Rolled Ice Cream and Hot Men

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Left or right? Which direction do you like better? I've always been a left-girl. It just seems kind of odd, you know?

I crept closer to the opening of what I had learned was called an alleyway. My memories still hadn't come back to me but slowly things were starting to make sense. We had many things on our planet that I could see here.

Gaining confidence, I stepped out of the alley and ducked my head, turning left and dodging through the crowds of people. With every shoulder I bumped, a bit of my memory returned to me. 

I noticed many people on this street had some sort of work attire on. Mainly suits and pencil straight dresses. It irked my curiosity. What were all these people coming from? Looking up, I gazed at the tall buildings in wonder. Jeon Enterprises. Interesting.

I moved my gaze to the glass double doors across the street at the base of the building. Many people went in and out of the doors, all wearing the same attire. So this must be where they are all coming from.

I was quickly shaken from my thoughts when my shoulder was roughly bumped. Scowling, I turned to notice the back of a tall man, sliding quickly through the hoards of people. I was able to take note of his orange-red hair and gene jacket before he was lost from my sight. 

I turned away from the mysterious man to take one last look at the busy building. "Must be popular," I mumbled before turning to continue in the direction I had been going in before.

                                                                 ጎፕነ ቻልጕቿ

After walking quite a distance from the alleyway, almost all of my memories had returned and I had ended up in a nice, quiet street. Small shops lined either side of the street and there weren't many people save a few stragglers here and there.

Smiling at the serenity, I continued my walk, unsure of where exactly I was going. 

"Yoora?!" I turned around, despite my name not being Yoora. A pair of girls were smiling at someone and waving. I slightly turned in the direction to see yet another girl running into their arms. It warmed my heart. Love was never something important on my planet. As you saw before, it was emotionless where I was from, we were forced to not show any emotion in order to keep the peace between us all. 

"We haven't seen you around school?" I couldn't help but eavesdrop on the girl's conversation as I scouted out a window nearby. However, I wasn't interested in anything the glass barrier had to show. 

"I know I know. All my classes are on the opposite side of the campus' main building!"

"Aw bummer. Well, we should hang out together sometime. How great would that be?" 

"Sounds great!" I glanced at their reflections in the clean glass, observing their small frames, colorful hair, and vivid accessories. Though their appearances were definitely something to stop and look at, I was thinking back to the subtle words I had caught in their conversation. 

One of the girls who had blue hair was speaking small fragments of English, which currently I could understand. She had said something about...classes? Should I ask? Maybe it would be easier to just ask.

I turned to the small group of girls just as they were laughing about something but they immediately stopped when I stepped forward. 

"Hello. Where do you take classes?" I asked, hopeful they could understand. 

Their frowns quickly turned into small smiles as they glanced at the blue-haired girl. She cleared her throat before smiling at me. "Seoul University. Do you go there too?"

I smiled before softly shaking my head. "I wish to take classes there. Do you suppose you could give me the directions?" 

"Of course! My name is Yoora and all you have to do is walk past the next two lights and take a left until you come to the campus. You can't miss it," she pointed down the direction I was walking before. 

"Thank you," I bowed slightly before turning to continue my journey. 

"Wait!" she grabbed my wrist, making me freeze at the contact. I turned once she dropped my wrist quickly, a guilty smile on her face. "Sorry, what's your name? In case I see you around."

I blinked once, twice, before my eyes widened in realization. Name?! I can't just tell her, "oh my name is #13. Nice to meet you!" That would be weird! 

"Rina." Maybe not the best name but it was the first thing that came to mind. Mainly because out of the corner of my eye, I could see a store called Rina's Rolled Ice Cream. What even is rolled ice cream?

"Oh well, it's nice to meet you! I hope we see each other soon."

"Ah yes I hope so too," I smiled, snapping out of my ice cream thoughts and bowing politely before turning and making my way past the next two lights. The more I repeated the name I had chosen for myself, the better it sounded. 

After following Yoora's directions, I finally stepped up to the large, elegant gates of Seoul University.

Oh my God.

Immediately I was completely overwhelmed by everything that was happening. According to the language, the students around me were speaking, I was somewhere where Korean was a popular language. 

No, I've never been to Earth before, but I had been top of my class for 160 years and we learned plenty about the strange aliens who lived here. But they didn't seem strange at all. I mean despite the strange colors of hair and outfits. Everyone from my planet had pink hair and green skin. That way we were all equal and there were no differences between us all.

But this...this was all so new and exciting! I ventured deeper into the campus, taking in all the small details around me. I explored the halls and classrooms before accidentally running into someone. 

"Oh I'm sorry," I apologized quickly, bending down to pick up his books. He crouched down as well, reaching for the scattered papers. 

"It's alright," he answered quietly. I glanced up to hand him his books but stopped midway when his eyes met mine. 

To say he was attractive was an understatement. He adjusted his glasses before grabbing the books from me. I glanced shortly at the book titles, noticing they were assigned to professors. He must be a teacher here at the university. 

"Will you please move?" he asked a bit rudely. All my recent thoughts went down the drain as I sidestepped for him. This man had the whole hallway but he decided to make me go out of my way to move for him. I turned to watch him as he strode away, a certain confidence in his stride. I'd have to watch out for him if I went here.

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First chapter! Im so excited for this book and I hope you all enjoy it! :)

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