Truth Told Untold

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"I hate my skin," I mumbled to myself, sitting criss-cross on the bed. I used to think the shade of green with my pink hair was so pretty but after looking almost normal for a couple of months, I hated looking like this. It was just more of a reminder that I'm not who the boys think.

"I think it's beautiful," Jimin answered, stepping out of the connecting bathroom. My eyes widened in surprise. Did he hear me? "You're beautiful," he added, sitting on the bed and crawling closer to me. 

The uncertainty in my eyes must've been clear. Because he sighed with regret.

"I'm sorry Rina. I'm so sorry for how I acted. We all promised to not be mad and then we got mad anyway. I got mad. I felt so betrayed that I didn't even realize how much I must've been hurting you. You are insanely gorgeous. I love everything about you. Your eyes, your smile, your skin, your hair, your laugh, your personality, everything. Please believe me."

I subconsciously smiled, watching as his eyes crinkled in delight. He pecked my lips before snuggling beside me. Someone knocked on the door before quickly opening it right after. Hoseok made his way over to my other side as the rest of the boys filed in. Only Mila was missing but I couldn't care less.

Hoseok flipped my hood off once the door was shut and locked. I pulled my hair to one side nervously, unsure of what the boys would think after getting a good look at me.

"Wow," Namjoon whispered, staring at me in awe. Everyone sat around the bed, keeping their eyes on me. My cheeks burned as I looked down, feeling shy at all the attention. "I was so upset before I didn't even take time to recognize your beauty. Nothing changed about you. You're still you," Namjoon smiled, his dimples deepening.

I grinned, pulling my knees to my chest. "Really?"

He just nodded as Yoongi poked at my skin. "Feels normal," he muttered as I rolled my eyes. 

"What did you think? I would be slimy?" His cheeks turned pink as he turned away. 


I only giggled before Jin cleared his throat. "As much as I love giving our princess attention. There are some things we need to discuss. Last time we had a meeting like this, it ended...well poorly. So first let me start with," he paused, staring me right in my eyes. "Rina we are so sorry we reacted like that. If anything we should've been the ones to give you support. That's what we do as a family." He motioned to the others who nodded, looking guilty. "We all love you so much which is why we feel terrible for what we did. Can you forgive us?"

"Forgive you guys? No." Some looked at me in shock while other's heads just dropped more. I quickly changed my wording. "I mean, I won't forgive you guys because you acted perfectly reasonably. If someone told me they killed me indirectly like that, I would be pissed too. Especially if they did the same thing to the people I love. I was shocked because it wasn't the reaction I was expecting. But then again I told you that I basically killed you guys for my own selfish needs. So," I just nodded, pursing my lips in thought.

"That still gives us no excuse. We truly are sorry."

"I believe you. I'm sorry too. For everything I've done."

We sat in silence for a few moments before Jungkook spoke up from his spot on the ground.

"So how old are you and what's your actual name?"

I laughed out loud at his wide puppy eyes before containing myself. I chuckled quietly before speaking up. "I'm actually 3024 years old and my real name is thirteen."

If his eyes could get any bigger, they did. 

"You're 3024?!" Hoseok's eyes were as wide as saucers from beside me. I nodded.

"12 years for me is like a month here. So," I just swayed back in forth awkwardly as they took the new information in. 

"But in human years you're-?" Taehyung paused, probably not wanting to do the math. 

"About 21."

"And your name is thirteen? What kind of name is that?" Jimin asked, an odd look on his face.

"Yes everyone is a different number on my planet. We're assigned to families so I guess it's not that important to give us actual names," I thought quietly. I started to realize how boring and horrible our planet was. You were actually assigned to a family. Those weren't even my real parents. Who were my parents?

"I think we should give you a new name. Rina doesn't really suit you and you deserve a proper name," Jungkook smiled, looking excited. 

"She's not a dog Jungkook," Namjoon sighed.

"Well she's not a human either," he argued. I laughed softly. 

"It's okay. I think a name would be nice."

They all thought for a moment, racking their heads for ideas before Yoongi spoke up from his spot on the opposite side of the room. "Y/n?"

That name caught my attention. It sounded so pretty and moved smoothly across the air. 

"I love that name," I immediately agreed. Feeling shy once all the boys looked at me, with questionable looks in their eyes.

"She does kind of look like a Y/n, doesn't she?"

"Huh, you're right. She does."

"Y/n it is," Namjoon smiled softly, his dimples on him looking more handsome than ever.

Again we sat in silence as I felt the name on my tongue. It was nice, really.

"So wait, Y/n?"

I turned to Jungkook who again had a question buried inside him. It felt weird to respond to a different name than Rina or 13.

"What's going to happen? To us. To you?"

The tension grew thicker as I leaned against the headboard.

"I don't know. All of that was in the book, which Yoora stole from me. I'm not sure what's going to happen. All I know is," I paused moving my wrist to look at the timer. "I have 6 hours left."

"What did you just look at?" I showed my wrist to Jin before remembering they couldn't see it.

"I have a timer on my wrist that tells me how long I have to complete my mission. I only have six hours."

"How long did you have when you got here?"

"I had 365 days. A year for you."

"But you've been here not even 3 months?!" Jimin looked upset. I was too.

"The timer randomly started going a lot fast until it was skipping multiple days at a time. I think it was because Mila showed up and she also got the timer. So it started moving both of ours quickly. That's the only explanation I have."

"So once that timer is up, you go back?"

I nodded in silence, pulling my knees to my chest and resting my chin on top of them.

"Will..will you ever come back?" Taehyung quietly asked from beside Jin.

I shook my head. "I don't know how I would. This was only to help my planet. But now, I wish I was never sent here."

"You would've never met us."

"And I would've never had to say goodbye to you like this," I finished, feeling Hobi wrap me in a hug as his tears wet my hoodie.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for everything," I mumbled hugging him tightly.

"So that's it? You're just going to leave us like this?" Yoongi asked. He looked mad, upset, frustrated. I couldn't tell. Without saying another word he left the room. 

I sighed, letting go of Hoseok and getting up.

"Y/n he really does love you. That's why this is so hard for him. He hates letting people go. He's had to do it too many times in the past," Jin informed me, a waver in his voice.

Poor Yoongi. "I need to talk to him alone. I'll be right back," was all I said before leaving the room and flipping up my hood.


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