Business emails and no subject threats?

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In hindsight, this was not the best idea. But it would have to work.

Yoora adjusted the hoodie so it looked perfectly normal before taking her hair out and fluffing it a little. "How do I look? Like you?"

I tilted my head in thought before nodding quickly. "Just enough. Now hurry and make a run for the dorm or something. Maybe go to one of your friend's houses so she won't go back."

Yoora nodded before peeking around the corner of the aisle and seeing Mila standing in the middle of the grocery store, a monotone look on her face as she subtly scanned the area.

"Wait before I go, put your hair up as I had mine. Maybe it'll make you less recognizable."

I followed Yoora's instructions, popping my hair into a ponytail as she had suggested before flashing a small smile. "Good?"

"Yeah, do you have anywhere to go?"

I thought for a moment, cringing slightly at the only place I thought of where I knew for sure Mila would most likely not look. 

"Yes...I think I do."

"Okay, good luck!"

Yoora flashed me a thumbs-up before casually stepping out of the aisle and angling her face away from Mila's view. I watched as the annoyed girl caught sight of my red jacket and turned on her heel. Yoora began to run, sprinting out the door and down the street, Mila following at a mad pace.

I finally let my shoulders relax as I leaned against the shelf.

I couldn't go back to the dorm if Yoora decided to run there and if Mila caught her, she'd look there first. I also couldn't go back to Hoseok's house, noting how awkward that would be to return just 15 minutes after I left. I really had nowhere else to go besides my original idea. 

Jeon Enterprises. 

I had work in a few hours anyway and I normally kept a change of clothes in the large drawer of my desk. Yoora had told me that she always liked to have a change of clothes at her workplace in case something unexpected happens.

I slowly left the store, making my way down the familiar street, the opposite direction of the way Yoora and Mila had run off in. Pretty soon, I stepped up to the large office building and strode in, offering a smile to the woman at the desk as I entered the elevator and clicked the floor that Jungkook's temporary office was on. 

Currently, as far as I was aware, his window was in the process of being repaired with bullet-proof glass in case any other scares were to occur. 

Investigators still weren't sure what exactly happened but they had a good idea that someone had thrown a few rocks from a close distance. Hard enough for it to break the glass.

It scared me more than I liked to admit. It had seemed planned to me but maybe it wasn't intentionally supposed to be Jungkook's office. Still, I couldn't help but be wary when I was grabbing something from the room or even passing it.

My arms slowly wrapped themselves around me in a comforting hug as I entered Jungkook's stand-in office and rummaged through my drawers for the fitting black dress and heels. I quickly went to the bathroom, pulling out my hair and making myself look more presentable before I checked the time. 


There were still 2 hours until I had to be in this room, typing away and scheduling meetings.

I slowly came out of the bathroom, sitting at my small desk in the corner and opening my laptop, deciding to get some work for the day done so I wasn't stressed about the PowerPoint and upcoming deadline.

However, my gaze narrowed on the screen as I opened my email and saw a new message marked urgent.

However, my gaze narrowed on the screen as I opened my email and saw a new message marked urgent

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My lips parted in awe at the suspicious email. My eyes scanned over the message again before looking for an email address or some sort of clue as to who might've sent it but it was completely blank. As if someone had come in and made it pop up on my screen.

I suddenly grew wary of my surroundings, my eyes flashing over the eerily silent room before back at the screen. My eyes widened in surprise seeing the email was no longer there. I scrolled through all the business letters and articles, filing through all my tabs and even trash before I leaned back in utter shock. 

It had disappeared just as mysteriously as it had appeared.

Whoever had sent it knew what they were doing and I had quite the suspicion of who had done it. But if it had been her...she wouldn't have said it that way, would she?

My teeth unconsciously bit down on my bottom lip as I thought. It couldn't have been her. She wouldn't risk exploiting who she was too. It was too dangerous.

So...if not Mila, who had sent the message?


🫣I'm nowhere close to done with the angst in this book. 


I know who you are.

And it's only a matter of time before they do too.

Also, is anyone even reading this book? 👀

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