Mission Complete

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I placed my hand on my stomach, feeling extremely satisfied with how my meal tasted. 

"Was it good?" Yoongi chuckled, his smile was bright and infectious.

"Yes," I mumbled shyly, watching as he pulled out his card before handing it to the waitress who came to collect the bill. She thanked him before disappearing. "I'm still upset you didn't let me pay."

He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms in front of him with a small smirk on my face. "Then you wouldn't have eaten so much."

I scowled, knowing he was fully right. If I was paying I probably wouldn't have had so much. But it's not like I was using Yoongi for his money either! He was the one who told me to order everything that looked appetizing.

"Whatever," I snorted as the waitress returned to let us know we were good to go and handed Yoongi his card. He got up, straightening his fuzzy black sweater before holding a hand out to me. 

"I'm waiting for a thank you," he teased. I softly grabbed his hand, holding his arm to my side. 

"Thanks for lunch," I giggled, stepping outside only to see it sprinkling.

"Shit, my umbrella is in my car."

"Who said this was a problem?" I asked, stepping out into the room with a smile on my lips. There were clouds but no sound of thunder anywhere. He watched me from under the protection of the restaurant before I grabbed his arm and pulled him out.

"I don't wanna get wet," he pouted but let me tug him anyway.

I walked along the sidewalk, pulling Yoongi by my side, enjoying the feeling of my damp clothes and wet hair. One of the joys of Earth.

"Oh hey, can I have my wallet back?" I asked, stopping in front of a deserted park filled with large trees.

He stopped as well, stuffing a hand into his pocket. As he did that, I examined his appearance. His dark hair was wet, making him look all the more cute as his sweater clung to his fit torso.

"Here," he held out my wallet to me. I reached to grab it, huffing when he pulled it beside his head.

"Yoongi," I pouted, grabbing for it before he pulled it further back.

"Going to have to try harder than that," he teased, dangling the wallet above my head. I leaned forward, gasping when his arm with the wallet rested on my shoulder, his other hand pulling my waist forward against his chest.


He grinned, gums appearing as the rain dripped down on us. "So, is kissing other people's lovers a normal thing for you?"

My cheeks turned a hue of red as my arms came to rest around his neck in a comfortable position. 

"Not normally...n-no."

He hummed, slipping my wallet into my pocket but I still didn't move.

"So then what are you waiting for?"

"Huh? Wait hold on I thought you didn't even like me."

He again rolled his eyes with a playful snort. "And I thought we were over that."

"So wait...you do or don't like me?"

"Does this answer your question?" 

"Does what-?" I was cut off when his wet lips captured mine in a soft kiss. I hummed quietly, my hands threading through the back of his wet, raven-black hair. I felt the wet fuzz of his soft sweater against my bare skin as I titled my head, diving into the kiss further. My heart felt warm, my whole body buzzing with excitement as a red glow surrounded us in a blinding volume.

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