Drunken Excuses and Plausible Muses

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Everybody had left for the day, leaving Jungkook and me in his office. For the rest of the time, Taehyung hadn't seemed to snap out of his trance and it was starting to worry me. Had the necklace had something to do with the way he crumbled so easily?


I turned to Jungkook, sliding my bag onto my shoulder and pulling my hair out from underneath the strap.


"Why did Taehyung look like that?"

"Like what?"

Once the unamused look crossed his face, I suddenly understood playing dumb was not the way to go.

"I don't know."

"What did you say to him?"

"Nothing really!"

"Well, what did you do to him?"

I crossed my arms, noting how he was getting impatient. "Do you want me to show you or something?"

"Verbally is fine."

"But I didn't verbally do anything."

A low growl left his throat as he picked up his coat. "Then show me."

A glint crossed my eyes as I dropped my bag, inching forward until he was pressed against his wall. I watched as an odd emotion crossed through his eyes, his walls coming down quickly.

"Something along the lines of..." I trailed off, watching as I led my fingers up his arms and around his neck. Doing the same to him that I did to Taehyung. Except he didn't react the same. 

He grabbed my jaw, pushing me back but still within his reach. 

"You don't know what you're doing Park," he grumbled, a piercing look in his eyes. The deepness of his voice surprised me, causing me to break my character.


"Two can play that game," he whispered, leaning forward and pecking the spot beneath my earlobe. It felt like fireworks erupted through my body. My mind was so confused.

"Come to your shift early tomorrow, packed and ready."

"Wait, packed?" I turned, following his form out of his office.

"We have a business trip."


"Jeju Island."


Whatever this strange liquid was, I couldn't get enough of it.

"Woah, slow down," Jimin grinned. Namjoon sat on my right, a disapproving look tight on his lips.

"Someone please explain to me what a business trip is?"

I put the glass back down, motioning to the guy for another one.

"And please tell me what the hell it is I'm drinking?"

Jimin snorted while Namjoon glared at him. "I uh- well it's alcohol."

"Not just alcohol sweetheart. You're chugging some soju. A lot of it too." 

"Is that bad?" I asked, my vision getting a little blurry.

"Maybe a little but I'm here for it."


"What? Let the girl live a little. I mean Jungkook did just work his charms on her."

"Will you actually shut up?"

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