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It's been a year since I've been on Wattpad🥹

I straightened out the collar of my shirt before sighing. I tucked my pink hair behind my ear, mumbling incoherently as I grabbed my bag and exited my spacious room. 

"Good morning."

"Good morning thirteen."

I glanced warily at my mother who sat on the small sofa, a book in her hands. She didn't have to look up to know it was me, giving her my usual greeting.

"Hello, father."

Said man looked up from his device, nodding in greeting as I searched through the fridge.

"Did you see the news?"

I turned, watching my mom enter the kitchen, and placed the tablet in front of my dad. He slowly grabbed it before reading through whatever was on the screen and handing it back to her, void of emotion. 


She nodded, putting the tablet down again before looking up, realizing I wasn't doing anything. 

"Well hurry up! You're wasting power standing there with the refrigerator wide open."

I quickly shut the door, deciding on a small green fruit for my breakfast before wishing them goodbye and making my way to lessons. 

I was curious. I wanted to know what mom might've told dad. What news was so interesting?

I entered one of the many large, bland buildings, hoisting my bag up further on my shoulder.

"Hello, thirteen. How are you this fine morning?"

I glanced at the woman who spoke to me, one of my leaders. "I'm feeling fine, how about you?"

"I am also feeling fine. As usual," she lightly laughed, surprising me. She never showed any emotion. In fact, I was called strange for that reason. I seemed to be the only one who did show emotion. Or at least had any sense of what it was.

I waved goodbye to the woman, making my way to the lecture hall when I was stopped. I turned again, making eye contact with none other than


I bowed my head softly to the girl who only nodded. "Did you complete your project?"

I pursed my lips, stepping back before nodding curtly. 

"Good. I'd like a proper competition this time, please. It's embarrassing having to beat you every time."

Her words made my blood boil as she continued walking, a group of similar girls right behind her.

I shouldn't have felt angry. Frustrated? Maybe. But angry? We weren't supposed to be angry here. This place was nothing but peace and perfection. There should be no line to cross.

I let out a quiet sigh, entering the lecture hall and unloading my books and projects.

"Did you hear the news?"

My ear caught the conversation of the girls behind me, whispering crazily about something. 

"I didn't! Why is everyone talking about it?"

Everyone? I'd only heard my parents.

"Apparently the leader received a message the other day. It was a threat."

"No way."

This indeed perked my interest. A threat? To our leader? Who would have the guts to do such a thing? That could end you and your head.

"Not from our people?"

"No no. It was from another planet. The message was very vague but I got a glimpse of it when my parents left the tablet on the table."

Much like my parents...but I didn't have the courage to look. 

"My parents left the tablet on the table too!"

Could they have done it on purpose? Did they want this to be found out? My mother didn't try to hide it all that well.

"Maybe they're trying to scare us."

"By threatening a war? That sounds like it's going a little too far, don't you think?"

"'re right. Plus, leader would never do that to us. We're too much like him for him to dislike us."

At a bell ringing, a man stood in the front of the classroom. "Students get your red folders out, please. We'll be having a test on the formula x3+y3+z3=k."

Interesting indeed.


I sat, tapping my pen against my mouth as I stared at the scribbled-out page. I had reread the message over 100 times already but still found no clue to why someone had sent it or who had sent it.

Stop wasting your time. It's too late.

"Well the timer is still going so it's obviously not too late. But I wasting my time?"

It's possible Mila could have sent this one. It would definitely be too late in my case if it was Mila who sent it. She already had some of them wrapped around her finger. All I could do was hope they had a change of heart and saw her for who she really was.

But I still had a hard time believing it was her who sent it. It was almost as if whoever had sent this box to my doorstep...also sent the email. And if not sent it, they at least knew about it.

Groaning quietly, I leaned back in my chair, glancing at the clock and standing up before changing into my usual black dress and heels.

"I'll be back book," I sternly muttered, pointing to the open book on my desk before grabbing my bag and making my way out of the dorm. This time, I made sure to grab my keys.

However, as I was leaving, I missed the questioning glance of Yoora who eyed me before eyeing my room.

I made my way out of the building to the company, hurrying as I was only 5 minutes until my shift. 

I entered Jungkook's office, smiling kindly at him and the guest sitting across from him before setting my stuff down and grabbing the folder sitting nicely on my closed computer. 

"This is my assistant and secretary, Ms. Park." I looked up, bowing and smiling softly at the male across from him who turned around. "She is quite the smart one."

My cheeks turned red at the small praise as I stood up straight and came to his side. "Ms. Park this is Mr. Choi. He's here to talk about the investments for the new building."

"Oh yes of course. I have all those completed right here."

I searched through the binder, grabbing the few documents of paper before handing it to him. He glanced over the sheets, seemingly impressed by the work. Jungkook did too, shooting me a questioning glance. 

"I expected your arrival so I've had those completed since a few days ago."

"Impressive. Mr. Jeon, you weren't lying when you said she was a keeper."

I turned to Jungkook who only smiled respectfully. However, I did see his eyes quickly shoot to my own before back to the man in front of him.

I smiled again but my mind was somewhere else. He looked...quite familiar to me.


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