Return of the Brat

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I felt on edge waiting for Taehyung and Hoseok to change. As soon as the shoot was over, there was no sight of Mrs. Shin leading me to believe I had imagined the whole thing.


I jumped, whipping my head around to Taehyung's worried gaze. "Oh, it's just you."

"Just me?"

I nodded, fixing my hair and turning to Hobi who also came out of the changing room, following Taehyung. 

"Can we go please?" I asked quietly, feeling on edge from the encounter. How had I run into her twice today? And three times in the past week. I'd have to talk to Jungkook and figure out more about her.

"Of course," Hoseok mumbled, grabbing my hand and leading me to the parking garage.

"Taehyung are you riding with us?"

We turned to Taehyung who paused, glancing at the man in a suit standing near his car.

"I'll meet you guys there, okay? Don't want ol' Sejin to be alone."

We both nodded, waving goodbye and hopping in the car. As soon as I was inside and the car door was locked, I let out the breath I had been holding.

"Hey, Rina? Is something wrong?"

I turned to Hoseok, shaking my head.

"No, I just felt a little uneasy. Is it hot in here?" I fanned myself, feeling like my skin was on fire.

"Yeah, I'll start the car." I nodded, watching as he turned the keys and started the ignition. I sighed in relief, feeling the cool air fan over my skin.


I nodded as he pulled out and started making his way to the apartment.

"Is Jungkook home?"

"I'm not sure. He should be at the office."

Oh right. Work tonight. "Can you drop me there on the way home? Please? I want to talk to him."

Hobi raised an eyebrow before nodding and rerouting us.

"Thank you."

He nodded again, taking a drink of his water as we pulled up to a red light.

"Is it important?"

"Kind of? Not really. I'm actually not sure if it's important or not. I just have to ask about a client."

He made an 'o' shape with his lips before pressing on the pedal and pulling up to the building.

"Alright, thank you Hobi. Please tell the others where I am if they ask. I love you," I quickly said, pressing a kiss to his expecting lips before entering the building. I rushed to the elevator, pressing the correct floor before waiting patiently.

Once the doors opened again, I sped down the hall, knocking quickly on the door.

"Come in," someone grumbled from inside. I entered, stopping short at seeing a familiar figure sitting across from Jungkook. 

Lee Miyo.

Jungkook glanced up at the door, his eyes widening at the sight of me. I probably didn't look like I belonged there. I was wearing a large white t-shirt that belonged to Namjoon and leggings.


I tore my eyes from Jungkook's to the girl sitting in front of him.

"Hello, Ms. Lee."

"Don't Ms. Lee me you bitch."

I flinched slightly at her harsh tone before I glanced at Jungkook. Did he want me to do anything?

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