N. O. E. D.

184 20 1

This house was very large. I'm not sure how many different halls I've walked through. In fact, I think I've seen this painting three times already...

I groaned in frustration, feeling like giving up and just crying on the floor before I heard a soft mumbling coming from down the hall.

My brows furrowed in attention as I crept down the hall. I turned a corner and found a sliding glass door. A balcony maybe?

But I was more worried about the man standing out on the balcony, muttering something to himself. 


I slid open the door before shutting it behind me. If he heard me, he chose not to turn around. I inhaled deeply before making my way to his side.

"Yoongi," I softly spoke, watching as he turned his head away from me. He said nothing in return. "Yoongi." I directed his chin to look at me. His gaze was harsh as tears streamed down his cheeks. My heart softened as he chuckled dryly.

"What? Never seen someone cry before?" he turned his head away again to avoid my gaze.

"No. I've just never seen you cry," I answered quietly, almost in a whisper. He scoffed, turning and leaning his back on the balcony wall. 

"How funny. No one ever does."

He had his own open scars. That I could understand. He felt like he always had to keep it together for the others. 

I bet he feels like he has no one to talk to.

"It's okay to cry Yoongi. It's okay to show people that side of you. They won't think any less of who you are."

"You don't get it do you?" He snapped, turning toward me. "You don't understand. That's not how humans work. They always expect us, men to hold down everything and stay strong. We get judged for something like this. We're supposed to be there for support, not for getting support.

That's not even why I'm crying, God. Do you even know what you've done to my heart? Taken it, beaten it, and ran over it yet I'm still here crying over you."

I just listened in silence as he breathed deeply. "I lost my mom and my sister both. Had to let go of my brother to follow my dreams. I had to say goodbye to my grandma as she was put into her coffin. I've had to let go of so many people who had pieces of my heart and still have them. 

With every person I open up to, I just end up destroying my heart more. And it's happening again. Here, with you. Except, I thought this time it would be just a little bit different." He chuckled again, another tear falling onto his shoe. "I just need to stop. I've been given so many chances to learn my lesson that at this point I don't know why I still feel love at all-" I cut him off with a tight hug. 

"I'm so sorry Yoongi. I had no idea. You've been through so much that no person deserves to go through," I sighed into his neck. His arms tightened around me as I felt his tears dampen my shoulder.

"I can't lose you too," he sniffled. My hand slid to his jaw and cheek and moved his head to look at me. 

"You will never lose me. I'll always be with you Yoongi. Always." I offered a reassuring smile before pressing my lips against his wet ones. I could taste his tears but I didn't care. I only cared about Yoongi.


When we returned from our spot outside and found the room we were all in, I paused in front of the door, stopping them from leaving the room.

"Can we set up on the floor in here, please?"

Hoseok giggled and pinched my cheek. "Of course nugget." I rolled my eyes at the nickname before I threw the pillow down on the plush carpet ground. They brought in some blankets and pillows from the other rooms and also set them up on the ground. Eventually, it was a big pile of blankets and pillows. 

"Today has been hectic," Jin called out from his spot. I giggled at the muffled sound, noticing he had stuffed his face in the pillows.

"You can say that again," Namjoon sighed from beside me. I found my way onto his lap and around his torso as I squished my cheek against his firm chest. He chuckled, pulling me tighter against him as all the other boys snuggled up together.

"Hey, what time is it now?" I asked quietly. 

"It's almost 3:30." My eyes warily glanced at my wrist. Not much longer now. "I'm so tired," Taehyung mumbled. He rested against Namjoon's side, his hand sneaking into mine. I intertwined our fingers before pecking his forehead. Jin snuggled up on the other side of Namjoon while the other two maknaes laid their heads on the laps of Hoseok and Yoongi.

"This is nice," I grinned, pecking Namjoon's cheek. A blush coated his cheekbones as I snuggled against him once again. Hobi got off the ground to shut off the light before returning to his spot with Jungkook who cuddled against him. We were all in a little huddle and it felt amazing. I wished it could've come to this earlier. I wish I had more time. I wish I could stay.

But I knew I couldn't. It was impossible. With me looking like this and my planet in danger? I had no choice but to go home. I wasn't even sure how this was going to work.

I sighed deeply as quiet snores filled the room.

"How do they fall asleep so quickly?" I quietly asked no one.

"I know. Isn't it crazy," Hoseok mumbled from somewhere to my left. I turned my head on Namjoon's shoulder to face the voice.

"They must've all been really tired," I added. He hummed softly and I suddenly remembered dancing under the stars with him.

"Hobi? Remember our little Italian date?" 

He laughed quietly. "I do."

"Did you mean everything you said?"

"I did."

I let my eyes rest, feeling them grow heavier. "I love you a lot Jung Hoseok. I love all of you."

Silence. And then I was asleep.

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Double update who 😏

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