Time Ticking

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After a good hour of snuggling in bed with Jimin, I rolled out of his arms and straightened my back. Glancing at the clock, I took note of the time. Yoongi would be home in probably 15 minutes and the rest said they had late nights.

I only knew Hoseok had double classes in the studio today and Taehyung had the late shift at the coffee shop. And of course, Jin had to run the restaurant. So it seemed like for now, I could make dinner so when everyone came home, they wouldn't be hungry.

"Rina," Jimin whined, making grabby hands toward me. I chuckled, untangling my hair and making my way toward his closet. 

"Minnie, you want to help me make dinner?"

"I just wanna cuddle you," he pouted, sitting up in bed and rubbing his swollen eyes. I frowned before shaking my head and grabbing one of his hoodies. I shrugged it on before turning to him.

"You can cuddle me later. Yoong's will be home soon so let's go make some food."

He groaned, flopping back on the bed as I came up to his side. "I'll give you all the kisses you want if you come with me. The kitchen is lonely by myself."

He blinked up at me before he adjusted his ridden-up shirt and got out of bed. I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck before pressing a soft kiss to his pink lips.

"Alright, what are we thinking? Barbeque?"

"Can't we just do something like Mac N Cheese?" he whined, following me out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. 

"I'll make you some mac n cheese and everybody else some tasty meat. How does that sound?"

He loudly sighed, stretching his back and grabbing a glass of water.

"Fine if you won't budge. We'll just make some barbeque or whatever."

I grinned, playfully pecking his cheek before heading to the fridge for some necessities. Jimin sat on the counter and sipped on his water while watching me pull out different ingredients.

"I'll get started on the kimchi if you want," he offered, as I shut the fridge. 

"That sounds-" I paused, dropping the container of vegetables on the ground as a choking feeling squeezed at my insides.

"Rina? Rina?!" Jimin jumped down from the counter, grabbing me by my arms before I toppled over. My breathing grew ragged and my skin burned. I felt like I was suffocating from the inside.

"Rina! Talk to me, love. What's happening?"

I opened my mouth but no sound came out. My knees trembled as it suddenly felt like a chore to breathe.

"I'm home!" someone announced, walking in through the front door.

"Yoongi! Come help me! Something's wrong with Rina," Jimin called, tears welling in his eyes.

I gasped for air, watching through half-open eyes as Yoongi rushed in and to my side. 

"Hey, hey. Rina, tell me what's wrong. Is it your head? Stomach? Legs?"

I shook my head, feeling my body start to relax and the violent feeling go away. I took a large breath of air before shaking my head and sitting up straight.

"Oh my God, Rina? Are you okay?"

I turned to Jimin, offering a small nod before I motioned for the glass of water still sitting where Jimin was only minutes prior.

He jumped to grab it before returning to my side. He pushed the glass into my hands before wiping at the tears on his cheeks.

"Rina, do we need to call the hospital? Is everything okay?" I glanced at Yoongi, letting out a small breath as everything returned to normal.

"No. Everything is fine now. I'm okay," I smiled, finishing the rest of the water in the glass before silently asking Jimin for more.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked, turning to Jimin.

"She was grabbing ingredients for dinner when she suddenly dropped the veggies and almost fell over. I would've thought she was fainting but she was very conscious through everything."

Yoongi inspected me as I grasped at my chest. I glanced down at my wrist, a sinking feeling arriving in the pit of my stomach.

'My body isn't suited to live here....my time is running out.'

"It felt like I was drowning from the inside out. I could barely get air and my body felt like it was on fire," I mumbled, leaning my bag against the cabinets. I turned to the now empty container on the ground, cringing at the vegetables laying astray across the floor. "I'm sorry I dropped the food."

"Don't be sorry," Jimin immediately scolded, folding into my arms. "I was so scared."

"Jimin-ah, I'm okay. It was probably just a dizzy spell or something. I'll be fine. I'm sorry I scared you."

He shook his head, rubbing his nose against the crook of my neck before getting up and offering Yoongi a kiss. "Welcome home babe," he joked, causing us both to break out laughing as Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"How about I make dinner and you go rest, Rina. Jimin you stay here and help me." Jimin whined as I got up from the ground and began to pick up the veggies.

"Jimin you should want one on one time with me too," Yoongi pouted. The younger's eyes widened as he launched himself into the older's arms. 

"I do, I do! I love you Yoonie," he pouted, pressing kisses all over his face. I giggled watching the two interact before I finished cleaning. I gave a kiss to them both before making my way to the couch and settling down. 

As the boys began to make dinner, my heart squeezed in pain knowing exactly why I was feeling the way I was. I couldn't stay here much longer but I had grown attached to the boys. It was bad. Very bad. And I knew there was no way anyone could make it out without being hurt.

'Only one more week. One more. Then I'll leave.'


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