Jimin's boyfriend

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I tiredly opened the door to our dorm, softly padding through the illuminated kitchen to my bedroom. I dropped my bag on the ground, slumping against my pillows on the small bed in the corner. 

Today was painful.

I glanced at my wrists, frowning when I noticed the timer had gone down by 50 days now. 

It's only been almost three weeks...

I shut my eyes tightly, burying my shoulders in the pillow mound. 

Mom and dad...I miss you. Even if you didn't love me. I would give anything to be in your arms.

A tear rolled down my cheek, causing me to gently raise my hand and swipe at it. Someone knocked on my door at that exact moment, resulting in me jumping up from the bed to open it. 

"Hey, Rina! I'm having my friend over again. Is that alright with you?"

I sniffled softly before nodding. "Yeah...that's alright."

She didn't seem fazed in the slightest, nodding happily and returning to the outer living space. I had no intention of going out and meeting said "friend." I just wanted to stay locked in my room, holding my pillow as if...I was holding Mr. Jeon. 

He was so warm and smelled so nice. It made my heart flutter.

I sat on my bed, pulling out my computer to finish my work from both classes and the office when I heard the sickening sound of a certain someone's voice. 

"Yoora!" she squealed. My jaw tightened as I stood up and crept to the door.

"Hi, Mila! How was your day?"

"So far it's been great! What about yours?"

Mila...So that's her name. The little bitch.

"Pretty good. I don't think we should be too loud, my roommate isn't in the best mood right now," I heard Yoora say a little quieter. I frowned. How did she know I wasn't in a good mood?

"Ohh is she here?"

Yes bitch I'm here that's why you have to shut up!

"Yeah, she's in her room. Just don't go in that hall." 

She said a few other things that I couldn't quite hear, making me sigh in defeat. If #11 really is standing in my living room...I have to find a way to get that ring. Surely she wouldn't be foolish enough to wear it around?


Clearly, I thought too highly of her.

I smirked, watching the two sleep while the tv was blaring absolute nonsense. I peeked around the corner, almost snorting when the Little Einsteins theme song began to play.

I turned back to the two passed-out girls. I crept forward, praying neither of them would do so much as flinch. I slowly approached the sleeping blondie, my eyes catching a red glint shining from the ring on her slender finger. 

I knelt down and leaned over, softly grabbing her hand and sliding the ring off. 

Ha, that wasn't so hard!

Mila yawned and began to shuffle, her face scrunching in pain as she began to come to her senses.

Well, I suppose a couch isn't quite comfortable. Oh right.

I jumped up with the ring gripped between my fingers, sprinting out the front door and outside of the building. 

She's gonna notice the ring is gone. Where do I go?! 

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