Flight Jitters

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I slid on my black skirt, deciding against my usual form-fitting dress today. I would want to be comfortable, and formal. 

I zipped up my suitcase, took it off the bed, and grabbed my purse. I threw my phone in and went to grab the book off my desk before briefly remembering it had been stolen.

"Right. I forgot about that."

Letting out a deep sigh, I slung my purse over my shoulder and checked the clock. Yoongi's class ended quite early today. Classes this week had been really easy, surprising me in the slightest, noting he had mentioned exams last week.

I shut off my bedroom light and left the room, making sure my door was locked behind me. Who knew who Yoora would have over this weekend? 

"Yoora, I'm off!"

She jumped up from the couch, ran over, and gave me a suffocating hug. "Have fun, okay?"

"I will! Well, as much fun as you can have on a business trip." She chuckled before waving. I said goodbye and left through the front door, making sure my keys were in my purse before making my way to the car parked outside the dorm building. 

I had assured Hobi I could make it to work by myself when he asked, but he insisted I let him give me a ride instead. Who was I to say no?

He got out of the expensive car, immediately pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

"Well hello to you too," I grinned, letting him take the suitcase from my hands. 

"Excited?" he asked, stuffing it in the trunk before making sure I was buckled and starting the car. 

"As excited for business as I can be."

"Ah trust me, Jin and Jungkook won't let you be bored for a minute."

"Do you have any weekend plans?"

He thought for a moment before grinning. "Haven't had any time with Yoongi or Jimin lately so...yep! I've got plans alright." I playfully rolled my eyes, thinking I knew very well why he was so eager about it. Maybe I didn't...

"Well, I hope you guys have a good time together. And I hope I don't die."

"You're not going to die Rina."

"Die of boredom probably." He laughed, pulling up in front of the office and parking on the street. 

"You won't. Besides, you're the one who applied for this job. Your hell, not mine." I jokingly punched his shoulder before leaning over the center console and capturing his lips in a soft kiss. He smiled brightly, caressing my cheek before he unbuckled himself. 

"Jungkook likes to leave for these things early. Jin's been here since this morning helping him prepare. They're probably both waiting for you." I nodded, getting out of the car and taking my suitcase from Hoseok. 

"Thanks for the ride Hobi."

"Have a safe trip, okay? Don't miss me too much." 

I smiled before gently pulling him towards me in a hug. "I love you Hoseok."

His hold tightened around me as he kissed the top of my head. 

"I love you too flower."

                                                             ነልሀቿ ጠቿ

I stared wide-eyed at the ginormous transportation.

'Nobody told me we'd be in the air!'

I turned away from the floor-to-ceiling windows, sitting next to Jin and pulling out my phone. Making taking some notes and researching more about Jungkook's client would help ease my nerves.

"Have you ever been on a plane before?" I turned to Jin who was sitting comfortably, eyes on my knee that was bouncing up and down. 


"I thought you grew up on an island." This time I turned to Jungkook who was leaned over in his seat, facing the both of us.

"I did."

"Then did you not take a plane to the mainland?"

"No, I took a-" I paused, thinking of the word before deciding what to say, "bus."


"No! I meant a boat. I meant a boat. Sorry." They nodded their heads in understanding before we were called over to the door where we would board the private plane.

"Ah, Jungkook is very rich, right?"

Jin chuckled, slinging his free arm around my shoulder. "Honey everyone in this family is rich."


"Yep. Taehyung says he 'only' works at a coffee shop. He doesn't. He has his own business and models for multiple different brands. Jimin is a very, very well-paid cop who also happens to do modeling from time to time with Taehyung. Jungkook and Namjoon are...well they're them. I own a restaurant. Yoongi produces music for other artists and himself, and also teaches classes."

"And Hobi?"

"Hobi's got a whole dance studio, Rina, keep up here." He grinned, flicking my forehead as we boarded the plane.

I nodded in understanding, indeed understanding that they were all very well-off. "Impressive."

We followed Jungkook through the dark tunnel before we were suddenly on the aircraft. Almost immediately I tensed up, sitting in the seat next to Jungkook so I could ask him questions about the client.

Jin sat on the other side of the plane, saying he wanted some alone time to create new dishes and come up with new promotional ads.

I buckled up, tightening the seatbelt to an almost suffocating amount before I let my head hit the back of the cushioned seat.


"Maybe a little," I pouted, grabbing his hand and holding it tightly in my lap. "Is this okay?"

"It's perfect."

I glanced at the side of his face before the captain announced something about taking off.

"I uh- how terrible is it?"

"Is what?"

"Taking off?"

"Not bad. Don't worry. Do you want me to distract you?" I felt the plane moving, making my stomach twist in worry. 


The plane began to pick up speed, my heart racing before suddenly Jungkook was in front of me, the thumb of his free hand sliding along my jawline. Immediately I forgot all about the terrifying situation I was in, my heart calmed to a normal pace again.

"Not so bad, right?" He whispered, the ghost of his breath fanning over my lips.

"No," I muttered, sensing him unconsciously get closer and closer until my eyes fluttered shut, accepting his soft lips on my own. I was amazed somebody could take such good care of their lips. It was almost as if I was kissing a silk pillow.

I didn't even notice when we had entered the air, nor did I care. I felt the familiar rush of energy and the glow of my pendant before he backed away, his doe eyes wide. For a second, he looked like a child. No older than 18. But I knew better.

'Maybe I'd feel bad if it was a child.'


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