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Pure Chaos.

That was what the next morning was. The sleeping arrangements weren't much different from my home and this temporary living space but it was comfy nonetheless.

I'm sure it would've been a peaceful awakening had the obnoxious banging on the front door not wakened us both from our peaceful slumber.

In an attempt to remove myself from the comfort of the bed gracefully, I toppled onto the ground with a sickening thud as my legs scrambled to relieve themselves from the suffocating hold of the off-white, thin sheets.

When I had finally escaped the blanket burrito I had unintentionally trapped myself in, I slid across the ground, almost sliding into the wall in the process. As soon as I entered the kitchen, the pounding on the door ceased and I was able to clear my head and take a breather. Now I could finally hear my thoughts. And they were screaming, "WHAT IN THE FUCKING HELL JUST HAPPENED?!"

Thankfully, I held my tongue when a girl I had never seen before admitted herself into our homely threshold. I plastered a smile on my face, however, any thoughts of the girl I currently obtained were all very insulting. Realizing, there really was no need for me to be out here, I entered back into my room but paused. 

After getting a sense of approbation from almost all of the staff, professors, and headmasters who worked here, I was asked to begin classes late into the semester because I could "easily" catch up. Which meant my classes started today. 

That wasn't necessarily the problem though. The problem was that I had no clothes and no belongings. I slowly turned around and wearily made my way back out to the living room where the random girl had now sat and Yoora was grabbing her a fruit. 

"Yoora?" I called quietly, silently praying that she hadn't heard me. 

Alas, my prayers were not answered when she whipped around, almost as fast as the speed of light, her vivid blue locks flying behind her in an attempt to remove themselves from her even, round facial features.

"Yes?" she chirped. 

What was this girl on? It was 7 in the morning!

"D-do you have any clothes I could possibly borrow?" I felt weak for asking and not figuring anything out on my own accord but what other choice did I have when currently, I was as broke as a car without an engine? I think that's what that saying means. I heard it yesterday when I strolled past a man cursing at his car saying the engine was broken. 

"Sure!" Despite my thoughts, she quickly ran down the hall and came back within 2 seconds, a pile of neatly folded clothes in her hands. 

"Take all of these. I don't wear them anyway," she shrugged, almost shoving them into my outstretched arms. 

"Thank you," I smiled warmly before skipping back to my room and laying out the clothes. Out of my limited array, I chose a simple white t-shirt, black leggings, and a beige coat to warm the lengths of my bare arms. 

My past outfit being nothing but a dainty romper, I had no choice but to face the freezing cold head-on. I assumed it was late in the year, maybe mid-September or early October. Even then, it was terribly cold.

I tied my tangled hair back into a simple low bun before smiling at myself in the mirror. Today I started classes. Today I would sign up for a job. And today I would begin my embark to find the seven pure souls. 

After I get my dollars and cents after all.

                                                           ዕቿርዐዕቿ ፕዘጎነ

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. This couldn't be my classroom. Could it? Why would Mr. Min have a music class in the back of the main building, where I was sure the immense perfume I was smelling and the faint hints of bubblegum was from the people with smoke around them nearby?

I entered the classroom, noting the familiar man sitting at the very front, an intimidating aura almost bounding off him and his tight-lipped grimace.

There were a group of girls, dangerously near his desk, all chatting vigorously. I wrinkled my nose before stepping further into the classroom and to a desk in the near back. Mr. Min didn't as much as glance up at me when the room suddenly went quiet and all my peers gazes were set on me.

And if it wasn't bad enough, my phone suddenly went off in a frenzy, vibrating my entire leg and shaking my coat pocket furiously. I grabbed for it and quickly swiped the red button when I read "spam". Whoever that was, I'd have to call them back.

I gently put my phone back in my pocket and looked up, flinching when Mr. Min stood directly in front of me, a hard stare burning into my soul.

"You must be the new student."

I nodded, afraid my voice would fail me. His narrow-cat eyes examined my face before he leaned back, hands in pockets. "It's a bit late in the semester to be joining now, don't you think?"

I cleared my throat before trying to respond. "Maybe but I think I have all the right to be here."

He kept his eyes on me for a few more moments before he turned and made his way to the front. "Name?" He called, taking a seat in his cushioned chair.

"Park Rina."

He looked up again at me, a hint of curiosity in his eyes before he looked back down and clicked a few things on the computer screen in front of him.

"I want you all to complete this music theory packet by the end of tomorrow. It shouldn't be too hard...if you know anything about music."

Why was he looking at me? Was he trying to say something?

A thick packet was passed to me, making me tilt my head in confusion. Why would he give students this thick a packet to finish by tomorrow?

I quickly flipped through it, gawking at how simple it was. I took my pencil and quickly filled out the pages. I finished in only 10 minutes.

Now the real question is whether I should make him eat his words or act normal.


Yeah, he's gonna eat his words.

I stood up from my desk and made my way down to his, sliding the packet over to him. Specks of doubt sparked in his dark eyes as his nimble fingers slipped through the pages. When he finally placed it back on the table, he inhaled deeply, his eyes gently shutting as he tilted his head.

"How did you complete it so quickly?"

"I don't know. Maybe I know a thing or two about music." I gently brushed my hair off my shoulder as a hint the conversation had ended and returned to my desk. I pulled out my phone, ignoring the glaring daggers that were being thrown my way by multiple students in the class.

I decided to use my time wisely and began searching for job offers. Specifically...ah here it is.

I pulled up the website with a sneaky smile before clicking on the online application and beginning to fill it out. Jeon Enterprises. Let's see why you're so popular.


Alright, how's it going so far guys? Everything you hoped for? I hope :)

Happy reading 

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