Stock prices and Brat spices

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I boredly sat at my desk, trying to make a game plan.

I had easily finished all the tasks Jungkook had given me within 30 minutes but he didn't have to know that. According to him, I was still handling money investments at the moment. But I couldn't just sit here, pretending to write on the same paper forever. So instead, here I was, planning my next move.

I had easily gotten past the fact I had Taehyung's soul resting on my collarbone. It had terrified me at first but as my race works, we move on from things rather quickly. I decided instead to just move on with my mission.

And next, I was leaning toward Hobi. He and Taehyung had always been the most attached to me and I felt like he would be the easiest. Now the question was, when? And did he really like me?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door banged open, Jungkook's and my eyes snapping up at the woman who barged through the door. I noted the paling on his face as she stopped directly in front of him. 

"Jeon Jungkook, what in the world do you think you are doing giving my stock shares out like it's pennies!"

...What in the world is she talking about?

Namjoon suddenly entered the office, a cool but angered expression on his face. "Lee Miyo, I told you to wait in the office until this could be discussed privately."

"Is this not privately you imbecile?" she snapped before turning right back around to Jungkook. "I give you a good time for a few months, break things off, and now suddenly you're handing my stuff around to anybody?"

"Ms. Lee you must be confused. I wouldn't do that."

Wait from what I'm understanding, why does she have anything to do with this company in the first place? ...WHO IS THIS?

"Jeon Jungkook you can't be serious." She sighed exasperatedly, turning to examine the office before her eyes landed on me.

"Miyo, please exit the office."

"Who the hell is this?" She stormed up to my desk, leaning over so her black hair would drift over my papers.

"The name is Park Rina. Mr. Jeon's secretary and assistant. Can I help you?" I stood up, showing her whoever she was, she could not walk all over me or Jungkook.

She scowled, whipping right back around to Jungkook. "Explain this to me right now Jungkook or trust me the only place you'll be getting married to your fucking gays is in jail." She slapped down a piece of paper with a lot of information written down.

Annnnnd the line has been crossed.

I abruptly pushed my chair back, walking up to Jungkook's side and snatching the papers from under her fingertips.

"Get out."

She glared at me, a blazing fire in her eyes. "Bitch who are you to tell me to get out of my ex's office."

"His girlfriend."

Well, that was uncalled for.

I glanced up at Namjoon who looked like he was going to murder her if she didn't step out right now. At least he wasn't upset.

"You're not his girlfriend."

"Wouldn't you like to know? Get out. You can schedule a meeting with Mr. Jeon for another day but he was very busy before you rudely interrupted his business. I'll run over the papers and get back to you later on." She stuttered as I flashed an unamused smile. "Have a good evening." As I said this, two men with badges ironed firmly on their sleeves pulled her from the office, shutting the doors behind them.

Namjoon let out a loud, frustrated sigh while Jungkook just stared at his keyboard.

"Hey, Jungkook, are you okay?" I asked softly, placing a hand on his shoulder.

He flinched, glancing up at me before nodding quickly, and biting his lip. He stood up suddenly, excusing himself to the bathroom while I stood, watching Namjoon closely. He looked very handsome in his grey suit but that was not what I was worried about.

"Namjoon? What was she talking about? How does she have any stocks in this company?"

He shook his head, thinking for a moment as he sunk down onto one of the sofas in the far corner of the room. I quickly moved to sit next to him, placing a hand softly on his knee for support. Though I'm sure it didn't do much.

"Her father and Jungkook's father were business partners a while back. They had agreed to marry off their firstborn children male and female to conjoin companies. While growing up, Miyo's father had plenty of stocks which he later passed on to his daughter when he fell ill. He, unfortunately, passed away before he could figure out Jungkook's father had broken the deal off."

"The deal about marrying the two?"

Namjoon nodded.

"So is Jungkook trying to get rid of her shares in the company? Why did she come storming in?"

"In an attempt to win his heart over and prove she didn't need anything from him, she gave them back to him but the paperwork was never fully signed off which means they're still partially hers. Jungkook knew about this too, he just never pressed the matter. When she realized giving him back the shares did nothing to persuade him into marriage, she had a burning hatred for him and now it appears she's found a way to get back at him."

"But if Jungkook knew the stocks weren't again fully his, why would he try and give them away?"

Namjoon pursed his lips, his hands folding in his lap.

"He wouldn't. That's what I'm afraid of."


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