40 Year Old Grandpa

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"What do you mean there's no Choi Mila registered here? She was just attending classes the other day?"

Yoongi folded his arms, a questioning look on his face. "And you're sure you saw her the other day going to classes?"

My cheeks reddened, knowing I in fact had not seen her for a long time.

"Not really..."

"So she might've dropped out of everything and left when you hadn't seen her."

"But that's so weird! Like why would someone do that? There's no point."

He shrugged again, a tired look in his eyes.

"I don't understand you kids at all."

My gaze narrowed on him as he straightened his sleeves and grabbed his keys. 

Kids? Pssht. I'm 2100. Definitely seen more than 10 times in your lifetime.

"How old even are you?"

He looked surprised at my question, turning to me with a curious glint in his eyes. 

"How old do you think I am?"

"Well right now you're acting 40," I rolled my eyes, brushing past him and out of the front office halls. He caught up to me, a scowl on his face. 

"I am not 40."

"But you act like it."

"No, he acts 80."

We both looked up at the sudden voice, a smile donning my face as I met eyes with Hoseok.


I jumped in his arms, giggling as he spun me around. "Hey princess. What are you doing hanging with the grumpy cat over here?"

Yoongi folded his arms again, his lips pressed together. Hoseok let go of me, going to hug his boyfriend instead.

"I'm just kidding," he grinned cheekily, pecking Yoongi's cheek.

"What are you doing here Hobi?" I asked, watching as the two separated before he looked at me.

"I came to bring him lunch but saw he wasn't in his classroom. Normally if he's not in there or at home he's in the office so I came to ask where he was."

I nodded before following them both to Yoongi's classroom. Hobi took a good look around the room with a smile on his face.

"Do you know why Yoongi became a music teacher?"

"Shut your mouth Hoseok."

Hobi and I looked at Yoongi who sat back in his chair, searching through the lunchbox Hobi had left for him. 

"He doesn't like to talk about it?"

"No, he just doesn't like other people talking about it. I guess he'll just tell you when he's ready."

"Nooooooo," I pouted, gripping Hobi's hand. "Tell me."

"I can hear you guys I hope you know."

"He won't ever tell me if you leave that up to him," I whispered, tugging on his arm. He looked back at Yoongi before giving me a frown. 

"Sorry, Princess. Maybe some other time. He doesn't look like he's in the best mood right now," Hoseok sighed, ruffling my hair slightly. I huffed in defeat before glancing at the clock. 

"I have a few hours until my class, want to go on a walk?"

Hoseok checked his watch as well before smiling and giving me a quick nod. "See you at home Yoongi!"

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