I leaned down, pushing my lips against his in a soft, melting kiss. He seemed to gain confidence, his hand pulling me down by the back of my head. I loved the feeling. I loved how these boys made me feel. 

'It's too bad I'll have to leave them.'

I suddenly frowned, feeling the energy surging through me.

"Is something wrong?" Jimin asked once I had leaned back. 

"No, I just had a random thought."

"Oh? About what?"

"Nothing important," I mumbled before pulling him into another kiss. I couldn't let him suspect anything. Not when I was this close. Not when my planet needed saving. Not when my parents could be dead right now.

I ran my fingers through Jimin's soft locks as I pulled away, snuggling against his warm vanilla and coffee skin.

"How do you feel about me Jimin?"

"Like romantically?"

"Anyway. How do you feel just about me in general? What do you see me as?"

He thought for a moment before he rubbed my back. "You've made me fall in love with you. I don't know how, but it feels like you have part of my heart now. No one else can take it. It belongs to you."

I didn't like that expression. It was too realistic to what I was actually doing. "So you like me?"

"Not like. I think I love you, Rina."

Now I felt worse.

                                                     ነቿሀቿክ የሁዪቿ ነዐሁረነ

Double update <3 Love you

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