Big Square Box

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I was starting to grow a little more comfortable with the idea that the souls knew each other and I had found them all. 

It was definitely still a little weird between Mr. Min and me, but he seemed not to be only targeting me anymore. In fact, he didn't seem to be focused on me at all, this time picking on the slackers in the back of the class.

It made me smile softly at the thought that maybe he didn't entirely hate me. It also made me a little more self-confident in my mission. The timer on my wrist had slowly started to count down again at a normal pace once a day had passed since meeting them all. It, however, didn't backtrack. So I still only had around 2 and a half months to finish everything. 


I looked up, my lips parting in surprise seeing Mr. Min standing in front of me, an unreadable look on his face.

"First, the bell already rang. Why are you still here?"

I looked up, shock spreading over my features seeing the class empty and the clock 3 minutes past time. "I guess I was a little out of it sir."

He sat there, staring at me for a few seconds before he opened his mouth to say something. 

"It's Yoongi."


"My name is Yoongi."

My eyes widened as I stopped packing up my things, glancing up at him to try and read his eyes. "I um-"

"For when we see each other out of school...if you're friends with Hoseok and the others, I don't want things to be awkward." He immediately said, waving it off as if it was nothing. "It's still Mr. Min in class."

I grinned cheekily, standing up and slinging my canvas bag over my shoulder. 

"Well, it's clear you know my name. So, I'll see you around Yoongi?"

He slightly grimaced but I could tell he was trying to make this as normal as possible. It was nice he was trying to do this for me. 

While Jungkook apologized openly, it seemed like Yoongi was trying to fix whatever had happened in a more subtle manner.


He stood up from the desk in front of my own and made his way to the desk as I strode out of the doors, a giddy feeling in my chest.

I was getting steps closer to completing my mission here on earth. It might've been baby steps, but I was getting somewhere. And with the amount of time that I had, I was sure I could spark some interest.

I pulled my sweater tighter against my body as I exited the building and entered the chilly air. 

My phone buzzed from my pocket, distracting me from walking momentarily as I fished it out. Jimin had sent me a text, confusing me. How had he gotten my number? I had no clue. But there was a sneaky suspicion Taehyung must've given it to him.


Want to go hang out at the mall or something?

I paused, a confused look tight on my features as I reread the text. 

Now, what on earth was a mall?

                                                     ነቿሀቿክ የሁዪቿ ነዐሁረነ

Ah. Big square box. That was my second guess.

My gaze lifted up in awe at the huge place while Jimin grabbed my hand to keep me from slowing behind. 

In the end, I agreed to go with him, trying not to make it too obvious that I had no clue what a mall was.

Only when we walked inside and I saw many familiar signs of department stores I had passed on the street and restaurants, I made an educated guess.

"So an indoor place with a bunch of places to shop?"

Jimin looked utterly confused that I had just spoken and said something totally random after not saying anything for a full 10 minutes.

I also realized that I had totally given away that I didn't know what a mall was by the look on Jimin's face.

"You've never heard of a mall before?"

"To be fair, I haven't heard of a lot of things before. Grew up isolated, remember?"

I had made up a backstory to tell anybody who asked about me after noting that it was often a conversation topic. Whether it was about your parents, where you grew up, what the name of your first pet was, etc. It made no sense to me. Personally, I thought those questions were a little personal and stalkerish but many people seemed to think of it as a common conversation. So I went along with it, brainstorming a full night on what I could tell people if they asked.

And of course, the excuse for not knowing what a lot of stuff was, was that you grew up isolated. No friends, homeschooled on an island not far from here and had no siblings.

All of it had been true beside the homeschooled and island part. You went to a school on your planet. Though it was more of an institution than a school. You weren't given lunch or recess like in the younger schools or a choice in classes. You had to pretty much do everything you were told to do so again, there would be no diversity. 

Jimin nodded, a small smile on his lips. "Still can't believe your parents would do that to you. Well anyway, a mall is a large building that has a bunch of mini stores or restaurants inside so people can enjoy shopping at multiple places at once. Or there are outdoor malls and strip malls which is outside but basically the same thing."

I nodded in understanding, thinking the whole idea was kind of weird in the first place. Still, though, I tried my best to take it all in, only squeezing Jimin's hand tighter the more crowded it got.

He grinned, leading me to different stores before declaring he had gotten hungry.

While he was searching the food court for what to eat, I also let my gaze roam. Everything was so fascinating. I had figured out I loved clothing stores and this weird tea called boba that Jimin had gotten me.

I smiled at the thought before momentarily forgetting the boba as my stare landed on a couple across the food court, hand in hand, smiles on their faces. My expression dropped as my eyes narrowed into slits. 

What were they doing here?


Oh 🫢

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