Mystery Man

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I jumped into his arms, clutching his white t-shirt tightly as my tears began to spill from my eyes. 

"Hey hey, don't cry," he murmured, hugging me tightly and threading through my tangled hair.

"Park, her elbows are bruised." I could hear the other officer's voice before Jimin tried to pull away. I tightened my hold on his arms, immobilizing him.

"Rina? I'm going to need you to let go of me so I can check your arms, okay? Please?"

I let go of his sleeves, straightening them out gently before stepping back and glancing at the glass station doors. No one. No one had followed me in and no one was waiting. I let out a breath, wiping my cheeks before I straightened my hair and shirt out.

Jimin and the other man were looking at me worriedly, unsure of what to do.

"You idiots don't just stand there! Ask the girl what happened, clean her cuts, and get her some water! What's going through your empty heads?" A woman fumed, running forward with a wet cloth and a cup of water.

That seemed to snap the men out of their daze. Jimin dropped his bag and led me to a seat. I glanced at the clock, noticing it was near 1:30. What was Jimin still doing at work?

 "Rina, love? Can you tell me what happened?"

I turned to Jimin, furrowing my brow in confusion. "What are you still doing here?"

"I was called in late."

I nodded in understanding, taking a drink of water and setting on the table beside me.

"Miss?" I looked at the woman who was crouched beside me, examining my arms. Thankfully I had changed before my walk into a normal T-shirt so my dress wasn't damaged.


"What happened?"

"Oh. I man was following me for quite a bit. I noticed and began to make my way to the police station but I was panicking more by the second. I ended up beginning to run, he ran after me. Um...he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me onto the ground. I kicked him and ran across the street into here. That's why my elbows are bruised," I mumbled, feeling oddly embarrassed.

Jimin's face was hardened while the other officer straightened his uniform. "What did the man look like? You didn't happen to catch his appearance, did you?"

"I did. He was fairly tan with dark hair and blonde tips. He was very tall and was wearing all black."

"That's very helpful. Thank you miss. Do you need to call someone to come pick you up?"

Jimin shook his head. "I'll take her home Channie." The man nodded, flashing me a sweet smile before disappearing through a door.

"Mr. Park, do you think you can handle it from here? I'm going to go report this," the woman stood up after bandaging my elbows.

"Yeah. We'll be fine. Thanks."

She nodded, offering me a small pat on the head before also leaving through the door. I sighed quietly, standing up and unconsciously rubbing my arms. I dug my phone from my pocket, frowning at the long crack through the screen. Must've hit it when I fell.

"Jimin-ah, you don't have to take me home. I can just walk. I know the way."

"And possibly let you get attacked again? Don't be stubborn Rina." He interlocked our fingers before leaving the station and looking up and down the street. "See him?"

I shook my head. There was no one in sight besides a few stragglers coming from convenience stores and clubs. We were in a bit of a busier part now.

"Alright, I'm parked a little down the street. Come on."

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