Backstories and Replays

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I was so wrapped up in my book that I didn't notice when Mr. Jeon walked into the office followed by Namjoon. 

He, however, seemed surprised to see me sitting there, nose buried deep in a book. I had figured out in earlier days that when I was anxious, reading often helped me escape from reality. It wasn't a good thing, to ignore your problems. But I appreciated the temporary relief they gave me.


I glanced up, flinching in surprise at the two figures in the room. 

"O-oh hi."

I softly put the book down on the table, my fingers tangling with each other as I glanced at the clock. 5:52.

"You're early," Namjoon stated the obvious, making me release a quiet chuckle. 

"Yeah, I uh- had nothing else to do. So I thought why not get some work done?"

He nodded before whispering something to Jungkook and leaving out the same door he came in. Mr. Jeon continued to gaze at me, an unreadable emotion in his eyes.

"Mr. Jeon?"

He seemed to snap out of his trance but made no effort to move. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I was genuinely curious about what he was apologizing for. Did I miss something? Am I fired?!

"That we overwhelmed you earlier. You were probably just hoping to hang out with Hobi and we all kind of ruined it by asking everything at once. I guess we were all just surprised we all happened to know you but in different ways." He paused, seeming to think before laughing softly. "I also think it created some trust issues in our group. But nothing a little movie night can't fix."

My heart ached at those words. His eyes held so much adoration when talking about the others. And it amazed me how easily a problem like that could be fixed. A simple cuddle session while watching a cute movie like Moana. 

It hurt that I couldn't have something like that. As soon as I was done here, I would have to return to my planet anyway. And it's not like I could actually fall in love. 

During my time here, I'd found myself void of some emotions that other humans had. I found it hard to be sad or often very joyful. And I knew I couldn't love. It was something I hadn't felt yet but it just seemed like such an impossible emotion to feel. 

Especially when you know in the future you'd have to leave them.

"I'm sorry too. It was kind of unexpected and I guess it was just weird being in my boss and professor's home. It just weirded me out a little."

He let a smile graze his lips as he turned and made his way to his desk. 

"Do I have any meetings?"

"You have one at 6:30 sharp."

"About?" he raised his eyebrow, a common habit of his, but the look he gave me made my heart flutter. 

"The stocks update and release of the new product."

He nodded before flipping through some files, pausing on a few of them to read.

"Mr. Jeon?"

"It's Jungkook when we're alone." He didn't look up from his paper but I could see the small smirk playing out on his lips. 

"Right. Jungkook?"

He hummed, glancing up from the paper.

"How did you get to this spot? CEO I mean."

He set down the files, leaning back and crossing his legs. Seemingly thinking before giving me a good response. 

"My father passed it on to me. He wasn't originally going to but once he met Namjoon who I had mentioned as a potential partner at the time, he seemed sold on the idea. I guess Namjoon kind of gives off the powerful vibe."

I nodded, agreeing at that, eager at where this story was going. 

"I didn't actually want his company in the first place. Which is why I was completely fine when he said I didn't look ready."

"If you didn't want the company, what did you want to do?"

He looked around the office, smiling. "I wanted to be a singer. Possibly a dancer too. It was my passion growing up in middle and high school. It seemed like such a cool occupation and I was decently good at it."

"So why are you here?"

"Simple," he turned to look at me, a curious glint in his eye. "I fell in love."

I unconsciously smiled at that. "Namjoon?"

"Kind of. It wasn't completely him."

As if he knew my next question, he continued. "It was Hoseok actually. He was a visitor choreographer one day in my senior year of high school. He taught my class a few things but as soon as he walked in the door my heart belonged to him. He taught me that I can still enjoy the things I love like dancing and singing while stabling myself with another thing I wanted to do." He paused before laughing at himself. "Then Namjoon, who I was seeing at the time, convinced me to take the business and let him help me out. He went on and on about all the pros before I eventually agreed and introduced him to my dad."

"Who loved him and gave you the company?"

Jungkook nodded, seeming to finish his story. 

"That's cute," I mumbled without realizing it. He leaned forward, a giddy smile on his face. 

"You think?"

"I think it's quite the love story. Who was the last to join the little group?"


I laughed lightly at that, not realizing the set of eyes on me, a soft look on his face as I giggled. "Why did I expect that?"

"Well, he's last to everything so," Jungkook joked, making me break out into a fit of giggles again. The email gone from my mind for now. 

The light feeling in my chest gave me butterflies and the brightest smile. I wasn't sure exactly what I was feeling but...

I really really liked it.


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