Sherlock Holmes

334 33 2

Things had taken an extremely awkward turn.

"Why are you not eating?" I looked up to Jin who looked genuinely concerned despite the tense note we left off on.

"I'm not really hungry. But it's delicious," I assured him, taking another bite of the large pancakes to further prove my point. He nodded, suspicious, but stopped pressing about it anyway.

I glanced up at the small conversations happening across the table, watching as Taehyung flirted with Jimin by placing his hand on the other's thigh or as Jungkook and Hoseok argued back and forth over some video game.

I could however feel Yoongi's eyes on me the whole morning ever since I came down. It made me nervous, wondering what was going on in his head but I ignored him either way. Mila had apparently left last night while I was asleep so I was again the only girl in the house.

"So Rina, how long will you be staying with us?" Hoseok looked up from his conversation with Jungkook, deciding to talk to me instead. Jungkook huffed in annoyance but continued eating nonetheless. I chuckled softly before stabbing at my sweet pancakes again. 

"It was just for one night. Yoora should be home tonight."


"My roommate," I answered Jin. He sat in silence for a few seconds before his eyes lit up. 

"Mila mentioned something about her. Are you both friends with her?"

I grimaced slightly at the question. I mean, yes, we both were. But after the whole chasing thing and ending up in a grocery with her, I wasn't sure if Yoora quite believed me and took Yoora as a bad person.

"I mean, I'm pretty sure. I see her around Mila a lot."

He hummed thoughtfully before a question was asked that made my blood run cold. 

"Hey since we're asking questions or whatever, I've been wondering something," Taehyung brought up, leaving his flirting behind.

"What's that?" 

"Rina, Jungkook once told me that you finished his load of files in only a few minutes, how'd you do that?"

I glanced warily at Jungkook who looked surprised himself before I cleared my throat. "I guess I'm just really quick with those things."

"Yeah but you also had no prior work experience," Namjoon pointed out. 

I cringed at that. 

How am I supposed to get out of this?

"I did, however, grow up with a  genius mom and lots of time on my hands as a kid so..." I trailed off, hoping no more questions would be asked but again I remembered I had to have been the main character.

"But you also aced the entrance exam."

It was a surprise to hear from Yoongi but also quite nerve-wracking. There was a question on that damn test that asked for the weight of the earth! How do you explain knowing something like that?!

"And again I grew up with lots of books and time on my hands. What more can I give you?"

Everybody seemed to shut up at that, noticing how I snapped. 

I didn't mean to. It was these types of questions specifically that angered me. I wanted to badly to just explain why I did everything, who I am, what I am. But I couldn't. Not unless I wanted to breach my mission. 

So I had to stick to a story.

"Thanks for the hospitality. I owe you all. Namjoon, where can I put the clothes?" I motioned to the sweatshirt and sweatpants I was still wearing. 

"You can keep them," he grinned, dimples appearing. 

I immediately shook my head, grasping at the sleeves. "You said this was one of your favorite sweatshirts."

"Yeah but, I think it looks better on you."

My cheeks warmed up as I smiled softly. "Alright...thank you."

I quickly turned, running to his room to grab my disregarded clothes, balling them into my bag before coming back out and saying my goodbyes. 

"I'll see you guys soon hopefully!"

They all waved goodbye, save for Yoongi, before I left the apartment and hopped to the elevator, pressing the lobby button.

Once it reached the lowest floor, I stepped out, smiling at the bustling lobby before making my way to the dorm, and calling Yoora. 

"Hey, Rina, what's up?"

"Are you home?"

"Yeah, I got home about an hour ago. Why?"

"Alright. I'll be there soon."


I put away my phone, practically sprinting for the safety of my sweet home. Well, not sweet. I didn't feel emotionally attached to it at all but it was nice to have a place to call home.

I entered the dorm, saying hi to Yoora before grabbing my keys and running for the confines of my room.

A knock sounded as soon as I laid down. "Come in," I mumbled, too tired to get up.

Yoora stepped inside, smiling happily at me. 

"I saw your keys on the counter when I came in and the door was locked. Did you get locked out?"

I frowned as she laughed, muttering a small apology. 

"Yes, I got locked out."

"Where'd you stay?"

"I stayed at the boy's house."

"The boys? How many of them are there?"

"Seven," I replied, suddenly remembering Yoora had no idea who they were. I looked up, noticing her eyes flash some sort of emotion before she smiled. 

"Well, at least you weren't out in the rain."

"How'd you know it rained?"

She paused on her way out the door. She had been in Busan and as far as I knew, it had been sunny there for the past few days. 

"Mila told me when we called last night."

"What time did you call?"

Yoora huffed before puckering her lips in thought. "I think like 4? I'm not exactly sure. I have to go unpack though so I'll talk to you later."

I nodded, watching her walk out before she shut the door behind her. 

I relaxed against the headboard, a weird look on my face. 

Mila was with me at 4.

                                                     ነቿሀቿክ የሁዪቿ ነዐሁረነ

So hopefully it's getting more interesting ^^

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