Bookworms, Dollars, and Kindergarden

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I entered the bookstore, a tiny bell announcing my appearance. A man looked up from the counter and smiled at me before returning to his work on the computer screen. I squinted my eyes, glancing at the signs above each aisle of bookshelves. Politics...adventure...romance?

Out of curiosity, I ventured into the aisle called romance. I hadn't heard of it before and it seemed strange to say the least. I pulled out a book and glanced at the cover, frowning when I could vaguely make out two people buried under bed sheets. It was titled, "Just Friends." I snorted at the thought before quickly placing it back on the shelf and making my way over to the information desk.

"Can I help you?" the man asked with a friendly smile.

"Uh Yes. Do you happen to have anything on aliens?" It was an odd question for sure but he seemed unfazed.

"We do! Is there anything specific you're looking for?"

Uh yeah, I wanna know how to suck the life out of people. "Nope! Just curious."

"Oh alright. You'll find everything we have in aisle 3."

"Thanks," I bowed slightly before turning and finding aisle 3. It was a large bookstore despite the small appearance from the exterior.

The edges of my lips quirked upward at the sight of an array of books all based off aliens or myths. I reached for one that looked promising, freezing when I felt a presence behind me.

"It's a good book."

I turned slowly, my hand still gripping the book tightly when I met eyes with an unusually attractive man. He had glasses and a set of deep dimples appeared when he smiled at me.

"R-really?" I stuttered, snapping out of my daze.

"Yeah. Almost couldn't go to bed. I wanted to keep reading it," he grinned, adjusting the glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.

"Can you give me a quick summary?" I asked, deciding to get something out of this odd interaction.

"Sure. It's mainly legends about unidentified creatures that would come to earth to find life sources for their planets. Did you know they sometimes killed people if it got too intense?"

I smiled nervously. "Oh really? How exactly did they get the life sources?"

"Well normally the life sources were in people or objects but I read that if it's a person the human has to give them permission to take a piece of their soul." He paused, his eyes flicking around my face. "But it's all just myths. I'm sure it's never happened before."

My eyes lit up at the new information. The life sources were all humans. Objects didn't have souls. The only obstacle now would be to get them to agree for me to literally take half their life.

"Well thank you. I think I'll get this one." I nodded, turning to go to the front. But he stopped me by speaking again.

"I'm Namjoon. You?"

At this, It suddenly hit me that he had been speaking English to me.

"I'm Rina. Thank you for speaking English by the way."

"You looked a bit confused earlier when you were reading the signs. Thank goodness my Uncle made it an English store as well."

I flushed red, ducking my head. "S-so you saw me earlier?"

He grinned before chuckling. "I'll see you around Rina." And with that, he turned and exited the store. So his uncle owned this place? I glanced at the clock on the wall, my eyes popping out of my head when I saw it was 2:39.

I quickly rushed to the counter. "Taking this one? Good read. Did my nephew tell you about it?" he scanned a barcode as I nodded in response. He hummed before turning a screen to me. "3.50 please."

I furrowed my eyebrows, meeting his gaze in curiosity. "3 dollars and 50 cents to pay?" he tilted his head in confusion as well as I shook my head.


"Well you didn't think you could just walk out with it did you?"


He shook his head with a chuckle. "Why don't you come back with some money first? I'll keep it on hold for you," he smiled kindly. I sighed before nodding and thanking him before leaving the bookstore.

I immediately started my trek down the street in disappointment. I needed this "payment" and in fast. the only problem was...what are dollars and cents?

Letting out a quiet lip buzz, I entered the campus again and arrived at the testing room with 5 minutes to spare. 

"Alright you will talk to no one and electronic devices are not permitted. Once you are done with the test, please turn it in to the front and wait at your seat for scores." A woman by the door explained to me. She handed over a packet and motioned for me to go inside. I grabbed the pencil sitting on an empty desk and sat down, skimming through the packet. I looked up confused at the teacher who looked bored out of his mind.

What is this Kindergarten? 

She had mentioned something about this packet being an array of subjects to see my intelligence level however this was very easy. 


Solve for K. Well that's very easy.

X = -80538738812075974, Y = 80435758145817515, and Z = 12602123297335631.

I wrote my responses down quickly before moving to the next question.

How much does the earth weigh?

If I calculated correct, which I most likely did, the answer would be 5.972 x 10^24 kg, or around 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg. 

The rest of the test was very simple and within 10 minutes I was turning in my packet. The man at the front looked at me with doubt. "Are you positive you completed the test to the best of your ability?" he asked warily. I nodded curtly before returning to my spot. 

As I waited, I thought back to Namjoon at the bookstore. He had said something about the life sources and how it got so intense it would kill people. I didn't think that made very much sense however it was highly possible if the life source refused and one of my people had to take desperate measures. 

As the man checked my test, there was a long stretch of eery silence as I waited for my grade. He paused his writing after flipping through my packet before he slowly gazed upward, disbelief obvious in his features. His gaze met mine and I shyly looked down. Did I mess something up on the test?

He cleared his throat before arising from his seat and holding my test in his hand.

"The first 100 ever."

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