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There was an unsettling feeling in the pits of my stomach. 

I had seen him before. I was almost positive about it. And whatever the situation, it left a sickening feeling in my chest.

"Rina? Is something wrong?"

I looked up, realizing now I had been standing in the same spot for the past 2 minutes since Mr. Choi left.

"Um no...nothing really."

He hummed softly, waiting until I sat at my desk to say something. "Im actually curious about something..."

I looked up, making eye contact and detecting the speculation in his dark irises. "Alright. What is it?"

"When did you complete the investment papers?"

"As I said earlier, I finished them a few days ago."

"But I hadn't told you about them or Mr. Choi."

I tilted my head in confusion. "Yeah you did. You sent me a text I think 2 days ago."

He quirked an eyebrow as I fumbled for my phone. He came over to my desk, softly grabbing the phone and turning it to see the screen and his evident text. He had asked me to finish the papers because Mr. Choi would be coming soon. 

"Rina this isn't my number."

"What do you mean? You literally wrote 'Sent by Mr. Jeon'."

He shook his head, handing the phone back to me as my heart suddenly dropped. "You mean to say you didn't text me and didn't expect me to have those papers done?"

"No, I planned to get them ready this evening..."

"Oh my god."

I dropped my phone on the carpeted ground, fear bubbling up inside me. I couldn't jump to conclusions. "W-wait what if it was Namjoon? Sending it for you, y'know?"

Jungkook shook his head, worry creasing his brows at my panicked state.

"That wasn't his number either. I've never seen that number before."

I shut my eyes tightly, running my hands through my hair in frustration and fear. 

Someone knows where I live, where I work, and my number. Is it all the same person? Or a team of some sort?


I peeled my eyes open, willing myself not to cry before flinching in surprise at the close proximity between Jungkook and me.

He was crouched down, a hand carefully placed on my knee, careful not to violate me in any way. He looked up at me with his wide doe eyes, warmth swirling around in the chocolate of them as he searched my face.

"Calm down. I know this is scary but it may just be a text from the desk or someone else in the office. Don't jump to any conclusions. Okay?"

"It's not just this," I muttered, shaking my head as tears threatened to spill down my warm cheeks. 

"What? This has happened before?"

"Not like this," I paused, noticing he was waiting for me to continue instead of interrupting. "Probably a week ago I got an email saying some cruel things but it didn't have a sender. And it disappeared right after I read it." I decided to leave out the box at my doorstep because I wanted to figure that one out by myself before revealing it to anyone. Besides Yoora of course.

"Have you told anyone?" 

Jungkook stood up, an unreadable expression on his face as he reached for the phone on his desk. 

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