"You two know each other?"

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My eyes widened, shooting between the two. "You two know each other?"

Mila grinned, stepping forward and placing a hand on Hoseok's bicep, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "You could say that."

Hoseok dropped my hand, causing me to quickly peel the ring off and stuff it in my pocket. "A-are you guys dating?"

"More like talking," Hoseok smiled.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

This makes everything ten times harder.

"Hoseokie? Where's Jinnie? Wasn't he going to meet us too?"

Who the hell is Jinnie?! 

I cleared my throat, softly tugging Hoseok back to me. "Sorry, Mila. We're busy at the moment. You can talk later. C'mon Hobi."


I pulled Hoseok to my room, shutting it harshly behind me and locking it. I slid to the floor, running my hands over my face.

Hoseok crouched beside me, holding my hands with a concerned look on his face. "Rina? Are you okay?"

I shook my head, words failing me at the moment. She must've done more damage than I thought during her short time with the ring. Enough to lure Hoseok and probably more of the souls to her.

"Hoseok, listen to me," I quickly whispered, pulling him away from the door where I was sure Mila was listening. 

I pulled him to the furthest corner, leaning close to his ear. "Mila is not who you think she is. She's bad news Hobi. You can't fall for her."

I pulled back, witnessing the confused expression flashing over his eyes. "Rina, what are you talking about? You're beginning to confuse me."

I shut my eyes, trying to think of how to say this before Mila got impatient.

"I can't tell you much. She's going to break your heart. She's just using you! Hobi please trust me. Didn't it feel like she had some sort of spell over you when you first met?"

Hoseok thought for a second before his brows furrowed, nodding slowly. 

"Just trust me. Please," I whispered, using my eyes to convince him.

He bit his lip, looking between the door and me. "Okay."



A smile graced my lips as I hugged him tightly. "Thank you. Act like nothing happened, alright? But from now on just keep your guard up around her. You'll thank me later."

He nodded, sitting on my bed slowly as I entered my bathroom and changed into work clothes. I also grabbed my bag holding the book and now the red ring.

"Let's go?"

Hoseok nodded, still looking a little out of it.

I opened my door, surprised she wasn't sitting there. In fact, she was nowhere to be found. I crept forward, feeling Hoseok grab my hand as I opened the front door. "Where'd she go?"

"I don't know. Let's go quickly."

I pushed him out the door and locked it behind me, quickly making my way down the stairs and checking my watch. 


I'm gonna be late.

I quickened my pace, coming up quickly on Jeon Enterprises. I turned at the door, feeling Hoseok's eyes on the building. "Thanks for everything today Hobi. I can't wait for next time."

He looked confused, probably because I was acting as if nothing had happened at the dorm. 

"Yeah...be safe okay? I'll see you later," he mumbled, a smile spreading over his lips as he turned to make his way to his studio. 

I scurried into the lobby, sliding the ring over my finger and running to the elevator. "Going up?"

I looked over, smiling widely when I saw Namjoon grinning at me, dimples showing.

"Yes, I believe I have to go up, don't I?"

"I mean there's no down so unless you came in here for nothing...yes you do," he chuckled, pressing the floor we needed to go to.

"You're almost late," he commented, looking at his watch.

I looked at my own as well.


"I will be on time," I said, determined. As soon as the doors opened, I dashed out and into Mr. Jeon's temporary office, my eyes widening realizing he had a guest.

"On time Ms. Park. As expected." We made eye contact, his dark, chocolate orbs flashing an unknown emotion. I nodded softly before setting my stuff down and turning around, feeling a pair of eyes on me. 

I mentally cursed at myself, recognizing the woman sitting across from him. 

How is she fucking everywhere at once?!

"Ms. Mila, this is my secretary, Ms. Park."

"Yes, we've been acquainted," Mila flashed him a smile, turning to me again.

"Hello, Mila. May I ask what it is you're doing here?"

"I'm reviewing her job application."

I snapped my head to Mr. Jeon who seemed unfazed.

There's no way I'm letting her get a job close to him. As far as I know, 2 souls are on this premises and I can't let her get closer to any others.

"Well I'm sorry but I believe your time is being cut short. Mr. Jeon has a meeting. We'll review your application another time. Be safe, have good travels, and make sure to come again soon. Don't call us, we'll call you!"

I pushed her out the door, shutting it behind her. I crossed my arms, a hard scowl on my face as Mr. Jeon cleared his throat. I turned around, stomping up to his desk and taking the file away from him, reading it. 

I scoffed slightly, tossing it in the trash. "Mr. Jeon, you can't possibly be thinking of hiring her, can you?"

Said man just stared at me with an unknown emotion in his eyes. "I never said I was thinking of hiring her."

I suddenly realized what I had done, practically pushing away a potential employee from my boss.

"And that was mighty disrespectful of you, wasn't it?" 

I watched as he stood up, making his way forward to me with his hands tucked into his pockets. "I-"

He stopped inches from me, his lips quirking upward as he softly grabbed my waist. "You're getting bold, aren't you?"

"I could say the same about you, Mr. Jeon."

His tongue swiped his bottom lip as he inched closer. "Please, when we're alone, it's Jungkook. And I didn't like her anyway. No one could replace you," he smirked before pulling away and glancing at the trash. 

"But I am curious, why don't you like her?"

"There's nothing to like about her," I huffed, sitting at my desk and opening my laptop as Jungkook sat down. 

He chuckled deeply, smiling softly. "Oh is that so? Does someone have a competitor?"

"You could call her that...but I thought competitors made it hard to win?"

He nodded, leaning forward with a small smile playing on his lips. 

"Then she's no competitor."


Hi! Here's another chapter for you all 🥰

Make sure to vote and please check out Daisies or Seven!

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