Oh Boy It's Choi

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"Mr. Choi?"

The large man smiled, immediately taking the seat next to me once he was sure I knew who he was. I scooched a little to my left in order to put some space between us. 

He cleared his throat, turning to me with the same smile still tight on his lips.

"It's quite a coincidence I find you here, sitting alone outside Mr. Jeon's apartment complex. Although, I have yet to see you in that fitted black dress of yours."

I felt uncomfortable under his questioning gaze. And something about his smile made me sit tensely. 

"Ah yes. I was just talking to him about a personal matter. Nothing too serious."

He hummed, glancing at the road before turning back to me. I stared straight ahead, knowing I couldn't just leave the conversation. It would've been very rude and left a bad impression on Jungkook's company. Speaking that this was a potential investor.

"So you know each other on a personal level?"

I mentally scolded myself. How could I reveal that crucial information?

"Not very personal Mr. Choi."

He grunted before speaking again. "But you know where he leaves and speak to him about personal matters?"

My lips folded in a straight line as I turned to face him. "I'm sorry Mr. Choi but this is all personal information I can't really share with anyone. Besides, you also know where he lives. Do you know him on a personal level?"

He looked caught, a strange look glinting in his eyes as he let out a hearty chuckle.

"I'm getting there Park Rina."

I inhaled sharply through my teeth, standing from the bench. He looked surprised at my quick action but stayed sitting nonetheless.

"Would you look at the time Mr. Choi? It's already close to 10. I really have to get home. I enjoyed our short-lived conversation."

He nodded, a frown donning his lips before he caught himself and smiled. 

"As did I. Thank you, Ms. Park. I hope we can speak again soon."

I nodded curtly, gripping my bag tightly before turning. "Well, I'll leave first. Goodbye."

I began quickly walking down the street before he could catch me and say anything else. His questionable gaze was beginning to make me very itchy and uncomfortable. 

I made it to my dorm quite quickly, sighing in relief once I had shut and locked the door behind me.

I turned back around, letting out a yelp of surprise seeing Yoora standing in the kitchen staring at me.

"Yoora?! Where have you been?!"

I quickly rushed to her side, examining her face and arms before she lightly shoved me away with a small laugh. 

"Visiting some friends for a few days."

"But didn't you come back to the apartment after I had told you about the break-in? Why didn't you clean anything up?"

"I didn't know I had to do all the house chores now."

I made a face at her retort before shaking my head. 

"Well of course you don't but wouldn't you want to be able to even walk in your room?"

She shrugged, saying nothing else about the matter as she continued back to chopping veggies. I frowned, turning and glancing at her bedroom to see if it was clean but the door was shut.

"Where have you been?"

I snapped my head back to her, flashing a smile before hanging my bag near the door.

"I was having dinner with some friends."

"What are their names?"

My brows furrowed in confusion as I leaned on the counter.

"Why do you want to know?"

She glanced up from the cutting board, sliding the veggies into the pot beside her without taking her eyes off me.

"Just curious. How many friends were you with?"

"There's seven of them but I had dinner with only 6."

The knife she was using suddenly made a loud clatter as she dropped it on the floor.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I asked quickly, standing up straight and rushing to make sure it hadn't injured her bare feet. Thankfully, it had landed quite a distance from her skin.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks," she grabbed the knife from my hands, washing it in the sink before drying it and using it once more.

I watched her for a few more moments before deciding to head to my room. I had been so exhausted all day.

"Goodnight Yoora."


The duality surprised me as I peeked at her once more but she still had a frown on her face. Puffing my cheeks out in confusion, I entered my bedroom and shut the door behind me.

I landed with a soft thud on my bed, huffing in frustration. 

Why is everyone acting weird?

I rolled over so I was gazing at my ceiling. 

"Why is life here so hard? Every day back home was the same exact thing. Over and over again."

I quietly sighed, rolling to my side and snuggling under the blankets. I didn't bother changing, I was too drained.

My eyes quickly shut as sleep overcame my body. I could figure things out tomorrow.


The bell above me jingled as I entered the small store. I glanced around the shop, furrowing my brows in confusion when I couldn't see anyone. No one was behind the counter and I couldn't see anyone in the aisles.

I waited by the counter for a few moments before finally catching sight of the small bell. I tapped the top of it, and a door in the back of the store almost immediately opened. I watched as a tired-looking Mr. Ling walked out.

"Oh, Rina. I've been expecting you."

"You have?" I asked, shock written on my face.

"Yes. My boy Jimin called me last night, notifying me you'd be stopping in today."

I smiled subtly at the mention of Jimin. He had tried to help me out. I cleared my throat, shook my head, and stepped closer to the counter. 

"I actually came to talk to-"

"I'm right here."

I jumped, whipping around at the sudden appearance of Namjoon. "Let's talk in the back." He nodded towards the door Mr. Ling just came out of. I glanced at the said man who said nothing and just continued to examine books.

I turned, following Namjoon to the backroom. I was surprised to see two cushioned couches, a small counter space with a sink, and a refrigerator as long as a table with some seats around it.

He took a seat on one of the couches, pulling a coffee mug to his lips.

"So, before I tell you anything. Answer me this one question."

I nodded softly, sitting down across from him and crossing my legs. He leaned forward, setting the mug on the table before folding his hands and resting his arms on his knees.

"Why are you so intrigued by aliens? And I want the real reason. Not some excuse from the top of your head."


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