Fuel to the Fire

349 37 1

My blood boiled seeing the two laugh about something, moving a little closer to each other. 

Seokjin and Mila.

I tapped Jimin on the shoulder, distracting him from his mission of choosing where to eat. "Jimin-ah?"

The boy looked up at his name, not surprised in the slightest when following my point to the two people walking hand in hand.

"Oh, Jin's here too." He shrugged, flashing me a smile. "What about it?"

"D-do you know the girl he's with?"

Jimin squinted, leaning forward to look closer. "Yeah, that's Mila. He really really likes her but I haven't hung out with her a lot. When I did, she was super sweet. Jin's trying to sell us on her."

I felt my chest tighten as I glanced from the boy in front of me to the couple walking, laughing again about what I assumed was something he said.

Apparently, Jimin didn't remember her from the little chase about a month ago.

"How long have they been seeing each other?"

Jimin seemed confused I was so interested in all of this but answered nonetheless. 

"Probably a month now? Why?"

So she found him immediately...but she didn't get the ring until I had run into her at the antique shop?

"No reason...but will you do something for me?"

He looked unsure but shrugged anyway. "Yeah, what do you need?"

"Just act like we're dating. Until I say we're good. Can you do that?"

His expression completely gave way he thought whatever I was planning was absolutely crazy but he agreed nonetheless.


I grinned cheekily, pulling him an incredible amount closer while subconsciously leading him in the direction of the couple, waiting in line for ice cream.

When we got close enough I pointed to a burger place nearby. "Jiminieee can we get some food there, please? I'm starving," I giggled lightly, slightly tugging him forward.

I happened to "accidentally" bump into Mila who turned around in a flash, an angry look in her eyes before she covered it with a smile.

I turned, pretending to look guilty. 

"Oh my gosh. I'm so so sorry. Jimin-ah why didn't you tell me someone was behind me?!"

All eyes were cast on him, including Seokjins questioning gaze who was probably as confused as Jimin.

"I uh- sorry Rinny-ah. I was too focused on you," he chuckled, falling into the easy flow of our lie as I grinned softly. 

"It's fine. Mila and I know each other anyway, don't we?"

Only now did I notice she had changed her hair. Instead of a bright blonde, it was now a light brown. Maybe that was why Jimin couldn't recognize her. Either that or she was starting to look more different. The longer we both were here on earth, the quicker we were becoming our own kind again. I had begun to notice the appearance of more pink hair in the past few days since my timer began working again.

Mila flashed a tight-lipped smile, nodding curtly as she stepped closer to Seokjin. 

"And Jin! It's good to see you. I'm sorry for running out on you all yesterday. I had a good time while it lasted."

At this point, I was just trying to stall and make it look like I had been over for a while with all the boys yesterday. Maybe then she'd feel a little less powerful like I had gotten the prey first.

He wasn't sure what to say, his mouth opening and closing in surprise, much like a goldfish. 

Mila seemed to be getting more frustrated by the second as I pulled Jimin flush against my side, my arm softly resting on his thin waist.

"Anyway, we're going to go get some burgers...we'll see you guys later!" I said, noticing the way Mila was about to say something I would've regretted staying to hear.

I pulled Jimin to the burger joint I had mentioned before, standing in the back of the short line and glancing back at the two now completely silent people.

I watched from the corner of my eye as Mila said something to Jin before storming in the direction of the bathroom. He watched her lightly jog before abandoning the line and coming straight to his boyfriend's side, grabbing Jimin's arm and tugging him into his chest. He whispered something in his ear before softly kissing his earlobe. 

"And what the hell was that?" Jin quickly asked, turning to me. I immediately grew defensive, crossing my arms. 

"Oh so you're allowed to see other people but Jimin isn't?"

Seokjin's eyes widened as he turned to the said boy. Jimin just sat, staring into space as if he wasn't really sure what the heck was going on.

"Is that true?"

Jimin seemed to snap out of his little trance, eyes shooting up to his taller boyfriend before he frantically shook his head. 

"No, she told me to pretend and said to stop when she said- oh."

Only now did Jimin seem to notice the "X" motion I was making with my arms before I pathetically dropped them and sighed. 

"What don't you get of 'until I say we're good'?"

He looked distraught as he looked between a questioning Jin and my defeated self. 

"Jin please don't tell Mila we were pretending. If she asks about it, just say I'm the girl Jimin has been interested in."

"But he's my boyfriend."

"And yet here you are giggling like 5th graders with a prissy brat whom you happen to also be 'seeing'."

Shit, I was just digging my grave. How would I ever get a piece of his soul if I was insulting him like this?

He didn't seem to look angry in the slightest, instead, his gaze hardened as his grip on Jimin softened.

"Fair. My lips are sealed."

I sighed in relief, eyes widening seeing Mila come out of the bathroom, now a little more put together than when she left. 

"Now go back in line. Quick."

Jin mumbled something, pressing a kiss to Jimin's lips before running back to his spot in line. Thankfully, no one else had joined the line since he stepped out of it, leaving him right back where he originally was.

I turned back to Jimin who seemed to be a little out of it but back to his normal self nonetheless. 

"So, what do you want? Double cheeseburger or....?"

                                                      ፕዘጎነ ጎነ ልረረ ቻልጕቿ

Was this a double update? I think so 🤭

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