Thundering Astraphobia

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I found myself crouched over a trashcan, panting for my life in the middle of the Jeon Enterprises lobby.

The sky hadn't started screaming yet but I was so terrified it would that I sprinted all the way here in heels. Was it a good idea? No. Am I suggesting it? Absolutely not. And would I ever do it again? Possibly if the sky looked like this. 

I glanced out the large glass doors, my heart hitting my ribcage madly when a gust of wind blew open the doors. The woman at the front desk quickly rushed to shut them again, blowing a breath of relief when they were tightly closed.

I made my way to the elevator, swatting at my hair to calm down as I pressed the top floor button. 

About halfway up, the elevator stopped suddenly, the doors opening to an extremely handsome, tall man. He entered silently and pressed the lobby button. I squinted my eyes, subtly reading the lanyard around his neck. By the looks of it, he was a guest visitor but the pin on his collared shirt read Kim Seokjin.

I looked up and noticed him looking at me, causing me to quickly twist my head in the opposite direction so I was just staring at the buttons instead. He chuckled quietly before leaning his back on the wall of the elevator. 

"What's your name?"

I jumped at the unexpected confrontation. "Rina. And you?"

I already knew his name but it was polite to ask in my opinion. "Seokjin but I prefer to be called Jin. Do you work here? I see you're going to the 64th floor." He nodded in the direction of the lit-up buttons. 

"Oh um yes. You have a visitor pass, where do you work?" I was genuinely interested in him and why he was here.

He looked down at his lanyard, a small smile appearing on his handsome features. "I was dropping off food for a few people."

"Oh, so you work at a restaurant?" 

"Something like that," he shrugged lightly before the doors opened. 

"I'll see you around Jin," I smiled. A genuine smile, he seemed so warm and inviting. 

He flashed a quick smile before waving goodbye as the doors shut. I slightly felt bad though, he had a whole other 64 floors to go down by himself. I only hoped somebody would get on and accompany him down.

I took the familiar turns, shivering as I passed the wall of windows, small flashes of light in the distance throwing me off guard. I ran straight into the door of a certain someone's office. 

I groaned, rubbing my nose before gently opening the door and stepping inside. Mr. Jeon sat smirking at the table as I greeted him with a scowl. "Am I that amusing?"


I secretly rolled my eyes before taking a seat at my small desk on the opposite side of the room, right next to the large windows, and began to set up. 

"Can you finish the numbers by 3? I need them for a meeting." Mr. Jeon placed a small file of papers on my desk with a little smile, his once smug manner completely gone. 

"Yes," I smiled and grabbed the file, quickly flipping through it. One glance at all the numbers and I had completely calculated them and created a quick sketch of a chart before he could sit down. "Done."

He paused at his desk, slowly turning to me. He furrowed his brows before coming back to my desk. I gently handed him the file and chart before setting up my laptop and beginning to check his schedule. 

"I-" he stopped, somehow at a loss of words. I tilted my head in confusion. Was it not normal to finish that fast? It was easy enough...

"H-how did you finish this so fast?" His wide doe eyes had me distracted for a split second before I blushed and averted my gaze to my lap. 

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