Truth Untold Told

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Hoseok seemed to perk up, hearing the words from the night before. I held up my hand for no interruptions before continuing. "I am a liar and a faker."

Jungkook stood up to argue but Namjoon pulled him back down. "Rina, you're not."

"That's not even my real name!" I quickly shushed myself. I did not want snapping at them to be how they saw the real me. Confusion quickly coated their expressions as I thought again about how to continue. "Rina is not my real name. I lied to you about that. I also lied about where I was from, who my family is, and most importantly who I am."

I caught a flash of hurt across Jimin and Taehyung's faces as I clutched my sleeves tightly, my knuckles turning white.

"I don't understand-" I glanced at Hobi who seemed to be in utter darkness.

"I'm going to be fully honest. But you guys have to promise not to be terrified."

"Rina, or- whatever your name is," Jimin looked heartbroken at the words that just left his lips. It broke me a little bit too. "We couldn't be terrified. Liar or not your personality is what we fell for."

I wanted to cry. They had fallen in love. And now I had to do this. I sighed before letting my thoughts tumble from my lips.

"I'm not even human."

They all froze, a deadly silence filling the air. "What?" I glanced at Namjoon whose eyes were wide and startled.

"I'm not a human. Think about it. I'm faster than humanely possible at numbers, tests, paperwork, workbooks," I glanced at Yoongi who seemed to be lost. 

"Don't mess with us. This isn't funny," Taehyung snapped. I crossed my arms, hugging myself.

"I'm not human Taehyung."

"Then what are you?" Jin asked, hesitating.

"She's an alien." All heads snapped to Namjoon who seemed to be having an internal battle. "Thats what all the books were, the questions, the- the conversations. Everything. Your interest. The traits that didn't make sense. You're a fucking alien, aren't you?"

I felt tears well in my eyes as I ducked my head to the ground, offering a small nod. The silence was loud as I sniffled. "Mila's an alien too. And men have been chasing me probably to sell me off somewhere."

Jin gasped as I turned my eyes to them. They all had stone-cold expressions except for Hoseok. He looked like he had a little bit of hope left.

"So you really did lie about everything? Were your feelings for us even real?" Everyone seemed itnerested in Hobi's question as their eyes landed on me again. However I felt nothing I said now could change their thoughts.

"I-" My hesitation was all they needed. Taehyung stood up, his face emotionless as he walked to the door. "Taehyung, wait! My planet doesn't have emotions. I came to earth because we're in a war and my planet is being attacked. Love isn't something I know! I feel something for you all but I don't know if it's love. I've never been loved before."

At this, Taehyung turned around, remembering our conversation from weeks back.

"Why us?" he asked, his voice shaking. "Why bother us? We were doing perfectly fine. Why did you even find the need to mess with us? What did we ever do to you?" he asked. With each question, he got closer until he was pressing a finger against my chest and backing me to a wall. "Why did you trick us? Why did you make us fall for you? Why were you so perfect?"

My back hit the wall as tears began to spill from his beautiful glossy eyes. I heard a sniffle from behind him and I saw Jungkook, looking like a small, innocent child with tears in his large eyes, and his tattooed hand covering the sobs from escaping his lips. I looked back to Taehyung, wanting to kiss him so badly. Show him what I feel is true. He scoffed at my lack of answer before turning around.

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