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I was frantically fanning the burnt eggs while Jin came running over with a fire extinguisher. I coughed at the cloud of white, backing up into a counter.

"How can you cook everything but eggs?!"

I sheepishly grinned, offering a small shrug. Over the past week, Jin and I have been getting really close. And I mean, really really close.

"I'm sorryyyyyy," I pouted, hugging him and planting my chin on his chest. He rolled his eyes, putting the extinguisher back down before hugging me back. 

"One of these days you're going to set one of my employees on fire."

"No, I won't!" I gasped dramatically, shooting glares at some of the other cooks who were trying to hide their laughs.

Jin hummed jokingly, making me smack his shoulder.

"Aw, I'm sorry Rinnie. You know Jinnie loves you right?"

"Does he? Hm? Does he really?"

He giggled, a handsome smile spreading over his pink lips. He had once again invited me into work but I once again burnt the eggs. There was just something wrong with them. I couldn't cook them for the life of me!

"We'll try again tomorrow," he teased, pulling me instead to another corner of the kitchen. 

"Here, dishes."

"You're kidding."

"Nope," he chuckled, popping the 'p'. 

"I hate you," I pouted, grabbing the rubber gloves and rolling up my sleeves.

"I love myself too." He pecked the top of my head before moving on to another part of the kitchen. I stood stunned while another girl walked up to help me.

"Jin oppa really likes you. I can see it in his eyes."

"Does he? I didn't think he liked me that way..."

'I mean just a while ago he hated me for pretending to be Jimin's girlfriend.'

"Trust me, I've been working here for a long time. He looks at you like he looks at one of the boys."

I mentally grinned. This was perfect. I unconsciously started humming a happy tune while getting started on the dishes.

'Maybe I could take this opportunity.'

What did he expect? I'm an alien. One without emotions at that. Maybe this love game was a little tricky to play.

'Do I love them?'


"What was that?" I turned to the girl, flashing a smile.



I entered the office building, jumping at my name being called.

"Ms. Park!"

I turned to the young girl behind the desk. What was her name? Oh!

"Tzuyu? Yes?"

"I meant to tell you, Mr. Jeon's office was fixed. You should be back in there starting today."

'Oh no.'

"Okay, thank you," I smiled, bowing softly to her and making my way to the elevator, my heart beating rapidly. I hated that office. Something about it scared the crap out of me.

'I don't know. Maybe it's the fact someone fired a bullet through his window in a possible attempt to kill him?!'

I frowned, stepping into the elevator, only to run right into...

"Park Jimin?"

My eyes widened in surprise as he sheepishly backed up. "Sorry, I shouldn't have been standing right in the middle of the door."

"No no, you're good. What are you doing here?"

"Jungkook needed help moving boxes of stuff back into his office. Taehyung, Joon, and Yoongi should be up there now. I'm heading up too."


"Something wrong?"

"No. Hey, doesn't Yoongi have classes today?" 

He flashed a smile, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. "We all took the day off of work for some 'family bonding time' according to Jin." He put air quotes around the emphasized words, rolling his eyes playfully. I giggled, clutching my bag tighter. 

"That's cute."

"Yeah. Jin and Hobi should be on their way too with some food. But I doubt they'll help with much of anything."

I nodded in understanding as we got off the elevator. We walked down to Jungkook's office, stopping outside the door. Jimin opened it, moving to head inside but stopped quickly.

"Rina? Are you good?"

I took a few steps back from the door, the grip on my bag getting tighter as I tugged on my dress. Why did this room make me so nervous?


I snapped my head in the direction of Taehyung who appeared at Jimin's side. "What's wrong?"

"C-can I-um do my work in the hall?"

Jungkook also appeared in the doorway, an unamused look on his face.

"Why would you do that?"

"I just- are you sure the office is safe?"

"C'mon cutie it's totally safe. Stronger glass was installed and you have 5 strong men in here to protect you," Taehyung chuckled, pulling me into the room. Immediately my body tensed, not enjoying the feeling of the office.

I stiffly made my way to my desk, deeply hating that my back was to the windows.

"Hey Ms. Park," Namjoon chuckled, leaning down over my shoulder as I opened the laptop. I jumped, startled before turning up to face him. 

"Hi Mr. Kim," I smiled, letting my shoulders relax as he pressed a soft kiss to my head.

'Perks of having their souls.'

I stopped myself short of my thought, mentally shivering at the words that just crossed through my mind.

'What am I thinking?'

"We have food!"

All heads turned to the door where Jin pushed in a cart of food, Hobi following like a cute little puppy behind.

"Rina!" He shouted, running forward and sweeping me up in a hug.

"Hi Hobi."

"Do I not get a greeting?" Jin frowned, his arms hanging open for a hug.

"Hi Jinnie," I giggled, giving him an equally tight hug. We all went to grab food but stopped when Namjoon called out to me.

"Hey Rina, what's this?" I turned to Namjoon who was crouched over my computer. 

"What's what?"

"There's a weird file open. It doesn't look like a language."

My heart dropped to my stomach. 'Oh God.'


be honest, this book makes no sense doesn't it? :/

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