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It took me a moment to understand what he was suggesting.

"You don't think someone in the company is trying to create obstacles for Jungkook?"

"Not necessarily obstacles. More like...ruin his reputation. I believe whoever might be doing this, is trying to take Jungkook down."

"But he's a CEO?! That's outrageous! Are they really going to enter a battle they surely can't win?" I was dumbfounded. Who would actually try and go against someone with as much power as Jungkook?

As if on cue, he walked out of the bathroom, a calmer look on his face.

"Namjoon will you go handle the fuss she is probably causing in the lobby right now?"

His boyfriend nodded, standing up and offering me an encouraging smile before leaving the office in silence again. I stood up, wiping the invisible dust off my black skirt before walking up to Jungkook who had stopped unnaturally still in front of his desk.


He turned his head toward me. I could see confusion and hurt in his eyes. "Do you need a hug? Something like what just happened seems to have taken a toll on you..." I mumbled, giving a reason for my sudden, embarrassing question. 

Without saying anything, he reached forward and pulled me into his warm embrace, his chin wavering as he rested it on my shoulder.

"I'll figure this out for you, okay? We'll find out who's doing this and fix it."

"Thank you..." he mumbled softly.

"For what?"

"For defending me when I couldn't, for helping me, and mostly for being my support."

I noticed now our relationship changed a lot over the past few months. In the beginning, we were on quite awkward business terms. But things had changed. And that was made obvious with our recent actions towards each other.

Could it be possible he likes me too? Or is this just a human friend thing?

"You don't need to thank me. I'll always be here."

Another lie straight through my teeth. I was leaving quite soon. But why would he care, right?

He nodded, squeezing me tightly before placing a peck on my cheek. "Then no thank you."

"What?" I giggled, pulling back and laughing at the goofy grin on his face. As soon as it was there though, it disappeared.

"Nothing. Let's figure this out."

I turned to the paper lying on his desk and nodded, dragging a chair over. This could take 10 minutes or 10 hours.

Jungkook picked up the paper, a small frown settling on his plush lips as he began to read. I couldn't help but stare at his facial features. He was deeply concentrated and the look in his eyes was making me quite hot if I was being honest.

He suddenly looked up, catching me in my stare, but I didn't look away.


My lips parted in wonder. How could someone look so attractive? I knew as soon as I saw him he was quite handsome but as well as having these smarts...


I snapped out of my trance, noticing I was only 2 inches from his face. I watched as his eyes darted to my lips and back up to my gaze.

"Sorry...what did you want to say?" I murmured, shaking my head and leaning all the way back. A flash of some unknown emotion passed through his eyes as he cleared his throat and straightened out the paper.

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