Wrist Watches to Front Desk Ladies

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After exploring the majority of the campus, the sun had gone down and I was again at the front entrance. I began to gently nibble on my lower lip as I thought of what to do next. I don't have a home to go to or anybody to stay with. Leader really didn't think this out well. I turned from the gate, thinking it would be wise to stay the night in the park and sign up for classes in the morning.

I ventured down a narrow path and smiled at the sight of a bench. Perfect.

I sat down on the curved bench, giving a small sigh of relief when my aching feet got to rest. I shut my eyes, taking the time to feel the cool breeze on my cheeks. I had never gotten to just relax like this before. We were always studying on my planet. Mainly to become the next position. It was a sacred opportunity and 1 out of 12000 of us got it every year.

I was disrupted from my meditation when I felt itching on my right wrist. I glanced down, my eyes widening when a small timer appeared on my skin. 364 days: 24 hours: 46 minutes: 15 seconds.

My nose scrunched in confusion before I came to the conclusion it was the timer for my mission. Speaking of which, I wasn't that worried. I mean a year here is plenty of time. On my planet, a year is 30 or 31 days, depending on if we had a yearly meeting or not. This timer was like 12.1666667 years for me.

I shut my eyes again, a small smile resting on my face as the sky began to darken completely. It shouldn't be long now-


When I opened my eyes again, there were birds chirping in the nearby trees and rays of sunlight poking through branches to get to me. I stretched, groaning at the uncomfortable cramp in my back. "Peachy," I muttered, standing up and cracking my back. I turned to take in the campus, noticing students were already filing in and out of doors with heavy books and papers. 

I followed a group of students to what I hoped was the front office. "Can I help you?" the lady at the front asked. 

"Uh...I don't speak-" 

She glanced up over the rim of her glasses before pursing her lips. "Can I help you?" she repeated, this time in English. 

"Yes, I'm here to sign up for classes."

She looked up from her computer again, an amused look on her face. "Honey it's not that easy. Do you have a specific note from your past educator?" At my lack of a response, she turned back to focusing on her computer. 

"Okay. No, I don't but isn't there some other way I can sign up?" I asked hopefully. She sighed dramatically before pulling out a paper from a file down below her desk. 

"Sign your name here and all of your information. We'll be checking sign-ups later this afternoon along with past education checks to see if you qualify." I nodded, but hesitated before taking the paper. 

"I-I don't have a past education." She froze, looking up at me with an expression of pure disbelief. 

"Then how do you propose studying here if you don't have basic knowledge of cells or even algebraic expressions?"

I thought for a moment before looking down at my fingers, fumbling with them. Suddenly I lifted my head and smiled. "Will you let me take a test to get in?" 

"A test?" 

"Yes. A test. Any course, any subject, let me prove to you I can have an education here."

She inhaled deeply before passing the paper and pen over to me. "I'll notify the headmasters."

"Thank you," I bowed politely before turning and taking a seat on the couch, opposite of the office. 

First and last name. I thought of a suitable last name before deciding on Park. Park Rina. 

Age?  "They would certainly laugh at me if I put down 3024. So I'll just write down my age in human years." 21.

Area of Study? Uh, what area did I want to study exactly? I mean I probably had everything there was to know about space stored in my head...and I was really just doing this for fun while I was here. I would definitely choose something more stable if this was really a permanent agreement.

I scanned the list of options before deciding on one I had heard of but never really experienced. Music and AP Music Theory.

I filled out the rest of the questions, leaving spaces about my ID number and past experiences blank. Maybe it wasn't going to be the most trustworthy application but it was worth a try.

Once I was finished filling out the paper, I turned it into the woman at the desk. "Please return for the test at 3 in the afternoon. He's letting you take it." 

I glanced at the clock behind her. 12:48. I had plenty of time. I nodded and thanked her with a bow before exiting the building and venturing back into the park. While I waited to take the test, I needed to figure out how exactly I was supposed to know if I found one of the pure life sources.

I pulled out the small device in my pocket that I had now learned was something called an iPhone. How do you find pure life sources on planet earth?

I smiled as a page started to load. 3,8200 results in 2.7 seconds for How do you find pure life sources on planet earth?

I clicked on the first link, frowning when it came to an error message. Instead, I opted for the second link. No one on earth is pure.

I scowled at the phone before stuffing it in my pocket. Obviously, this was going to do no help. I needed a book or something older...I stood up from the bench I had seated myself on and exited the college campus gates. I couldn't go far. It was already 1:17. Time flies here. 

A small sign down the street caught my eye. "Kim's Bookstore. Perfect."

                                                      ፕዘጎነ ጎነ ልረረ ቻልጕቿ

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