Lunch Date

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We walked to a nearby diner that advertised to have very good sandwiches and pancakes. Which we happened to both be in the mood for.

Namjoon hopped up the front steps, opening the door and motioning for me to go inside. I smiled, bowing my head softly before entering the small but busy place.

"Table for two?" A woman asked, already reaching to grab menus and utensils for us.

"Yes," Namjoon smiled, his dimples making an appearance. I watched as the girl stopped what she was doing just to stare at him, her eyes sparkling.

"Excuse me?"

She snapped out of the little trance before clearing her throat and motioning for us to follow her.

I shot Namjoon a teasing look, watching as he shrugged and pushed me in the direction of our table. Once we both sat down, I grabbed the menu and began reading off the items.

"What are you going to have?"

He shrugged, picking up his own menu. "Probably pancakes."

I nodded before going back to scanning the menu. A question suddenly came to me that I knew I would either forget or regret not asking later on. So I set down my menu after briefly deciding on a plate of pancakes (I had never had them) and cleared my throat.

"I actually have one more question for you."

His eyebrow raised as he set down his menu as well. I took it as my sign to continue.

"What do you think?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think aliens are real?"

His cheeks puffed out as he exhaled, a strange glint in his eyes. "I have a feeling deep down that they are. Maybe even walking among us right now. I mean who knows right? How could you tell? They look just like us after all..."

"So you think they're real?"

"I don't want to believe they are. I mean the thought is kind of terrifying but oddly enticing at the same time. Think about how many world problems they would be able to solve just by the blink of their eyes."

"So they're really smart?"

"Yep. Like smart enough to pass Seoul Universities entrance exam." 

My face went pale before I realized he was teasing me. "Are you saying I'm an alien Mr. Kim?" I scoffed, throwing my hair off my shoulder in disbelief. He started laughing, shaking his head.

"No, I'm just messing with you." He smiled at the waitress who brought our food and drinks out.

"I thought so. Thank you," I bowed my head to the waitress who walked away with a bright smile on her lips.

"You must've been quite the man in college," I mumbled, watching her walk off.

He hummed before shaking his head. "I went to college with Jin. The girls were all over him."

"Wait so how did you all meet?"

He grinned, taking a large bite of pancakes before thinking.

"Well Jungkook and I were business partners, Jin and I were best friends, and Hoseok ended up meeting us all through Jungkook who was pretty close to him from dance. We met Yoongi while at a party. He was the accompanist. It was more of a business party." I nodded while he took a drink of his water. 

"I think it was Jin who met Taehyung through a dating app. At that point, he was already dating Jimin but they were both open to more options. So yeah."

"Ohhh. So those two have been like partners in crime since the beginning?"

He nodded, chuckling at my small joke.

"So you all must feel complete huh?" I was speaking without thinking, the words were just rolling off my tongue. Love was such an interesting concept. I wondered why it didn't exist on my planet. Did it cause heartbreak and disagreements? It must...

Namjoon was silent, making me snap back into consciousness. "Nam-"


I paused, watching him slowly chew his food while looking confused. 

"No what?" What had I asked again?

"No, we don't feel complete. For years now we've felt like something is missing but none of us know what it is. It sucks."

"The feeling sucks?"

He nodded softly, taking another bite of pancakes. I internally smiled, maybe they needed another person? 

"Maybe it's because you all are so busy?"


"Well, if you think about it, none of you are home all the time. You each are home at different times from what I've seen. It's hardly ever all of you at once. Right?"


I couldn't help the small smile from spreading over my lips. 

"Maybe you need another person who is always there, willing to care for you, someone who serves as the special comfort."

He seemed to be thinking as he stared deeply at the table. Maybe this would inspire them a little to let me in a little faster. 

Okay maybe I'm just trying to get the souls and go home but I'm genuinely not a mean person. Maybe it is what they need, I'm just not the right person.

But they don't need to know that.

"You might be right. You're saying someone who's always home, always there for whenever one of us needs it most?"

"Yes. I mean you're all so busy all the time. I'm sure you all hardly give half the care each of you needs."

"Yeah, but should we really let another person in?"

I shrugged, taking a sip of my drink and pushing the empty plate away from me. "You said you were missing something, not me. I'm just suggesting what it may be."

He nodded, listening to my words before stacking his empty plate on mine. 

"Thanks for the insight. I'll ask the boys if they're interested in perhaps finding another person."

That felt odd. He made to stand up but I grabbed his wrist. "Namjoon."

He sat back down, a curious glint in his eyes. "Yes?"

"Don't open your heart to someone just because I said you might need someone else. Only give it to them if you like them for who they are. Not what they can do."

What the hell am I talking about? How would I know? If anything I'm trying to get in to do the opposite.

"Thanks, Rina. I enjoyed lunch."

"I did too. Will you be at the office later?"

He shook his head, a small smile playing out on his lips and cheeks. "With my uncle for another day. 

"Alright. Have fun! Bye," I waved, watching him walk out of the diner before turning to grab my purse and stand up.

Step 1, done. Plant the idea. Onto phase 2.

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