Psychotic Idiotic

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"Will everyone shut up please?!"

Despite the magic word, Seokjin sounded anything but kind at the moment. 

The room went silent as I folded my hands together, trying not to freak out at the moment. All 7 souls happened to be the most attractive men I had ever seen, and I now could move on to my next step of the mission. 

Getting them to...oh shit.

"Hobi how do you know Rina?"

I snapped out of my thoughts, turning to Hoseok who was looking just as puzzled as everyone else. "I give her dance lessons."

"Taehyung and I met her at a cafe," Jimin announced. 

"She works for us," Namjoon and Jungkook added at the same time. 

"My student."

"Taehyung introduced me to her at the restaurant."

All eyes landed on me, suddenly making me seem small. 

"I uh- hi?"

"I find that really odd we all knew the same person but none of us mentioned it until now," Jimin spoke up, suddenly looking doubtful at his fellow dormmates. 

"She was insignificant," Mr. Min shrugged, insulting you slightly.

"Just didn't think to mention her," Jungkook mumbled, making you turn your gaze to him. 

Wait, so I had met all these people, and none of them had even brought up meeting me to each other? I couldn't help the slight defensive look that took over my features.


"Um okay, we'll talk about this later. Rina, do you want some water?" Hoseok was quick to save me from the awkward situation. 

"Yes," I answered quickly, following him into the kitchen. 

"You didn't tell me you knew all of them," he suddenly mentioned once we were out of earshot of the others.

"You didn't ask! Plus, I'm just as confused as you are. I didn't know you all knew each other!"

"Knew each other? Sweetheart we're dating," Jungkook suddenly spoke up from behind me, making me turn to him in surprise. 

"Wait..." I turned to Hobi who was looking anywhere but at me. Everything snapped into place just then. "Oh my god."

Jungkook smirked as my cheeks suddenly grew red. This whole thing made perfect sense now. Of course, the seven souls I needed to take and save my planet were dating each other.

"This is just as much your fault as mine Hoseok," I snapped, not knowing what else to say in my shock. He was partially blaming me anyway for not telling him I knew the others.

He rolled his eyes but I couldn't help but notice the guilty look in his eyes. 

"And not to mention most of you lied to me, calling each other friends!" I raised my voice so anybody in the living room or outside the kitchen could hear. Jimin who was peeking into the kitchen cringed lightly. 

"Rina I'm sorry. We're normally judged a lot for a relationship like this," he quickly stated, coming into the kitchen and standing next to Jungkook who softly put his arm around the shorter.

My heart couldn't help but flutter at that one act of affection. What did it feel like? 

"It's okay. I was kind of connecting dots anyway," I mumbled, taking the water Hoseok gave me and taking a small sip. I really didn't want to go, knowing the seven souls were so close to me. But I also didn't feel comfortable with everything at the moment. 

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