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I sat in the darkness of my room, the screen in front of me illuminating my features. A smile slowly spread across my lips as I found what I had been looking for.

It had taken me days, maybe even weeks. But at last, I could rest.

I quickly copied down the information before shutting the computer and resting on my back. My smile didn't fall, and as I gazed into their eyes, I knew one day this would all be worth it.

What had started as my friend introducing me to a foreign music genre had become my life. I lived and breathed everything BTS. And one day, I was going to meet them. Stand in the same room as them. Whether they knew about it or not.

I shivered in anticipation, my grin growing even wider. I'm leaving soon. I will be far away. Everything is finalized. Including,

their location.


A new book is going to be released soon! Please make sure to check it out when it does! Updates will be posted regularly and things are going to get a little

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A new book is going to be released soon! Please make sure to check it out when it does! Updates will be posted regularly and things are going to get a little...creepy.

Look out for "Sasaeng" coming out soon!

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