Comical Overthinking

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2 days had passed since I had gone back to the dorm and today I decided I had hit the mark called "overstaying your welcome."

"Rina, will you stop with that? You're not overstaying anything!"

However, once I mentioned that one little thing to Hobi, he insisted on not letting me leave. It had been nice, cuddling with Taehyung each night to experience just how amazing falling in love could be. 

And I couldn't help but feel like his recent actions towards me had made me fall a little for the boy. Which was bad of course. It would end up with nothing but broken hearts.

"Hoseok, move out of the way! I'm going back to the dorm. I haven't seen Yoora in 3 days and I'm not even sure what state my place is in!"

"So? Does it really matter?"

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Hobi give me my bag and move out of the way."

He huffed angrily before tossing me my bag and sliding in the opposite direction of the door.

"But I don't want you to leave."

"Hobi, I have to."

He looked around as if subtly trying to find an excuse to keep me there as I turned to the door, an amused smile on my face.

"Bye Hobi."

There were a few seconds of silence before I heard his voice, a bit chirpier this time.

"Bye Rina!"

I turned in confusion, wondering why he suddenly accepted my departure when I was tackled by another form, throwing me over their shoulder as Hoseok smiled evilly from behind me.

"Who the hell is this?!"

"Hey, Rina how about some videogames?"

I now recognized Taehyung's voice. I should've assumed.

He and Hobi are the only clingy ones toward me.

I let out a long sigh before ultimately agreeing to stay around for a few more hours. "Fine but then I really have to go home."

"Sounds good!" They excitedly shouted in unison, dropping me on the couch in their game room as they began to set up devices for us.


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When I got back to the dorm, everything seemed to be completely fine, as if no one had really come in in the past few days or even touched the fruit in the fruit bowl. It made me wonder if really no one had come home.

I slowly made my way to my room, freezing in my tracks at the still torn-apart bedroom. 

"Did Yoora not help clean anything?"

I turned to her room, wondering if she was home, but what I saw made me even more confused. Her bedroom sat in the same state I last saw it, with no sight of Yoora.

"She didn't clean her room either?"

I immediately grabbed my bag, dialing her just to make sure I wasn't going crazy.

It rang a few times before again going to voicemail. I tried twice more after that but each time there was nothing.

I sat down on the couch, kicking my feet up as I turned the tv on. The gears inside my head turned as I searched for something to take my mind off all the cleaning I'd have to do in a little bit.

I turned on what looked like a drama called "Love Crossed" before sitting back and letting my mind think.

Why would Yoora come back and still leave this place a mess? Wouldn't she have cleaned at least her room? It looks impossible to even move around in at the moment and I'm sure she would rather sleep on the cold kitchen floor than try and sleep in there.

But what if...what if she didn't come home? 

Maybe she never came home at all? 

But then where would she stay?

She has other friends...but why would she go live with them? Does she hate cleaning that much? Or is she scared of another break-in, like me? No...she told me on the phone that she'd check it out as soon as she was done hanging out with-

My posture straightened as my brows furrowed. My brain tuned out the tv as my fingers felt for my pink hair. 

Last I talked to her, she was hanging out with Mila. What if she didn't come back to the dorm because she didn't have a choice? What if Mila thinks that because Yoora wasn't hanging out with her anymore was because I had told her the truth about Mila? Maybe...maybe Yoora didn't come home because Mila wouldn't let her.

I jumped up from the couch, running for my bag and coat before locking the door behind me and making my way across the campus grounds.

What if Yoora was trapped somewhere or Mila was keeping her hostage? 

I stopped in the middle of the green field in between buildings. 

But also...what if she actually did go to a friend's house because she was scared?

I slowed my pace, continuing my short walk to the front office. 

I can't jump to any conclusions. I need evidence first. She could be visiting family or at a friend's house. I have no reason whatsoever to think Mila kidnapped her. 

"What the hell is going through my mind?"

I opened the door to the front office and stopped in front of the lady at the desk who I had met the first time I signed up for classes here.

Man, has it really been that long?


"Can I please have the number of Choi Mila's dorm room?"

She looked up at me from the cover of her glasses before glancing back down at her computer. 

"I'm sorry unless she tells you, that's classified information."

Classified my ass I'm going to get that number.

"Oh okay. That's fine. Have a wonderful day!"

I flashed the fakest smile I could possibly give before turning down the hall and instead of making my way to my dorm, decided to call for someone else's help. 

Someone with a bit more...power than me.

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Suddenly getting so motivated for this book. Thanks for all your comments, it helps a lot!

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