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The long-awaited update :)

I wasn't sure what I was doing anymore. 

I seemed to have the same thought every morning and that was the fact I had one more soul left hidden, a tough competition, and a ticking time bomb on my wrist.

And Mr. Min's attitude this morning was not helping.

"I'm done."

"And I want to be at home. Did you want a cookie? Just be quiet and let me think."

The girl shrunk back, placing the packet softly on the table as I rolled my eyes.

Think you were so special to finish before everyone else? Bitch I finished 2 days ago.

I chuckled at my own thoughts, head shooting straight up when Mr. Min called my name. 


"Did you say something? Why don't you let the class hear?"

All eyes were suddenly on me. 

How'd he even hear that?! I barely laughed!

"I didn't say anything, sir."

He hummed, looking quite bored as he leaned back and the class went back to their inch-thick packet.

"Have you finished?" He suddenly asked. I quirked an eyebrow before nodding and making my way to his desk with the packet that he had motioned for. He flipped through it before his eyes flicked over to mine, a hint of disbelief in them. "How are you finishing these so quickly?"

I lightly shrugged my shoulders, flinching when he hit the table. Not even that hard, it was just surprising to me.

"Ms. Park tell me. Cheating is highly unaccepted-"

"You think I'm cheating?!" I wasn't even sure what was happening. But someone questioning my capabilities was not on my list of okay things to do. "That girl just told you she was finished a few seconds ago and you told her to shut up! You suddenly want my packet and once you see it's also finished you accuse me of cheating?!"

The whole class seemed to be dead silent as Mr. Min's eyes narrowed. "The only difference is you haven't been doing anything in class the past 2 days."

I felt like a deer caught in headlights. Had he really been paying that much attention? I cleared my throat, trying to wipe the look of guilt from my face. 

"Been doing it at home."

He looked at me skeptically before dismissing me back to my seat. 

I wasn't frustrated until the thought hit me that in order to get them to give me their souls or whatever to save my planet, I need to win their trust. And so far, I was not doing so well in that department. In fact, I think I was going in the opposite direction with Mr. Min. 

This is exactly why when I got a text a few minutes later from Hoseok, asking if I wanted to hang out at his place for a while, I was down for it. 

He had gotten a sprained ankle a few days ago so we were currently taking a break from the dance lessons. 

So, as soon as the bell let out the class, I ran out of the room, pushing in front of everyone else. I sprinted into my dorm room, changed into something more comfortable, and then ran back out to the usual street lining the front of the university.

I opened google maps on my phone and followed Hoseok's directions until I stepped up in front of a large, beautiful apartment complex with shining accents.

All these people seem to be rich.

I watched as many women and men entered and exited the building, shiny watches on their wrists and dainty gold lockets hanging from their necks.

I slowly began to feel out of place before shaking the feeling off and entering the building and pressing the button for floor 7. Hobi had told me exactly where to go and what to say to people so that I could get to his home without a problem.

Everything seemed to work perfectly to the point I was standing in front of the simple but expensive looking door. I rapped my knuckles on the wood softly before gazing at the surroundings. 

The hall had a plush black carpet on the ground with mini potted plants placed near the single two doors in the hallway. It made me wonder why only 2 apartments got the whole floor to themselves.

I suddenly heard voices, confusing me slightly when Hoseok whipped open the door. 


He hugged me tightly, surprising me quite a bit before I followed him inside the dorm. 


I turned my head slightly, my eyes widening in disbelief when I met gazes with Taehyung and Namjoon. "Rina?"

I turned again to the entrance into the large living room, a red light flashing over the room as I stared at Jimin.

"Wait you all know her?"

"Hold on you know her hyung?!"

"Hey wait I thought I finally had something to myself for once!"

"Wait you all are confusing me. How do you know her?!"

All the questions fired at once, bringing the attention of 2 other people who walked out of the hallway and kitchen before everything hit me. Junkook and Namjoon were dating. But they both also mentioned something about a Taehyung who Jimin was dating. Taehyung knew Seokjin, the owner of the restaurant. Hoseok said he knew a Mr. Min and oh... oh no.

As if on cue, the door behind me opened and in walked a grumpy Mr. Min who froze at the sight of all of the boys arguing and his student standing right in front of him.

"What the hell is Rina doing here?"

"You know her too?!"

"Wait how?" 

"I'm so confused."


Complete. And. Utter. Chaos.

I glanced around the room, trying not to intervene or get in the middle of all the questions being fired like gunshots. 

Oh boy. I found the seven souls. And they were right in front of me the whole time. 


                                                             ነልሀቿ ጠቿ

Sorry for the delayed updates! I'm writing Daisies at the moment but also trying to find inspiration for this book. Will you all do me a favor and go read Daisies for me? It's cute I swear🥺 No ones reading it😢

Anyways happy reading!

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