Kill Em

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"I saw something on the way here. It should be around....ha! Here we go." I swung the door open fully, a smile spreading over my lips. "Alright boys. Load up."

They slowly entered the room, eyes going big at the sight of all the weapons hanging on the walls. 

"We're gonna shoot them?!" 

I rolled my eyes at Taehyung. "Yes of course we are. Why wouldn't we?"

He looked at me in utter horror as I grabbed a tranquilizer gun. His features softened in relief as he gasped. "Wait oh my god did you think we were going to kill them? No Taehyung. Now go grab a gun and hurry up."

Jungkook had already grabbed one for himself and dropped the frying pan. He loaded it before turning to me.

"Let's do this." I nodded, stuffing the necklace in my pocket and following him back down the halls to the van.

"We need to be smart about this. So let's go to the nearby windows and shoot them from there. Remember, aim and don't hit the actual good people."

They both nodded before going into separate rooms to shoot from. I watched from the door I was at, curious as to why they were just standing there, watching them. Maybe they were waiting for orders to advance from Yoora. Too bad they wouldn't be getting any.

I lifted my gun, aiming for one of the guys in the back. If I could just hit his...I watched in surprise as 3 of the men slumped to the ground. Jungkook and Taehyung were fast! I quickly aimed and shot the one guy I was watching before getting one more. Eventually, they were all on the ground.

I ran out of the building, dropping the gun before running into Jin's arms.

"Holy crap you guys. We need to get in the car, now."

Jungkook and Taehyung quickly made their way out of the building and dragged some of the men aside.

"As soon as one of them got shot, they called backup. We need to go," Namjoon suddenly gained authority again and jumped in the car. Everyone else followed suit before Jin hit the gas and went down the road.

"We need to find another spot to lay low. They already know where the hotel is. We can't go back there," Hoseok reasoned, still slightly hazy. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, offering a small smile.

"I have somewhere we might be able to stay," Yoongi offered quietly. I had almost forgotten he was there.

"Really? Where?"

"My old buddy works around here. We can crash at his place for the night."

We all nodded in agreement as he pulled up the address and gave the directions to Jin. Then he turned to me. "Did you get what you went back in for?"

My hand slowly reached into my pocket as I pulled out the glowing pendant. 

"I did," I whispered, cradling it delicately in my palms. The boys around me looked in wonder while Mila just looked heartbroken.

"She said something about ending up how our planet you think she did something to them? Did we take too long?" She asked quietly. I shut my eyes and leaned my head back. 

"I don't know. But I want to try."

Everyone got quiet after that for the most part. Only Yoongi gives directions every few seconds. Soon we reached his friend's house which thankfully had lights on so someone had to be home. We all loaded out of the car and to the front door where Yoongi knocked twice. It wasn't very long until a young man about his age opened the door for us. 

"Yoongi?" A smile broke out on his face as he hugged Yoongi. "Wow, It's been so long. To what do I owe this pleasure?" 

"Actually, we need a place to stay tonight. Remember that math test I let you cheat on in school? You owe me one." Of course, leave it up to Yoongi to bring up something like that.

"Yoongi you said school doesn't matter," the man raised his eyebrows in a smirk. 

"Well, I am a teacher. It might not but still. Can you do me one just for tonight Taemin?" 

The man looked at all of us before flashing a smile. 

"You're lucky I love you. Welcome on in." We all thanked him while heading inside. I heard Jin tell Yoongi he was going to hide the car in the backyard just in case they caught the license plate before the door shut.

"I assume the girls would like their own rooms?" Mila and I had yet to uncover ourselves. We probably looked like some kidnappers.

"For the one in the black hoodie, please. The grey hoodie is going to bunk with me," Jimin spoke up. I looked down at my hoodie. Oh, grey was me.

Taemin nodded before motioning for Mila to follow him. She disappeared down the hall as I rubbed my eyes. 

"What time is it?" I mumbled, turning to the clock in his living room. 10 after 2. I was exhausted. At the mere thought of a bed, my knees began to weaken. 

"Woah hold on there. You can't fall asleep on us. We have things to talk about," Namjoon called, picking me up around my waist and holding me by his side.

"Yoongi you can show the others their rooms for tonight! I know you know where everything is," Taemin called from down the hall somewhere. Yoongi immediately took the chance to lead us upstairs and to a hall of rooms.

"Taemin normally has a bunch of roommates but they all went on a trip according to the text he sent me a few days ago. Taehyung and Hoseok are in this room. Namjoon and Jin in this one. I'll share with Jungkook. And then Jimin and Rina in the last one at the end."

We all followed orders as Namjoon passed me to Jimin. "Meet in Jimin's room in a few minutes."

And with that everyone disappeared into their rooms.


We're reaching the near end...

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