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"Where are we even supposed to start?" I asked, turning to Jin who just scanned the mall. The last time we were here was when Jimin and I saw Rina and Jin on a date. I cringed at the thought.

"How about Chanel?" His suggestion snapped me out of my thoughts.


Instead of answering he just interlaced our fingers, leading me down a hall that screamed luxurious into a store that looked almost all black and white. 

"Um, Jin," I tried, but he was on a mission. He grabbed many dresses, some that didn't even look...well like me. "Jin, I don't think this is the right store," I mumbled as he shoved the dresses in my arms. 

"Go try them on. I'll be right here."

I had a weird deja vu as I went to go try on the dresses. Lo and behold, he said no to every single one of them.

The next store was one that positively looked out of budget. 

"Who's Louis?"

"Louis? What- oh. You mean Louis Vuitton?"



"What the hell is the 's' for?!"

"Not important, c'mon." He grabbed my arm, pulling me into the store. Immediately I disliked their options for dresses.

"Jinnie, I don't really like this one. Can we go somewhere that looks interesting to me?"

Jin sighed, putting down the dresses he had picked up. He nodded with a soft smile on his face as I grinned. I intertwined our fingers, leading him through the different stores until I found a dress-centered store with many fancy and glittery fabrics.

Immediately one dress stood out to me. Sitting in the very corner but shining like the brightest star. And I had seen a lot of stars in my lifetime. A lot.

"I think I found my dress."


Again, here we were on a plane. Instead of just Jin and Jungkook, all the boys were together.

I bit my lip, unsure of where to sit until I saw Taehyung sitting alone, book propped up and glasses cutely placed on his nose. I cooed at the sight before rushing to his side. I plopped in the seat beside him, surprising the boy.

"You sat by me?"

"O-h." My voice broke as I moved to stand up. "I'm sorry I didn't think if you wanted me next to you or not."

He grabbed my waist, pulling me back down into the seat. He grinned softly. 

"I want you here."

I sighed in relief, lifting the armrest between us and wrapping my arms around his warm torso.

"You smell like vanilla," I mumbled, rubbing my nose in his hair. He chuckled, turning his head and pecking my cheek.

"Don't tell him, but it's Yoongi's."

I gasped softly, jumping up to go to Yoongi. I wanted to see if he smelled like vanilla or not. I stopped, seeing him and Namjoon snuggled up side by side, a blanket thrown over them, almost asleep before the plane even took off.

I smiled thoughtfully, coming up behind them and rubbing their shoulders.

"Hi my sleepy boys," I giggled, pressing kisses to both their heads. Yoongi's hair indeed smelled like vanilla.

Namjoon mumbled a small "hi" before a soft snore could be heard. I tried to hold in my snort but let it out hearing Yoongi desperately holding in his laugh as well. Turning, I nuzzled my cheek against Yoongi's, feeling the warmth from him. "Is something wrong?" he asked softly, turning to me with the cutest look of concern on his face.

Yes. A lot is. 

"No. Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to give you both some love." I smiled through the sharp pain inside. This would all soon come to an end. He didn't notice my smile falter as I pressed a kiss to his forehead. I turned, finding Namjoon dead asleep beside him. I knew we were about to take off so I pecked his forehead as well before returning to my seat.


"I missed you," he pouted, making grabby arms for me. I frowned in confusion, sitting next to him.

"I was gone for 2 minutes?"

"Still I feel like I've barely seen you the past few days." My face paled only slightly when I realized this must have been his soul's doing. My time here was growing less and less. Their hearts would long for me more and more. It made my head hurt.

"I'm sorry baby," I mumbled, leaning into his side and pressing my nose to his neck. He smelled so nice. In only moments I was asleep.


When I woke again I was being carried by a very strong pair of arms through a parking garage. I panicked for a short moment before I noticed a sleeve of tattoos covering Jungkook's flexing biceps.

I pressed further into his black t-shirt, feeling his chest vibrate with his chuckles. "Where are we?" I mumbled, hanging my arms around his neck and pulling myself up slightly. 

"New York baby," he grinned, pecking my lips before I heard a car alarm unlock. Jin opened the passenger door so Jungkook could slide me in. I lazily lifted my arm so he could buckle me in.

I heard Jimin laugh before commenting about my "utterly adorable" sleeping persona. I grumbled something in response before leaning against the window, my eyes once again getting heavy.

"Alright head count, Namjoon?"

I faintly heard Namjoon counting out loud. I however didn't know that with each head, he gave them a kiss. So I was very flustered when he suddenly leaned over and gave me a brief kiss on my lips. My cheeks turned fiery red as I hid my face against the cold window. Finally, he kissed Jimin who was in the driver's seat.

"Eight," he finalized, pulling away from the silver-haired boy and sitting back down. "We're all set." Jimin nodded, starting the car and pulling out of the spot.

"Is this a rental?" I asked softly. He nodded, turning around and checking the rear before he pulled all the way out.

I realized he was focused so I stopped speaking to him, instead choosing to turn away and watch the window.

As soon as we exited the parking garage, I felt Jimin's warm hand slide onto my thigh. Turning with hot cheeks, I noticed he looked focused on the road. How can he casually do these things?!

"First time?" Hobi jokingly asked from behind me. I turned to him, a confused look on my face.

"Jimin does that to every one of us. He insists on treating the passenger like a princess," Yoongi scoffed, but the pink tint on his cheek said otherwise.

"You should feel lucky he's keeping it there though. He's being oddly nice today," Jungkook joked from the back.

"Will you all shut up?" Jimin growled from the front seat, causing the car to go silent. The little blush spread across his smooth cheeks made me giggle. I playfully placed my own hand on his thigh. Immediately his head whipped from the road to me. He gave a warning squeeze to my leg, causing me to pull away and instead put my hand on top of his. He relaxed, stopping at a red light.

"You're the princess, not me," he smirked, pecking my cheek before hitting the gas again.

I only smiled, leaving my worries in the back of the car for the moment. I can just enjoy this. Can't I?


I am so sorry for the very long break between this update and the last. I've been so busy traveling all over the place that I've had trouble finding time to write. Hahahaha hopefully you liked this chap.? Love you all and happy reading!

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