Discovery Channel

210 24 3

"Where am I?" I groaned, a light suddenly flooding through my eyes. I rubbed my head, trying to clear up my vision.

"Welcome to hell. Always thought I'd see you here."

That voice sounded familiar. I shook my head before my eyes finally focused. Mila stood in the same room, across from me, locked in another glass, clear box-looking cell.

"Huh, haven't seen you in ages," I joked, sensing she was upset.

"I've been here asshole. Dying in whatever this is." She kicked at the box, only now making me realize she too had her green skin and pink hair.

"Who brought you here? Those same guys?"

She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off.

"None other than me, roomie." My head snapped to the door where Yoora stood, a blue silk dress on and her blue locks slicked back. I almost doubled over, feeling bile rise in my throat.


"Yes, me. Who else dumbass?"

"What is it with everyone calling me an ass?!" I suddenly felt very annoyed. Did everyone on this planet lie?

Not my boys...

The thought pained me as I slowly slid down the glass. "Realizing everything are we?"

I couldn't bring myself to answer her. I had lied and I had paid the price. Here I would be, rotting in this cell for the rest- 

Where are the souls?

My hand shot to my neck where my pendent should have been.

"Looking for something?"

I slowly looked up, seeing Yoora directly in front of my box with my pendent dangling in her hand. She put it on and smiled. "I'll keep it nice and warm for you."

"Give it back!"

"Why would I do that?"

"You have no use for it!"

She paused, turning to me with a horrifying grin on her face. It made me uneasy, like I didn't know something she did.

"Oh, but I do."

"What?" Even Mila spoke up, looking almost afraid as she planted her palms on the wall of her cage. 

"Why, I'm just like you! But, I'd appreciate the secrecy. Don't need anyone coming after me," she laughed as it suddenly donned on me. 


"From the attacking planet? Yes! You maybe aren't as dumb as the rest of your population."

I stood up, feeling enraged. "What did you do to them?!" 

"Absolutely nothing dear, don't get all riled up. I did however wonder, should I capture you before you find the souls? Or wait till you did so you had no hope in ever getting these back?" She tapped the necklace before sighing. "I was very impatient at some points. I had an eye on you at all times. But I guess it paid off, huh Lia?"

"Correct," another voice spoke up from the other side of the room. My gaze turned to Ms. Shin who was leaning against the doorframe of a door opposite of Yoora. "It did."

"Am I dumb or am I dumb?" I silently scolded myself before crossing my arms. 

"I know you're an alien. What's your take on this? I know you aren't the same as Yoora." Sure enough, her skin seemed to turn more grey and her hair turned a dark red. 

"Ha, I knew you'd figure it out. And yet, you were still too late. What'd you think was going to happen? You'd tell your precious little lovers and they would accept you? The world is harsh like that. No mannerisms whatsoever."

"You are completely wrong! You are infuriating to me! All of you in this room are nothing but a bunch of attention-seeking shitheads!" I huffed, rubbing my head in an attempt to get my headache to go away.

"Well, then I guess it's a good thing you need the practice. Because you're the main attraction for tonight's gala. I was so sad you left so early. The fun was just beginning. Now, you have no souls and no way to get home to save your little planet. And once this night is done, it's right over to the government with you both," Lia smirked, blowing a piece of red hair from her eyes. She nodded to Yoora who waved before they both exited the room, leaving it in darkness.

"God I'm an idiot."

"You are," Mila scoffed. I turned to where I believed she was. 

"It's not like you saw it coming either! You got caught here way before me!" 

"Only because they were waiting for you to get the souls! They had so many fucking chances to get you! We're not used to this place or attacking or whatever. Our planet is perfect and it always has been! It's not like we could've prepared for this!"

I understood the pain in her tone. She just wanted to go home. I did too but, I had something here for me...

And now they don't even want me.

I sighed, laying my head back against the wall. "What do you think they're gonna do to us?" Mila quietly asked. I relaxed my body. 

"I don't know. Probably test us or some shit. Poke needles in our arms until we have no untouched skin on our bodies. Scoop out our intestines to see if anything's different?"

I heard a small sniffling in the darkness. Was she- crying? She had felt emotions too.

"Hey, I'm sure it won't be that bad. I'm sorry...I'm just in a really shitty mood."

"Is what she said true?"

"What?" I thought about what Lia or Yoora might've said but could think of nothing questionable.

"Did the boys not accept you?"

I went silent as I pulled my knees up to my chest. "No, they didn't," I whispered, still loud enough for it to echo. "I ruined them. Their relationship, their lives, everything. I hate that I had to even involve them in anything."

"Did you fall in love?"

My breathing stopped for a moment as I thought about it. When I did, all answers pointed in the same direction. Every action and word and thought.

"I did. I fell in love. And now, I don't think I'll ever love again."

                                                     ነቿሀቿክ የሁዪቿ ነዐሁረነ

Because I felt so bad for leaving you all with no update...I found time <3 

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