Confusion and Love Endangerment

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I was hoping not to find myself here. Wrapped in a fluffy blanket, a steaming mug of hot tea in my hands, and a circle of curious boys around me. Well, Jungkook and Namjoon weren't so curious, already knowing my story, and Yoongi looked like he was forced to be there. Which, he probably was, but I tried not to pay attention to his death stare.

"I um moved here a few weeks ago. In that time I've made a few enemies and yeah. But a got an email a little bit ago, sending me a threat that just disappeared quickly after I read it. And sometime after that, a box was sent to my door with one of my valuable books in it, all scribbled and ripped up." I decided to leave out the details of what was in the email and the note that was left in the book, realizing that might be a little harder to explain. "And then someone texted me, pretending to be Mr. Jeon asking me to do stuff for him. Now, someone has broken into our dorm, messed up the two bedrooms, and stole some things from me."

"Where's your roommate?" Namjoon seemed to be the only one actually paying attention. The others looked either like they were going to hit someone or thinking deeply about something.

"My roommate is- shit my roommate!"

I jumped up from my spot on the couch, running for my phone I left on the counter. I immediately dialed Yoora, scared of what she might be thinking right now. I knew she had classes late today but it was way past when she was supposed to get home.

"Pick up..."

The line continued to ring until it went to voicemail. I tried calling again, letting out a sigh of relief when she picked up. 


"Yoora! Thank god. Are you okay? Did you see the dorm?"

"No, I haven't gotten home yet. Mila and I were hanging out."

I nodded before explaining to her what happened. 

"Oh my god really?! Shit, I wonder if any of my stuff was taken. Thanks for letting me know! I'll head over there as quick as possible."


I hung up on her, breathing softly as I lowered the phone.

"Everything okay?" I turned to Jin who was leaning against the counter beside me. I must've not noticed him walk up. 

"Yeah yeah, she's fine. Just hanging out with..."

My eyebrows furrowed as I bit the inside of my cheek. "With?"

I turned to Jungkook and Hoseok who had also appeared sometime in the past few moments. 

"With Mila."

They seemed to grow quiet, a look of concern growing on their faces.

"What? What's wrong with you all?" I asked slowly, watching as they collectively seemed to turn their attention to Jin. 

"I um broke things off with her."


I turned to the others, unsure of what to say in a situation like this. 

"I was told some things by the guys and decided she probably wasn't the best person to bring into something like this."

That interested me. What exactly had he heard?


But then again...this was good for me, right?

"Hold on, why did you look so shocked she was hanging out with her?"

I turned to Jungkook who looked just as puzzled as me. 

"Um, she doesn't really like Mila. Some stuff happened between them and I'm not sure now why they're hanging out."

More importantly, I wanted to know what Mila had told her to get Yoora to hang out with her. After the whole chasing me and switching roles in the grocery store, I thought it was decided Mila was bad and Yoora wouldn't be friends with her anymore.

"I will admit that's a little weird."

I nodded, my eyes blinking in exhaustion as the fatigue and aching of today washed over my body.

"She can stay in my room for tonight," Taehyung offered, taking my hand and leading me down the hall. Like last time, I didn't protest, feeling extremely tired, hurt, and confused.

Taehyung's room looked very similar to Jungkook's but the colors were a bit brighter. He also had many figurines and peeking through his closet, I could see many many bright colors.

"Here are some clothes."

"Where are you going to sleep?"

"Probably in Jimin's or Jin's room. I haven't cuddled with them in quite some time."

I smiled, taking the pile of clothes he handed me. 

"You guys really love each other, don't you?"

"They're my everything. I would do anything for them," he smiled, sitting down on the bed next to me. 

"I wish I could have someone like that. Growing up, I wasn't really able to experience that kind of love."


I nodded, staring down at the clothes in my hands as my fingers fumbled with the hemming.

"Are you curious as to what it feels like?"

"What what feels like?"


I glanced up at him, my eyes wide. "Well of course. Who wouldn't?"

He shrugged, glancing at his feet for a second before turning to me. "Your mom never gave you love?"


"Well in a way. It was more tough love and It's not really the kind of love I'm talking about. Is it nice to always have someone there, to hug and appreciate?"

"It is."

"You're lucky Taehyung. A lot of people I know have never felt that before."

He softly reached for my hand, turning to fully face me, an emotion swimming in his eyes that I couldn't quite pinpoint.

"Let me show you what it feels like."


"Can I show you?"

My eyes grew impossibly larger, suddenly growing well aware of the close proximity between us and the feeling of his soft fingers on my palm.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Just let me show you so you can experience what it feels like and what happiness it brings you. Will you let me?"

I thought for a few moments, subtly looking down at my bare wrist where my timer sat, invisible to any human eye. What bad would this do?



Double update who?

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