Dreadful Thoughts

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I finished doing my makeup with a sigh. I couldn't stop worrying about the boy's safety as well as my own. There was no good reason that man was here the same time we were. I stood up from the vanity and shuffled over to the closet where I had hung the beautiful gown.

I took it off the hook and stripped myself so I could shimmy into the dress. However, there was a clip in the back that I couldn't seem to connect. I sighed before my body flinched upright at the cold fingers that grazed my back. I glanced at the mirror in front of me, seeing Namjoon's fierce eyes gazing back at me. I shuttered as his hands dipped down my sides and his lips met my shoulder.

"God, you are something else," he almost growled, his voice husky. I leaned back into his chest as his arms wrapped around my waist. "Don't think I haven't noticed your absence."

"Absence?" I mumbled, whimpering slightly at the feeling his lips left on my skin.

"Your mind seems to be everywhere but on us. We don't like that." My body grew hot feeling his hand find the slit in my dress and trail it up to my thighs.

"Namjoon," I mumbled, my hand reaching up to tangle my fingers in his slicked-back hair. He pressed a small kiss to my neck, biting down softly and sucking it. "Joon," I tried again. He pulled away, making eye contact with me again in the mirror.

"We'll finish this later. It's time to go," he murmured, double-checking my clip in the back before he pulled away. I turned to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. Whatever he just did to me, felt amazing.

"I love you," I smiled, pressing a kiss to his plump red lips.

"I love you too," he grinned, dimples coming out stronger than ever. He pressed one last kiss to my forehead before we left the room and made our way to the lobby, where the others were waiting. Namjoon seemed slightly nervous in the elevator.

"Hey baby, what's up?"

He turned to me, a glint in his eyes. "I always get nervous when my boys are all dressed up. It's hard to handle having 7 stunning figures in front of me." I counted and realized he also meant me. I thought it adorable that he got fidgety at just the sight of the other boys.

"Does this happen every year?"

"Not just every year. It happens every time we go out. They're all so handsome it's hard to believe I caught them all." He whispered the last part but I caught it along with the smile on his lips. The elevator doors opened and in front of us was a grand staircase to the lobby floor.

"Ready?" I asked him. He sighed, relaxing before holding out his arm to me. 


I hooked my arm with his and took a deep breath before we began our descent. The six boys at the bottom of the stairwell gazed up at us with glittering eyes. Other guests were staring, probably wondering why we were all dressed up, but I didn't mind. It only made the moment more magical.

I made eye contact with Jungkook who looked like he had just seen the stars for the first time. Taehyung and Jimin's jaws were relaxed as their eyes widened. Even Yoongi couldn't hide his small smile full of adoration. We slowly reached the bottom of the stairs and Jungkook immediately swept me off my feet.

"Holy fuck you're beautiful," he mumbled, staring at me in wonder. He set me down, turning to Namjoon who seemed less nervous now, only staring at all of us with love deeply set in his eyes.

"Hyung you l-look really nice," Jungkook mumbled shyly. Namjoon only pulled him towards his chest, his fingers tracing the youngers jaw. 

"Mmm, do I? You don't look bad yourself," he teased, pulling him in for a deep kiss. I smiled too widely at the sight, ignoring the now disgusted stares coming from some of the guests. Who were they to say anything? I turned to Jin and Hoseok who still seemed to be in shock, eyes darting between Namjoon and I.

"Who dressed you two up?" Jimin grinned, hand sneaking up my waist.

"Jin knew what her dress looked like and he's still stunned," Taehyung chuckled, brushing my hair behind my ear. Finally, Hobi and Jin snapped out of it, each running for Namjoon and I. 

"Wow you are- you're unbelievable," Hobi gushed, eyes roaming my body. He finally gazed back at my lips and eyes before pressing his lips against mine. "Beautiful," he murmured with a smile before pecking my cheek.

"W-well let's get going," Jungkook called shyly, his lips slightly swollen from Namjoon. I giggled, grabbing his hand and picking up my dress so I didn't trip on it. 

"Let me get that," Yoongi offered softly from beside me. He had been so silent I almost forgot about him. He gently picked my dress up off the ground and held it to my leg, keeping in step with me. He was too cute.

"Thank you," I grinned, pressing a kiss to his cheek before we all got in a long, black limo waiting for us out front. "Huh, you must really be special Jungkook-ah."

The boys helped me in before following my lead. I sat in between Jungkook and Yoongi. Jin sat across from me with Hobi on his left and Taehyung on his right. Namjoon sat to the left of Yoongi and Jimin sat to the right of Taehyung. Once we were all comfortable, the vehicle started and we were off to the party.

The feeling of dread in my stomach rose with each minute we got closer to our destination. It was safe to say I felt like tonight would go down in flames.



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Your dress :)

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